PrismPOS 1.9 Release Notes

PrismPOS 1.9 Release Notes


Item Binding

The Item Binding (BD) field was not flowing from PrismCore for Text and Trade to PRISMPOS. This has been fixed so the Binding (BD) field flows correctly from PrismCore to the PRISMPOS and can be seen when pressing the "Show Details" button after an item has been added to the transaction.

Requires Account

The "Requires Account" flag has been moved from the Edit Tender screen to the Edit POS Tender screen in Thunder Admin Tool.

Apostrophe Issue

Apostrophe's in the location name or description was causing errors. This has been fixed to allow apostrophe's in the location name or description.

Account DCCs

The import of account DCC from PrismCore into PRISMPOS was really slow. This has been fixed to speed up the import.

DCCs Not Flowing

DCC were only flowing if items were assigned to the DCC, but the DCC had to be touched before the item would flow. This has been fixed so that the DCC flows to PRISMPOS and if an item is attached will be available at the register without touching the DCC.

Special Items

The system has been changed to flow deletion of special items to PRISMPOS.

Change Due

The "Change Due" text color has been changed to red when change due is to be given back to the customer.

Resolve Rental Item

The system has been changed so that when a rental item needed resolved, it is clearer to the user what needs to be done. Previously the message stated, "Please Resolve Rental Item [item description]". This has been changed to "Please select Buy or Rent for item: [item description]". The font size was also increased for easier readability.

Field Size Increase

The size of the text for the following fields have been increased for better readability:


    • Subtotal

    • Discount

    • Tax

    • Total (amount)

    • Tender

    • Remaining (amount)

Gift Card Tendering

The system has been changed to improve gift card tendering. When a gift card is selected as the tender the Enter Amount screen shows the "Swipe card now or continue to manually enter the account number" in a larger font. If a swipe is not done there, the next screen text has been changed to "Swipe GIFT CARD". At this prompt a gift card can be swiped or manually entered.

Transaction Buttons

The main transaction buttons have been renamed to be more clear to the user. The following changes were made:


    • The text of the "Details" button has been changed to "Transaction Details"

    • The text of the "Discount" button has been changed to "Transaction Discount".

    • The text of the "Suspend" button has been changed to "Suspend Transaction".

    • The text of the "Cancel" button has been changed to "Cancel Transaction".

Outstanding Rental Prompt

A prompt been added to alert the cashier if a customer has outstanding rentals. If a customer has outstanding rentals, the message "Has Overdue rentals" will be displayed in red under the customer name/number. The yellow customer ribbon can be clicked to bring up the Customer Details screen. Within the Customer Details screen, a "Customer Rentals" button has been added (only if a customer has overdue rentals). When clicked a list of overdue rentals is displayed with the following information:

  • Title, Author, ISBN, Rental Date, Rental Due Date
    A "Back" button has been added to exit this screen and go back to the Customer Details screen.

    Customer Details Popup

    Code has been added to make the Customer Details popup window buttons more intuitive. The following buttons on the Customer Details window have been changed to:

    • Cancel (closes the popup window without saving changes)

    • Edit Customer (enables editing of customer fields, disabled when Editing Customer)

    • Save Changes (disabled in default state, enabled when Editing Customer)

    • Customer Rentals (displays rentals assigned to the customer, disabled when Editing Customer)

    • Assign to Transaction / Remove from Transaction (assigns or removes the customer from the transaction - depending on if the customer is or is not attached to a transaction, disabled when Editing Customer)

    • The (X) icon has been removed from the yellow customer ribbon flag since the user can now un-assign customer from the transaction using the buttons in the Customer Details screen.

Cancel in Customer Detail

When adding an account to a customer in the Customer Details popup window, if the Cancel button was pressed, it closed the entire Customer Details window, rather than cancelling the action. This has been fixed so that the Cancel button just cancels the adding of an account and returns the user

Deletion of Tax Code

Deletions of tax code/groups was not flowing to PRISMPOS. This has been fixed so that when a tax code is deleted from a Tax Code Group, the tax code deletion flows to the PRISMPOS register.

Student ID Swipe

Code has been added to auto-assign a customer to a transaction when swiping the student ID. When the student ID is swiped, if found, the customer will be automatically added to the transaction.

Tender Authorization Time

Tender authorization time stamps have been added to Thunder Admin Tool > Transaction Inquiry in the Tenders section. The field is called "Auth Timestamp".

Barcode Error

Code has been added to alert the cashier when scanning a barcode that isn't found. If a cashier scans a barcode that isn't found, 5 quick beeps will sound.

Deletion of Discounts

Deletions of discounts were not flowing to PRISMPOS. This has been fixed so that deletions of discounts flow to PRISMPOS.

Pay In Pay Out

Code has been changed so that Pay In and Pay Outs are tied to a POS and flow from PrismCore to PRISMPOS.

Transport Logic

The transport logic from PrismCore to PRISMPOS has been re-written.

Allow Non-Merch

When the "Allow Non-Merch" drop down menu had "Select Non-Merch" selected, it was being treated as "No Non-Merch". This has been fixed so that when the "Allow Non- Merch" field in PrismCore Admin > Accounting tab > Receivables > Account Maintenance > Non- Merch tab is selected, only the Non-Merch items added in the "PrismCore Non- Merchandise" window can be purchased with that A/R account.

Item Discount

Code has been added to convert the picker wheel for Item Discount to a table view.

A/R Reference

When the A/R reference number prompt was given, the cursor was not being defaulted into the field. This has been fixed so that the focus is in Reference Number field.

Boarder Added

Code has been added to add a border around the "Use as Rental Guarantee" checkbox. This makes the checkbox easier to see on screen.

Account Reference Number

The Account Reference Number has been added Thunder Admin Tool > Transaction Inquiry. The Account Reference Number now shows in both PrismCore Admin > Transaction Inquiry > Hammer Menu > Additional Information... and in Thunder Admin Tool > Transaction Inquiry.

Search Not Found

Code has been added to display the search as well as vibrate the sled to alert the cashier that the search was not found. When scanning an item that is not found, the sled vibrates and displays the message "No results - No Results found for this Barcode search. [(barcode)]".

Dual Barcode Scanning

Code has been added to allow barcode scanning on PRISMPOS and PrismCore at the same time. To scan barcodes on both applications, an Nbc.Client.OposHook.exe must be running. This is found in the Thunder > Client directory.

Tender Code Field

A Tender Code field has been added to the Tender Edit screen in Thunder Admin Tool.

Added Logging

Logging has been added for:

  • Jumpbooks auths, refunds, and errors

  • CC and bank debit auths

  • Signature requests

  • Tokenization requests

  • Campus debit auths

  • Track data when swiping campus debit and gift cards

  • Cbord XML raw messages

  • Atrium raw messages

  • TCSPOS raw messages

Code has also been added to the Log View in Thunder Admin Tool > Log > Message Type to sort by All, Success, Error or Trace.

Customer Merge

PrismCore Customer Merge was not flowing to PRISMPOS. This has been fixed so that Customer Merge does flow to PRISMPOS.

Customer Export

Export of a customer was failing and causing all exports of transactions to stop. After this fix was made, an error was being given when changes to a customer was made and attached to a transaction. These issues have been fixed so that when a transaction that has a customer on it is completed or that customer is edited, the transaction flows correctly to PrismCore without error.

A/R Account Reference

The A/R account reference required flag was not being sent from PrismCore to PRISMPOS, so the user would not be prompted for the A/R reference number. This has been fixed so that if an A/R account requires an A/R reference number, the user is prompted for this number during the tender process.

ROA Pay In

ROA Pay Ins were not displaying on the A/R Reconciliation Report or the Received-on Account Report correctly. These issues have been fixed so that the A/R Reconciliation Report now displays the ROA Pay In as a "PI" in the "Trans Code" column rather than an "SA" for sale. The Received-on Account Report is correctly displaying the ROA Pay In, which it was not doing before.

Post Voids

Post Voids were not importing correctly if they did not arrive in the same packet as the original transaction. This has been fixed so that post voids import correctly whether they are in the same packet as the original transaction or not.

Rental Period

The rental period was not displaying when "Rent" was selected the first time, only after "Buy" and then "Rent" was selected again. This has been fixed so that when the "Rent" button is pressed for the first time, the rental period is displayed above the XREF field.

A/R Reference Not Importing

The A/R reference number was not being imported with the transaction. This has been fixed so that when an A/R Reference Number is required on a transaction, it is imported with the transaction and can be seen in PrismCore Admin > POS tab > Maintenance > Transaction Inquiry.

Basket ID

PrismCore was not importing the BasketID from PRISMPOS Redshelf transactions. This has been fixed so that the BasketID from Redshelf transactions is imported into PrismCore and can be seen in the Digital Content module in PrismCore.

Net Sales by Tax Code

When a taxed item was changed to a non-taxed item on the PRISMPOS register by doing a tax override, the transaction was not showing on the Net Sales by Tax Code report. This has been changed to that the transaction shows correctly on the Net Sales by Tax Code report when a taxed item is changed to a non-taxed item.

Thunder Data Check

The thunder data check function was added to interfaces as a safeguard. They have been removed or commented out and can be added back on a store by store basis.

Missing Address

If a phone number was added to a customer without an address in PRISMPOS, that customer would not flow to PrismCore. This has been fixed so if the customer has a phone number without an address, the customer and phone number will flow correctly to PrismCore.

Receipt Issues

The following item note caused the receipt printing to break: "L P O T J " This has been fixed so that this item note works by adding white space trimming to all notes before they are printed. Any notes that contain spaces at the beginning of the note will be trimmed for the receipt printing.

Cancelling a Card Transaction

Cancelling a credit card transaction at the pin pad was still prompting for a signature when tendering with a non-credit card tender. This has been fixed so that if a credit card tender is cancelled at the pin pad and a non-credit card tender (or non-signature required tender) is selected, the pin pad will not prompt for the signature.

Tender Flow

New tenders flowing from PrismCore did not have the "RequiresCustomerReceipt" set. This has been fixed so that when a new tender is added in PrismCore, the default
will be "Requires Customer Receipt" on and "Requires Merchant Receipt" off. Both flags are editable in the Thunder Admin Tool and will need to be modified there.

Redshelf Refunds

Redshelf refunds were not being imported into PrismCore. This has been fixed so that a Redshelf refund correctly imports into PrismCore.

Log Event

The Logevent table was not being truncated. This has been fixed so that the Logevent table truncates to the number of days in Thunder Admin Tool > Parameters > Days to Keep Log.

Large Number of Sales Events

Large number of sale events were causing issues. Code has been added to help fix this issue.

Gift Card Swiping

Gift card swiping on the MSR was not working correctly in all places of the app. This has been fixed so that the MSR works for setting up a gift card, using the Balance Inquiry feature and for tender a gift card.

Rental Transaction Cancellation

If a rental transaction was cancelled, a rental insert was still being prompted. This has been fixed so that if a rental transaction is cancelled, no insert is prompted.

Tender Window

When a rental guarantee was selected, the tender window was not displaying correctly and the user needed to press the down arrow on the window. This has been fixed so that the guarantee tender selection window displays correctly without needing to press the down arrow.

Username Focus

When logging into PRISMPOS, the focus was not in the Username field and has to be clicked on before logging in can begin. This has been fixed so that the focus is in the Username field for a quicker login.

Auth Message Change

Code has been changed to remove an '|' characters when the authorization message is built to be sent to WPServer

10 Digit Zip

Code has been changed to allow for a 10-digit Zip code (12345-6789). The PRISMPOS register will now allow for the following patterns:
 12345
 12345-6789

  • A1A 1A1

Report Hour Offset

The Report Hour Offset Parameter in Thunder Admin Tool >POS > Parameters was no longer working. This has been fixed so that the parameter works. If the parameter is set, the Cashier and Register Totals reports will print with the correct number of hours offset that is set in the Hour Offset Parameter field.

NMRP Transactions

Rental components with NMRP were not transferring correctly from PRISMPOS. This has been fixed so that NMRP rentals done at PRISMPOS flow correctly back to PrismCore.

Negative Tax

There was an issue with negative taxes on split tenders. This has been corrected.

Disabled Transaction Discount

When starting a transaction, the "Transaction Discount" button is disabled until an item is added to the transaction. However, if a customer was added first (before an item) the Transaction Discount button was being enabled. When pressed, an error was being given. This has been fixed so that the Transaction Discount button is disabled until an item is added to the transaction.

Clearing Customer

The customer was not getting cleared from a previous transaction to be assigned on the next transaction. This has been fixed so that if a transaction is completed with a customer attached, that customer can be used again on the next transaction and the "Assign Transaction To" button is enabled.

Remove Extra A/R Accounts

Code has been changed to remove extra A/R accounts from a transaction if not used. Before the change, if a customer had multiple A/R account, each account the customer had would be listed and if not used would display a "0.00". Now only the accounts used on the transaction display on the receipt and in Transaction Inquiry.

Refunds with A/R

When a transaction containing a refunded item with multiple item discounts and tendered with A/R is exported, the tender was being duplicated causing sales to be out of balance. This has been fixed, so only one A/R tender is being displayed.

Full Download Errors

There were some Import SQL Exception errors happening during a full download. This has been fixed so that the full download completes correctly without error.

Gift Card Sales

There was an issue with selling a gift card that had 16 digits on track 2 only. This has been fixed so that these cards can be sold by swiping on the PRISMPOS register.

Pay In Conversion

When a Pay In was converted to a Pay Out, it ended up as both a Pay in and a Pay Out in PRISMPOS. This has been fixed so that when a Pay In is converted to a Pay Out or vice versa, it displays correctly in PRISMPOS.

Cashiers Not Linked

Cashiers were not liked to POS during import. This has been fixed so that when a Cashier is created in PrismCore, the POS flows to Thunder Admin Tool so the user does not have to add the POS to the cashier.

Serial Number Deletions (TFS2255)

Serial Number deletions were not flowing from PrismCore to PRISMPOS. This has been fixed so that serial number deletions flow.

Multiple Rental Agreements (TFS2252)

If there were multiple agreements with the same name and one of the agreements were deleted, all agreements with that name were being deleted. This has been fixed so that if multiple agreements have the same name and one of them is deleted, only that agreement will be deleted.

Barcodes Not Flowing (TFS2241)

Item barcodes were not being sent as part of the new Thunder transports. This has been fixed, so that when a barcode is added, it flows from PrismCore to PRISMPOS.

Expired Sales Events (TFS2066, v28.2.23)

Changing a sale event to an expired date was not flowing to PRISMPOS. This has been fixed so that if the sale event is changed to have an expired date, the change flows to PRISMPOS and that sale event is no longer valid at the register.

Add Account Screen (TFS1339, v28.3.1)

The "Add Account" in the POS Register program was not sorting the accounts. This has been fixed so that the accounts are sorted numerically and then alphabetically.

Customer Required (TFS2072)

When adding a rental item to the transaction, the Customer is Required flag was not appearing until the end of the transaction. This has been fixed so that when a rental item is added to the transaction, the red Customer is Required flag appears.

Credit Card Issues (TFS2139)

Credit cards were periodically going down and getting an error. This has been corrected.

Dual Barcode Scanning (TFS2245)

Code has been added to allow barcode scanning on PRISMPOS and PrismCore at the same time. In order to scan barcodes on both applications, an Nbc.Client.OposHook.exe must be running. This is found in the Thunder > Client directory.

Network Connection Lost (TFS2219)

If there was no network connection to the register, the server registration details were being deleted. This has been fixed so that if there is no network connection to the server the message "Cannot connect to server" is given and the registration details are not deleted.

Customer Addresses Not Displaying (TFS2281)

Customer Addresses were not showing in the Customer Detail. This has been fixed so that a full Customer Download brings over the customer address into PRISMPOS.

Full Download (TFS2302, TFS2331)

When a full download was done, the DCC button was being deleted. This has been fixed so that the DCC button is not deleted when a full download is done. Also, timeouts were occurring in some cases. This has been corrected.

Multiple Quick Menu Profiles (TFS2329)

When multiple Quick Menu profiles were set as the default, a download of registers was causing errors. This has been fixed so that only one Quick Menu profile in Thunder Admin Tool can be set as the default.

Multiple Quick DCCs (TFS2330)

When multiple Quick DCC's had the same Quick SKU, a merge error was being given. This has been fixed to allow multiple Quick DCC's to have the same SKU.

Null Postal Code (TFS2332)

A 'null' postal code was causing issues. This has been corrected.

Register Added (TFS2346)

Code has been changed so that the Register Terminal ID flows to Thunder Admin Tool when a register is created but not when the terminal ID is edited.

Variable Discounts (TFS2348)

Variable % discounts were being transported as variable $ discounts. This has been fixed so that variable % discount transport as variable % discounts.

RedShelf ISBN (TFS2350)

When non Redshelf titles were sold at the register, the Log in Thunder Admin Tool was displaying "Failed to retrieve jumpbook ISBN for SKU". This has been fixed to make sure the item is a Redshelf title before going into that code.

Security Changes (TFS2356)

A few issues have been corrected. Some logins when cashiers were setup at different locations were being disabled after a Full Cashier Download. This has been fixed so that logins are not disabled after a Full Cashier Download. Another issue was that the cashiers were needing to change their passwords after the Full Cashier Download. This has been fixed so that a password change is not needed after a Full Cashier Download.

DCC Transport Issues (TFS2351)

DCC Transport was giving a delete error if the transport tried to delete a DCC that had been used previously in PRISMPOS. This has been fixed by checking to make sure it is not in use before deleting.

Bad Check Blank (TFS2352)

The new transports were sending blank or null bad check numbers for a customer as blank. Code has been changed to always send NULL.

Barcode Transport (TFS2353)

When a single barcode was being transported, all other barcodes were being deleted. This has been fixed so the other barcodes are not deleted wen a single barcode is being transported.

Token Storage (TFS2358)

A message was being written to the log and the POS parameter storing that token was being updated every time a credit card authorization was done in PRISMPOS with an authorization token returned in the response. This has been fixed so that it only updates the POS parameter when the POS parameter is blank and still does the log message.

Signature Only (TFS2377)

The signature only and token request has been changed to send the Shift4 access token with the request.

Discount Disabled Message (TFS2383)

After updating, some sites were reporting a "Discount is disabled <X>" message even when the discount was not disabled. This has been fixed so this message is not displayed.

Membership Customer Updates (TFS2404)

An error was being given in WPConsole when a Membership Customer was being updated. Membership Tiers were not being deleted in PRISMPOS. These issues have been fixed so when a Membership Customer is updated and a Membership Tier is deleted, WPConsole does not error and the Membership Tier is removed from the customer in PRISMPOS.

Rental Imports (TFS2420)

Code has been changed to allow rental imports with a null XREF.

Customer Search Incorrect (TFS2371)

If a customer search is done that only has one result, and the customer details screen is presented, it may have the wrong buttons enabled. The view will show the remove from transaction button instead of the assign to transaction. This only happens if the previous transaction done had a customer attached.

Merchandise and Pay-In Transaction (TFS2480)

A sale that combined both merchandise and a pay in/out was causing the sales to not balance. This has been corrected.

MSR Parsing Error (TFS1850)

Code has been changed to provide a better error message when MSR parsing fails. The message has been changed from "the length must be a position within the string" to "Unable to parse track number. MSR configuration may be incorrect".

Post Void on a Blackboard Tender (TFS2415)

Post Voiding a Blackboard tender was debiting the account. This has been fixed so that when a post void of a sale is done, the account will be refunded or credited, if a post void of a refund is done, the account will be debited.

Failed Users Not Being Logged (TFS2206)

Failed user logins at the register were not being logged to the Security Log in Thunder Admin Tool. This has been fixed so that if a user login at the register fails, the Security Log will display "Unsuccessful register login for user '(user)'".

Searching by ISBN (TFS2231)

When searching by ISBN, the dashes must match the format in the database, otherwise the item would not be found. This has been fixed by removing the "-" characters before searching if the search string looks to be an ISBN.

Large Transport Files (TFS2312)

When a large transport file is sent from the back office, like a full download, the watcher code will try to read it too fast, before the entire file has been copied. This has been corrected.

Session Token Errors (TFS2328)

Invalid Session Token messages were appearing after updating to 1.9. Code has been changed to fix this.

Discount Plan Issues (TFS2349)

Discount Plan discounts were getting deleted when other individual discount updates were done. In addition, when the discount plan was added to the transaction and the Total key was pressed, the message "Discount is disabled 1063" was being given.
These issues have been fixed so that Discount Plans work correctly at the PRISMPOS register.

Customer Searching (TFS2371)

If a customer search was done that only had one result after a transaction was done that contained a customer, the "Remove from Transaction" button was being displayed instead of the "Assign to Transaction" button. This has been fixed so that the "Assign to Transaction" button is displayed.

Refunding a Gift Card (TFS2386)

Refunding to a gift card from a receipt was giving the error "GC already added to transaction". This has been fixed so that when a refund to a gift card from receipt is done, the transaction completes correctly without error.

Barcode Deletions (TFS2413)

Barcode deletes were not flowing to PRISMPOS on item updates. This has been fixed so that if a barcode is deleted and the item is updated, the delete will flow to PRISMPOS so that barcode can no longer be used.

Searching for Older Transactions (TFS2415)

Searching on transactions by date at USD was timing out due to the large number of sales records. Code has been added to improve the table load time from timing out after 30 seconds to taking around 5 seconds to load.

Account Deletion (TFS2433)

When an account was deleted in PrismCore, the account was still being displayed in PRISMPOS. This has been fixed so that when an account is deleted in PrismCore and a full download is done, the account will be removed from PRISMPOS.

Discount Issues (TFS2437)

Discount Plan discounts were getting deleted when other individual discount updates were done. In addition, when the discount plan is added to the transaction and the Total key is pressed, the message "Discount is disabled 1063" was being given. These issues have been fixed so that Discount Plans work correctly at the PRISMPOS register.

Full Download (TFS2441)

The Full Download (360 only) was adding type 100 (Full Download WinPOS and 360) instead of just a type 10000 to the queue which is a Full Download (360 only). This has been fixed to only do a type 10000 to the queue.

Serial Number Issues (TFS2453)

The Mfg Serial Number was not importing correctly to PrismCore. This has been fixed so that the Mfg Serial Number or the Serial XREF can be entered in the Serial Xref field on the register. Also if you search for an item by Mfg Serial Number, it will auto set the Serial Xref field when the item is added.

Gift Card Issues (TFS2470)

Gift cards were not in the Gift Card table only in the SaleItemGiftCard table, so if a full download was ran before the gift card was imported it would be deleted. This has been fixed so that a full download will not delete a gift card that has not yet been imported.

Rental Refunds (TFS2528)

Rental refunds were refunding to the guarantee tender instead of the tender. This has been fixed so that the refund goes to the tender and not the guarantee tender.

Price Override and NMRP (TFS1842)

NMRP rentals had the Price Override disabled when the "Buy" button was selected. This has been fixed so the "Override Price", "Discount" and "Taxes" buttons are disabled when "Rent" is pressed and enabled when "Buy" is pressed. The other change made is when Rent is pressed, the "Rental Return" button and the "Customer is required" flag is displayed and when Buy is pressed the "Rental Return" button and the "Customer is required" flag is removed.

Rental XRef (TFS2430)

When a rental return is done in PRISMPOS, the rental XREF change from new to used was not transporting correctly. This has been fixed so that when a rental return is done in PRISMPOS, the rental XREF from new to used transports correctly changing the Sys field in PrismCore > Inventory Management > Item Maintenance > Rental Number Maintenance from NTX to UTX.

Odyssey Interface (TFS1753)

Odyssey manually entered account numbers were being truncated if the tender is tax exempt and causing the transaction to not complete. This has been fixed to send the whole number allowing the transaction to complete.

Password Reset (TFS1965)

The Password Reset flag was not in sync with the reset flag from the PrismCore side. This has been fixed so that the Password Reset flag flows correctly from PrismCore.

Partial Authorizations (TFS2547)

Partial authorizations on debit card tendered transactions were not being handled properly. PRISMPOS was showing an approval for the entire amount rather than just the partial amount that was approved. This has been fixed so that PRISMPOS shows the correct partial amount that was approved.

Deletion of DCC Details (TFS2561)

Account DCC details were being deleted by account updates. This has been fixed so that account updates do not delete DCC discounts setup for that account.

Datatel Tenders Not Flowing (TFS2551)

Datatel tenders were not flowing from PrismCore to PRISMPOS. This has been fixed so that Datatel tenders flow correctly from PrismCore to PRISMPOS.

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