PrismPOS July 2019
PrismPOS July 2019
PrismPOS Release Notes July 21, 2019
Version 1.9
Register Bug Fix
- When required customer information was, the cashiers would be alerted one field at a time as they tried to complete the transaction. Now if required customer information is missing, a message is displays showing all missing fields.
- A slight delay was occurring in the sequence series, so if two registers were both running Blackboard transactions at the same time, they would both grab the same sequence number. The delay no longer occurs, and sequence series now assigns correctly.
- Swiping a card on the Toshiba T10 register, it would swipe correctly on the first swipe but not on a second swipe. The MSR is now able to read a swipe each time a card is swiped.
Version 2.0
Admin Tool Enhancements
- Two new fields have been added in Thunder Admin Tool > Configuration > System Parameters > Campus Debit. FA Link URL and Port and FA Link Store Number need to be filled in with the information provided by FA Link. This allows Balance Inquiry, on FA Link and print the balance on the receipt.
- If an offline transaction fails to import, the system will send an email to the PrismRBS Development Team notifying of the failure.
- FA link will now authorize directly from the cloud instead of through the back office and then the cloud.
Admin Tool Bug Fix
- Post Void transactions were showing up on the Transaction Reconciliation Report reporting as Not Synced. The report now correctly does not show Post Voided transactions.
Register Enhancements
- When printing a gift receipt, a single item or multiple items, may be selected to print on the gift receipt.
- When too much text was entered for a button, the text would run off the button This has been changes so that if there is more text than the button can display, a "..." will be added to the end of the text.
- The Transaction Discount screen is now in a list form rather than a button form which is more in line with the new register format throughout the program.
- The Insert prompt buttons are now Skip and Print, instead of Cancel and OK.
- The Tax Override screen now displays a list of taxes rather than buttons.
Register Bug Fixes
- When a transaction is tendered, with FA Link, the customer account number is now prints on the receipt.
- When required customer information was, the cashiers would be alerted one field at a time as they tried to complete the transaction. Now if required customer information is missing, a message is displays showing all missing fields.
- Using a credit card as a guaranteed tender no longer causes an error.
- When a post void transaction failed, the next transaction would be complete as a void rather than a sale, refund, etc. This has been corrected.
- A slight delay was occurring in the sequence series, so if two registers were both running Blackboard transactions at the same time, they would both grab the same sequence number. The delay no longer occurs, and sequence series now assigns correctly.
- Server Stack errors were occurring on Credit Card and Campus Debit transactions. This has been corrected so that these errors will not be given.
- A/R accounts were expiring on the expiration date so refunds could not be done on the expired date rather than allowing refunds to be completed through the expiration date. This has been corrected so transactions can still be done on the expiration date but the accounts can not be used the next day after the expiration date.
- When suspended transactions were retrieved, none of the changes that could have been made were saved. Now if the transaction is modified, and then suspended changes will be saved when the transaction is retrieved.
- NOTE: If a Price Override and an Item or Transaction Discount is applied, the Apply Discount flag does not save when retrieving the transaction. This is in the process of being corrected.
- Swiping a card on the Toshiba T10 register, it would swipe correctly on the first swipe but not on a second swipe. The MSR is now able to read a swipe each time a c ard is swiped.
- When attempting to Post Void a DCC sale that contained a discount, the message Error Voiding Transaction was displaying. This now works correctly.
Register Enhancements Ratex Only
- Serial number items can be sold on PrismPOS for VR customers.
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