PrismPOS 194 Release Notes

PrismPOS 194 Release Notes

Buy One Get One (TFS3343)

Buy on get one (BOGO) discount had not worked correctly in PrismPOS. This has been corrected.

Adding New Registers (TFS2585)

Code has been changed to remove the "New" text button from Thunder Admin Tool > POS and from Thunder Admin Tool > POS > Registers. Adding a new POS and Register will need to be done in WPAdmin.

Require Rental Xref Parameter Changed (TFS3303)

The parameter for rental XREF in Thunder Admin Tool > Parameters > Other has been changed from "Require Rental Xref" to "Require 12 or 20 character XRef for Rental Items". This change gives the parameter a better description of what it does.

POS Connect Tender (TFS3257)

Code has been added to Thunder Admin Tool > Tenders > Edit. If the Tender is a POS Connect tender and the Auth Type is set to POS Connect, a "POS Connect Parameters" section is added with "Fund Source" and "Term" fields.

SKU Removed from Sale Event (TFS3462)

When a SKU was removed from a Sale Event, the sale event was still active in the cloud. This has been fixed so that if the SKU is removed from a Sale Event, the SKU is no longer a on a Sale Event in the cloud.

Remove Edit Button (TFS2630)

Code has been changed to remove the Edit button from Thunder Admin Tool > Location as this code was used by the old receipts code which is no longer used anywhere in the application.

Adding New Registers (TFS2585)

Code has been changed to remove the "New" text button from Thunder Admin Tool > POS and from Thunder Admin Tool > POS > Registers. Adding a new POS and Register will need to be done in WPAdmin.

Credit Card Logs (TFS3233)

The credit card log was showing declined credit card authorizations as succeeded. This has been fixed so that a declined credit card transaction will show declined in the log.

Register Report (TFS3340)

A new Register Report has been added to the PrismPOS Admin Tool that shows register totals by date per register.

Rental Agreement Changes (TFS3296)

The line feeds in the rental agreement were not displaying correctly when the receipt was emailed. This has been fixed so that the rental agreement displays correctly on an emailed receipt.

Above Cost Discounts (TFS3572)

Above cost discounts on A/R transactions were not working correctly on PrismPOS. This has been fixed so A/R transactions using Above Cost discounts give the correct discount.

Signature Prompt (TFS3601)

When a credit card sale was done on WinPOS and the user selected "Debit" at the pin pad, the transaction was approving without a signature prompt. When the same transaction was done on PrismPOS, a signature prompt was being given. This has been fixed so that PrismPOS behaves the same as WinPOS and does not prompt the user for a signature.

EBT Support Added (TFS3317)

Code has been added to support EBT transactions. Two Authorizations types have been added. EBT Non-Grocery (EBT Cash) and EBT Grocery. Currently the cashier will need distinguish what tenders can be used for certain items.

Check Endorsements (TFS3263)

Certain parameters were causing check endorsements to print too far left to fit the check. This has been fixed so that the check endorsement prints correctly.

POS Open Flag (TFS3422)

The <IsOpen><IsOpen> flag has been added to all packets. In addition, the store was automatically reopening after it was closed. This has been fixed so that the store does not re-open automatically after it has been closed.

Made to Order Discount (TFS3338)

The Made to Order Discount button was smaller than the other buttons so it no longer showed the text "Discount". This has been fixed so that the Made to Order Discount button is large enough to read the "Discount" text on the button.

Support for Campus Debit (TFS2983)

Added support has been added for Campus Debit authorizations.

Customer Receipt (TFS3157)

Emailed receipts were causing errors if the register did not have an assigned customer receipt template. This has been fixed so that if the register does not have a customer receipt template, an emailed receipt does not cause errors. The second issue was that the record was being added to the email queue table which would just keeping logging and building the records. This has been fixed so that the record is being removed from the email queue table.

New Items Not Displaying (TFS3007)

New items were not displaying in the Quick Menu Search. This has been fixed so that new items display correctly when searching from the Quick Menu in Thunder Admin Tool.

ET Issues (TFS2994)

It was noticed that some Windows Server versions were causing the build not to load correctly if NET was not installed. This has been fixed so that the build loads correctly. This was loaded on a site by Jeff Woodcock that was having the issue and the build loaded correctly.

Email Verification Removed (TFS3279)

Email regex validation was always failing so the email validation has been removed from Customer Detail popup. The Email field has been changed so that if it is required, any text will take as long as the field is not null.

Rent Only (TFS3295)

With this enhancement, if an item is checked as 'Rent Only' in Inventory Maintenance in PrismCore, and has a rental record included in an active rental period, the item will be limited to rent only at the PrismPOS register. If an item is checked as 'Rent Only', but has no rental record included in an active rental period, the item will not be available for either rent or buy at the register. It will behave like a 'discontinued' item at the register.

Lock Files (TFS3453)

When files were locked, this was causing issues with WPServer running correctly. This has been fixed so that if a file is locked, WPServer continues to run without error.

Email Configuration (TFS3486)

Code has been added to stop email receipts until the email parameter is configured to send emails. This parameter is currently configured in SQL and not a parameter within the Thunder Admin Tool. When an email is attempted with the parameter set to false, the message ""Send Email (System Parameter) is set to Disabled".

POS Close Indicator (TFS2613)

An indicator flag has been added to the Admin Cloud Tool for 'Closed store notification'. Users now have three different options to choose from.


    1. Ignore closed flag - Allows users to process transactions as they have in the past with the store closed.

NOTE: Using this will cause transactions not to flow to system until the store opens; in addition transactions are dated for the day the store has opened, not the day they were processed.


    1. Show close notification - Will show a yellow message with red wording at the top left corner, noting "Store Closed".

    2. Stop transactions –Will show a message box "store is closed, transactions cannot be completed"
      This new parameter can be set in the Admin Tool by going to "POS", select store location, click on Parameters, and then use "Store closed notification type" drop down to select the parameter. Then, press the "save" button at the bottom of the page.
      NOTE: This feature will check to see if the store is opened for the "current" date not a previous date. If you forgot to close the store on the 1st, your store is still opened for the 1st. However it is not opened for the 2nd, so a message will display that the store is "closed", even though it is opened from the 1st. You will need to close and reopen for the 2nd.

Process Date Change (TFS2234)

With this enhancement, the 'Process Date' for a transaction at the Prism POS register is included in the SQL Sale table. The 'Process Date' is the date the transaction is completed at the register.

Refunding Multiple Items (TFS3864)

Refunding multiple items were causing the tax amount to go zero. This was only happening when the first item refunded was a higher price than the second item and when the taxes rounded with a penny error. This has been fixed so that the tax amount is correct for this scenario.

Sales Event Label (TFS3801)

The Sale Event label on the sale screen was overlapping the Discount label on the sale screen. This has been fixed so that both labels are visible without overlap.

POS Tender Codes (TFS3815)

Updating the Tender Code in WPAdmin > POS tab > Parameters > Tenders was overwriting the POS Code in Thunder Admin Tool > Tenders. This has been fixed so that the Tender Code in WPAdmin does not overwrite the POS Code in Thunder Admin Tool.

Voice Call Authorization (TFS3730)

Code has been added to PrismPOS for call for auth (voice auth) credit card and EBT transactions. This is part of the Shift4 certification requirements.

Heartland OneCard (TFS2612)

Heartland OneCard has been implemented for PrismPOS and Mail Order/Web Orders.

Sales Events on Refunds (TFS3304)

Sale events were not being applied on refunds from a receipt. This has been fixed so that a refund from a receipt that contains a sale event will refund the sale event discount.

Datatel Register ID (TFS3635)

Code has been added to Thunder Admin Tool > POS > Registers > Edit > DatatelRegisterId. The Datatel Register ID must be set for each register.

Results List Not Refreshing (TFS3379)

When Wildcard 13-Digit Search is checked in Thunder Admin Tool > Parameters > Other and a 13 digit barcode is scanned, the new and used is displayed. After one of the items is selected and another 13 digit barcode is scanned, the same results were being displayed instead of the new results. This has been fixed so that the second scan will display the results of the scan rather than the previous scan.

Datatel balance Inquiry (TFS3286)

Datatel Balance Inquiries and Datatel split tendered transactions were not working. These issues have been fixed so that split tendered Datatel transactions can be completed as well as Datatel Balance Inquiries.

Swiping a Customer Card (TFS3769)

Code has been added to allow a customer to be added by swiping a customer card. The Customer Card is setup in Thunder Admin Tool > MSR. The "Is Customer Card" flag must be checked. If the length of the card swiped is equal or greater than the Length field set in MSR the card will be read and can be added with the following message being given: "Customer not found - Would you like to add customer (customer number)". Pressing "No" will cancel the add, pressing "Yes" will take the user to the Customer Details screen to add the customer. The customer number will automatically be filled in. If the length of the card is less than the length set in the Length field, the message "The application encountered an error. Please try again" is given.

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