February 2023 PrismPOS Release Notes

February 2023 PrismPOS Release Notes

Application updates from November 26, 2022 – January 20, 2023

Release to production: February 12, 2023

PrismPOS is the preferred point-of-sale solution for PrismCore and Mosaic. As additional functionality is added to Mosaic, application APIs are expanding to offer expected behavior regardless of a store’s inventory management system. Along with essential data exchange, there is an ongoing initiative to unify POS configuration, content management, and transaction processing within Mosaic. This application makes use of enhanced Mosaic APIs to exchange data.

Stability and Performance

Failed Transaction - Some transactions were failing to import due to a “Sequence contains no elements” error. This problem creates persistent reconciliation issues for some stores. Although it is difficult to diagnose every scenario that may cause sequence errors, significant progress has been made to correct problematic messages formats, discard erroneous transact data, log failures, and send notification at the time import failures occur. PrismRBS support and development teams continue to monitor for situations that lead to failed imports.

Services - Changes were delivered and validation was completed to ensure that the required NBC Encryption service automatically restarts after updates. This eliminates the need for a manual restart that caused post-upgrade disruptions.

Department Charges

Based on internal and external feedback, the “Additional Prompts” added for department charge processing in November 2022 have been adjusted to ensure the integrity of the PrismPOS tender screen and captured inputs.

  • The character limit on data entry at the register is capped at 50 characters. If more than 50 characters are entered, a message box will be displayed showing "(field) is more than 50 characters".

  • To make entry more efficient, users may tab to the next prompt.

  • Only the active prompt is highlighted during input. Before, multiple prompts could appear highlighted causing potential confusion.

Miscellaneous Enhancements and Bug Fixes

Serial Numbers - A scenario where scanned entries were rejected while manual entry worked was resolved. Users should be able to successfully scan serial numbers moving forward.

Serial Numbers - A cashier may now Cancel the serial number entry prompt without error. Before, cancelling the “Scan Serial XREF Barcode Now” prompt, caused an application exception error.

Memberships - DCC discounts text for memberships now prints for all valid locations. Previously, membership discounts were not printing on receipts at secondary locations.


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