December 2022 PrismPOS Release Notes

Application updates from October 29 – November 25, 2022

Release to production: December 4, 2022

PrismPOS is the preferred point-of-sale solution for PrismCore and Mosaic. As additional functionality is added to Mosaic, application APIs are expanding to offer expected behavior regardless of a store’s inventory management system. Along with essential data exchange, there is an ongoing initiative to unify POS configuration, content management, and transaction processing within Mosaic. This application makes use of enhanced Mosaic APIs to exchange data.

Stability and Performance

Although there are no application-specific changes this month, PrismPOS resources continue to focus on the consolidation of services that simplify maintenance and increase performance. This ongoing attention will likely lead to notable updates early next year. Additionally, strategic logging is being added and monitored continuously to identify the most impactful PrismPOS improvements moving forward.

Miscellaneous Enhancements and Bug Fixes (all stores)

NBC Encryption - Due to unexpected consequences that impacted new system setup, the NBC Encryption service changes delivered in November have been reverted to the previous state. Similar to the change delivered in November, this update should go unnoticed to most clients.


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