PrismPOS December 2019

PrismPOS December 2019

PrismPOS Release Notes December 8, 2019

Version 2.0

Admin Tool Bug Fix

  • The Status field in Thunder Admin Tool > Reports > Tender Authentication Log, was not sorting correctly. It now works correctly, if Status set to Completed only completed transactions show. If set to Not Completed, it will only show Not Completed transactions.
  • If a user set their "Expire Passwords after X days (Value 0 is never expire)" in Thunder Admin Tool > System Parameters > Password Policy to a parameter that is too high, it would lock that user out of Thunder Admin Tool. This has been fixed so that if the value entered is greater than 999, the message, The field Expire Passwords after X days (Value 0 is never expire must be between 0 and 999), is given.

Register Enhancements

  • The, Transaction Complete, dialog box now displays, Change Due amount and a Status indicator. The status will display Finalizing sale... followed by Transaction Complete.
  • Code was added to increment Balance Cards (CBORD). The issue was that Balance Inquiry was used to show the account max, rather than amount remaining on account. This resulting in a full auth being approved in PrismPOS even though CBord denied the transaction. This has been resolved.

Register Bug Fixes

  • When an NMRP rental transaction is ran in Prism2.0, A/R no longer displays in the list of guarantee tenders. (Note: This will be available as part of our January release.)
  • Transactions completed on a different day may now be emailed.
  • Items with a non-merch item attached, in PrismCore ICS scanned at the register, sometimes would bring in 4 non-merch items instead of just the one non-merch item. With this release, the correct number of non-merch items are added to the transaction. Note: You may attach multiple non-merch items to an item, but you must create a non-merch item for each one that is applied. You may not attach the same non-merch item twice. If creating a new item with a non-merch item attached, update the record after creation for it to flow to POS.
  • If multiple digital text items were on a transaction and one or more of those items failed, the transaction would complete with no indication on which item(s) failed. This has been fixed so that if a digital text fails, the message "Unable to obtain basket Id's for: (item description(s))" is displayed.

Register Bug Fixes Ratex Only

  • Update bulk import now includes new customer fields for open AR.