PrismPOS November 2019
PrismPOS November 2019
PrismPOS Release Notes November 17, 2019
Version 2.0
Admin Tool Enhancements
- What's New, section has been added on the Admin Tool Webpage. This will display the information that is displayed when logging in for the first time after an update.
- You may now view rental history in the Admin Tool at, Inventory > Items > Rentals. Select Rentals tab and a Rental Period drop down list displays as well as a Search box and More Options. If More Options is selected the following Search options display:
- Catalog Number
- Barcode
- Author
- Title
- Description
A list of rental SKUs display for each rental period selected. Viewing a SKU gives more information about the item, including Rental XREF's assigned and Rental History.
- In Admin Tool > Reports, a new Tender Authentication Log report has been added. This report will display all transactions that required authorization to complete. The report can be filtered by POS, Date, Tender, Transaction Type, Receipt#, Name, Amount and Transaction Status (Completed or Not Completed). Once data is generated, the transactions can be sorted by Transaction, Receipt #, Cashier ID, Timestamp, Card Number, Request Amount, Approved Amount and Terminal ID.
Admin Tool Bug Fix
- When the Expire Passwords after X days setting was 0 all passwords were being set to Expired. This has been fixed so that when set to 0 passwords never expire.
Register Enhancements
- When enough items are added to the transaction, the list will become swipe-able and a scroll bar displays, for registers that are unable to use the swipe-able feature. This allows users to view all items on the transaction without pressing up and down arrow buttons. The list now moves line by line as items are added to the transaction.
Register Bug Fixes
- Items on deactivated Sales Events now sell for the correct retail price.
- All transactions imported are now the register time zone so they display correctly in Transaction Inquiry.
- Bank Debit cards were being treated as Campus Debit cards. This has been fixed so that when a Bank Debit card is used as a tender, the card can be swiped at the pin pad which goes out to the Credit Card Server instead of asking for a card number at the register which goes out to a Campus Debit Server.
- Customer Account Balances are now importing correctly.
- When quantities were being refunded, the SKU count was being used instead of the SKU quantity. This has been fixed so that when multiple quantities of the same SKU are being refunded, the correct count is being displayed.
- When a non-discountable item was added to a transaction that contained a transaction discount, a second time, the second item would be discounted. This has been fixed so that the item is not discounted when added to the transaction after the first time it is added.
- When a rental was returned for zero dollars and then the price was overridden so that it is a rental refund, the transaction did not flow to PrismCore. The transaction did flow to Transaction Inquiry in Admin Tool but without taxes. This has been fixed so that when a rental return is overridden to a rental refund, the transaction flows correctly to PrismCore Admin > POS tab > Maintenance > Transaction Inquiry and Admin Tool > Transaction Inquiry.
- When an item or transaction discount was applied to a transaction, the closed receipt screen was not displaying correctly. This has been fixed so that the Total Discount, Subtotal, Tax and Total all display the correct information as well as the receipt total displayed in the upper right of the receipt list.
- When a transaction with multiple items was partially refunded, the default (original) tender amount was only refunding a single item, not all items. This has been fixed so that when a transaction is partially refunded, the default tender (original) has the correct refund amount on the tender button.
- The Tax Exempt ID from the original sale will now copy to any refund. When a refund of a tax exempt transaction is done, the Tax Exempt ID will be displayed at the register in Transaction Details and print on the refunded receipt. The Tax Exempt ID correctly displays in Thunder Admin Tool > Transaction Inquiry.
- A/R transactions with discounts can complete correctly without error.
- Prism2.0 was prompting for a signature whenever a debit card tender was used. This has been fixed so that a signature is not prompted when a debit card tender is used.
Note: A signature will not be prompted for a debit card tender even if the Capture Signature on PIN Pad checkbox is checked. This is by design and matches how Prism360 (1.9) works.
Register Bug Fixes Ratex Only
- When a digital text was returned it was flowing back to VR with no associated class. This has been fixed so that returns flow back into VR with an associated class.
- VR rental check-ins of "Damaged" or "Not Returned" were not populating the saleItemTenderAuths table. This has been fixed so that the saleItemTenderAuths table is updated when a rental check-in of Damaged or Not Returned is done.
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