October 3, 2021 PrismPOS Release Notes

October 3, 2021 PrismPOS Release Notes


DCC Restrictions Override

Customers may now disregard DCC Restrictions A/R tenders with manager approval. This feature can be assigned per user or can be authorized by Manager Override at the time of tender.

Thunder Admin Tool > Configuration > Users > Profiles > Modules > Register includes a checkbox to “Allow DCC Restriction Override”. If enabled and DCC restriction(s) are on an account, PrismPOS shows "Some items cannot be tendered with A/R Charge because of account restrictions" with the following options.

Override DCC Restrictions for this Tender on this Sale


On "Override DCC Restrictions for this Tender on this Sale" AR tender will be allowed, regardless of the DCC restrictions. If "OK" is selected, the AR tender will not be used for restricted products.

Mosaic integration

  • Stock on Hand - Register transactions adjust the Stock on Hand in Mosaic correctly. When a sale is done, the SOH is decreased. For refunds, SOH is increased. Updates are reflected in Mosaic > Products > Product Maintenance as well as in Mosaic > Products > Stock Adjustment Report. The Stock Adjustment report will show "Sold" or "Refund" as the reason for on hand changes.

  • Web Order Processing - API sever code was changed to allow Mosaic to charge a credit card token for a web sale. There is no card data input within Mosaic, so this change is necessary to process shipments.

  • PrismPOS Images - If a product image exists in the Mosaic database, it will be displayed at the register as part of the description. Images are displayed for both sales and refunds. If there is a product image, selecting the Details button will increase the image size for better viewing.


  • Refunds – With FreedomPay multi-lane setup, refunds are now attributed to the correct pin pad.

Note: Complete validation was challenging, since PRBS has a single FreedomPay device enabled for QA. The application changes performed as expected by receipt and by item updates. Full validation must be confirmed via field testing.

  • Rentals - When sending a 0.00 SALE request to collect a credit card token for rental guarantees, some processors do not support 0.00 SALE requests. This has been fixed by using a CreateToken request so that rental guarantee by credit card can be done regardless of the processor.

Thunder Admin Tool - Transaction Inquiry

Transaction inquiry has had several updates including:

  • A re-design was done to make it easier to use.

  • Inquiry now supports an asterisk (*) wildcard search. Date filters are still applied, but an asterisk will return all results for a partial receipt number.

  • A Cashier dropdown filter has been added. Cashier name can be selected, and when searched, results will display transactions associated with that cashier. Other filters can be used along with the Cashier filter to limit results.

  • When a transaction was canceled by post void, the application now displays the original transaction receipt, rather than the post void reference.

  • If a post void of a transaction was done that had an item with a quantity greater than 1 and a discount, the discount on the post void was being doubled. This has been fixed so the discount displays correctly.

  • Discount, Tax and Total fields were blank in Sale Details. This has been fixed so that the Discount, Tax and Total fields display the correct amounts.

  • Transactions that contain sale event item(s) can be seen in Transaction Inquiry

  • Tenders - An "Is Taxed" checkbox has been added to Thunder Admin Tool > Transaction Inquiry > Tenders section. If the tender is setup to be taxed, then this checkbox will be checked.

NOTE: If the Tax Exempt flag is set to Yes in Transaction Details and the tender user is set up to be taxed exempt, the "Is Taxed" checkbox will be checked. The flag is determined by the Tender Setup.


Sale Event - When a manual tax override was done on a Sale Event item, the refund price would not be the same as the sale price. This has been fixed so that when a Sale Event with a manual tax override is refund, the refund amount is the same as the sale amount.

Sales Event - If a sale event had a price override, item discount, or transaction discount applied, the item and tax total would not match the authorized tender amount and the discount amount appeared positive instead of negative. This has been fixed as follows:

If a sale event item has a price override, the price over amount will be the new item amount regardless of the "Apply Discounts" flag. This means the sale event discount will be removed when a price override is applied. Item and Transaction discounts can still be applied and the best discount will be used. So, if the discount applied is less than the sale event, the sale event discount will be used. If the applied discount is better than the sale event discount, then the applied discount will be used.

Rental Check in – Several issues related to losing the rental XREFs were addressed. Sample of scenarios that previously caused issues are:

  • First scenario - When checking in two rental items on the same transaction from different customers the application message not user friendly. The message now shows: "Customer (customer) does not match the customer for rental xref (rental XREF). Would you still like to return this rental on this transaction?"

  • Second scenario – The application was confused when a customer was linked to a transaction where some items were not rentals and a rental XREF is scanned. No message was given and the rental was added to the transaction as a zero dollar return, even if the rental was within the refund expiration date. This has been fixed to display the same message as described above. The rental item is added as a refund (money back).

  • Third scenario - Customer rented multiple copies of the book and then checked in all copies on the same transaction.

Rental Check in – To avoid incorrect discount application. PrismPOS will not allow a rental to be returned by another customer if the account discounts are not set up the same. If a return is attempted the message "Customer (customer name) does not match the customer for rental xref (XREF). Because the customers have different account discounts this rental can't be added to the transaction".

Quick Menu Cloning - When the Clone button is pressed on a Quick Menu Profile in Thunder Admin Tool > Configuration > Quick Menu, only the name of the Quick Menu was being copied, none of the items were being copied. This has been fixed.

NOTE: The "Import WinPrism pages" checkboxes which include "Pay In", "Pay Out", "Gift Card" and "DCC Sale" are not cloned and will need to be rechecked if wanted.

Reports - The SQl error that FMBO locations experienced when running Thunder Admin Tool > Reports > Transactions was resolved.

CBord Campus Cards - Cbord Odyssey connection failures were reconciled. Previously connection attempts were consistently failing in a recognizable pattern.

First Published 07/20/2021

Edited 07/22/2021

© 2021 PrismRBS, LLC  All rights reserved.


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