October 2023 Mosaic Release Notes

October 2023 Mosaic Release Notes

Application Updates from: Aug 1 - Sept 30, 2023

Release to Production: October 8, 2023

Release Notes Statement

New functionality added to Mosaic is controlled by feature flags to ensure readiness prior to use in production environments. Throughout release notes the phrase “If enabled” is used to designate capabilities that may be turned on or off. Such options may be released for a limited audience or dependent upon additional updates. These options will still be referenced in release notes to make clients aware all new application capabilities. 

AR Accounts

AR Account DCC Restrictions & Discounts

Mosaic now provides a UI for configuring DCC restrictions and automatic discounts, offering finer control over AR accounts.

  • An expandable DCC tree is now available within the Edit AR Account screen under a new DCCs tab

  • Under each account, the DCC tree features an "Allow" check box that allows or disallows sales on PrismPOS

    • Upon editing the DCC tab for the first time, all “Allow” boxes will be unchecked. This means that all the DCCs listed are ALLOWED for sale on PrismPOS for that AR account. To allow only certain DCCs for a given AR, check the box next to the DCC to Allow those departments, classes and categories for sale at POS. At that point any unchecked boxes will not be allowed for sale for that DCC.

  • Accounts also allow discount management - Input discount amounts at the Department, Class, or Category level.  Discounts at upper levels will apply to all levels below.

AR Account Transaction Summary Report

  • See “Reports in Mosaic” below for details


Data Exchange

Append Date & Time to Exported Files

When configuring a Data Exchange job in Mosaic, you can now choose to append a date and time stamp to the names of exported files. This prevents the unintentional overwriting of previously exported files.  A new toggle option, "Append Date & Time," has been introduced in the Data Exchange Job definition settings. When active, exported files will have the following filename format: {{[File Name]-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS}}, with the timestamp based on local store time.

Course Requests

Course Request Status "Incoming"

A new status is introduced for course requisitions coming in from an adoption collection tool that is integrated with PrismWEB.  Users can now view, accept, or reject incoming course request items, with an option to create new SKUs in Mosaic for non-existing Textbooks and GM SKUs.

Status Filtering

Mosaic users can now filter course requests based on their status, streamlining the work process.  New check boxes have been added under the search bar in the Course Request Search Screen for various statuses including "Open", "Completed", and "Incoming".  You can select more than one status to view a combined list of course requests that match any of the selected statuses.  The existing "Work Requests" function will now step you through each visible request based on the filtered statuses, enabling a more exact workflow.

Faculty Comments in Course Requests

A new field titled "Faculty Comments" has been added under the Course Level and Enrollment values. Comments from incoming requisitions, along with the date collected, will display here. The field is editable, allowing manual comment input.  Several small, but meaningful interface adjustments have also been made to the requisitions screen for a more consistent and cleaner presentation of information.

Web Sharing Status

A “safety net” has been added for Course Materials Managers working on adoptions.  The status drop-down in the Course Requests section now allows Course Materials Managers to effectively control which information gets published to web:

  • Open Status - Only Course Request Header information will go live on the web.

  • Completed Status - All Course Request information, including book details, will go live on the web.  For a status change from "Completed" to "OPEN": Book Detail information will be removed from the website. Only Header information will remain.  If new information is received for a course with a "Completed" status, the status will automatically change to "Incoming", temporarily removing book information.

  • Incoming Status - Only Course Request Header Information will go live. Incoming status can change to "Open" or "Completed" only if all items on the Course request exist in Mosaic.  If an item does not exist in Mosaic, the status will remain "Incoming" until resolved.

  • Closed - The requisition is not part of an active course term.


Purchase Orders

  • While editing a purchase order, Mosaic users will no longer encounter a misleading confirmation message after a successful delete nor will they need to confirm navigating away from the page .  Resolved an issue that left the page in a "dirty" state after a series of operations including auto-save and deletion. 

  • When exporting a purchase order from the Edit Purchase Order screen, the resulting PDF and CSV will now maintain the sort order from the product grid as displayed on the screen.

    • If no sort order is selected, the export will sort alphanumerically by Author/Title/Description.


Transaction Search

Several minor improvements have been put in place that enhance the experience around searching through transaction data:

  • When exporting cash-based transactions to PDF where the total amount equals $0.00, you can now export transactions without encountering any errors.  Previously an error resulted from cash-based transactions equating to $0.00 on export.

  • The date range calculation has been adjusted to ensure that only 7 full 24-hour periods are included when "Last 7 Days" is selected.  Resolved an issue where selecting "Last 7 Days" for the date range incorrectly included an extra day.

  • Added the ability to search transactions by the exact dollar amount.  The dollar sign ($) is not required for search, but can be included without impacting results.

  • When viewing details of a transaction from the Transaction Search, the Total Amount Due is now showing the correct value for discounted transactions. Previously, the discount is was incorrectly added to the total amount due, leading to a mismatch of values on the screen.


Web Orders

Customers Active by Default

  • Customers on incoming Mosaic web orders will now be set to “Active” by default.  Previously, Mosaic would mark customers as “Inactive” if they did not already exist in Mosaic when the order was placed.  Such orders caused web order managers to have to activate new customers prior to processing the order. Now, all new customers will be active by default.

Failed Web Order Handling

  • Any web order in Mosaic now allows you to change the payment method to an AR account.  For example, when a web order fails due to insufficient funds on a card-based payment method, the payment method can be changed to an AR account and processed successfully.  This functionality had previously been available only to Open web orders, and now is open to orders in a Failed status as well.

  • Failed web orders in Mosaic now keep consistent sales record data with POS web registers. A bug was addressed where, under certain scenarios, failed web orders were leading to inconsistencies in sales records between Mosaic and POS. All scenarios of web orders have been tested and verified out of an abundance of caution.

Tender Type

  • A new column, “Tender Type” was added to Web Order search pages. This column displays the tender type saved to the associated web order, enabling easier tracking of payment methods. This column will be located to the right of the existing "Shipping Method" column.

  • A new filter for "Tender Type" was also added next to the "Shipping Method" filter. This drop-down lists all current tender types available for the tenant, in alphabetical order. A blank option is also provided at the top for clearing the filter.


Reports in Mosaic

AR Account Transaction Summary Report

A summary report of transaction totals for selected AR accounts is now available within the AR Account Management search screen in Mosaic.

  • Search results now have check boxes next to each line, allowing for inclusion in the report if checked. A checkbox atop the column will select/deselect all accounts. 

  • The ability to search by “Fund Type” has been added to the page for additional account filtering.

  • If any accounts are selected, a new “Export” button added to the top of the screen becomes active and prompts users for a date range, if selected.

  • Output includes a CSV with the following fields:  Account Code, Agency Name, Fund Type, Total Tender Amount.

    • The “Total Tender Amount” field shows the total tender amount for the selected Account Code/Agency combination within the chosen time period. 

    • If an account has no transactions, the CSV file will still generate a line for the account, displaying $0.00 in the "Total Tender Amount" field.

Invoice Detail Report

A new Invoice Detail Report has been added to the available Mosaic report templates. 

  • Upon clicking the "View" button, a modal window will appear to filter by date, invoice status, and supplier.

  • The report generated will be formatted as a CSV that details Supplier Name, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Invoice Status, Barcode, ISBN, Item Description, Type, Cost, Quantity, and Catalog Number

Taxes by Jurisdiction Report

  • The ability to filter by “POS Device” has been added to the Taxes by Jurisdiction report. This was done to help stores isolate web registers and web-based transactions when running the report.  The report output also includes a column for the POS device selected.

  • The column “Taxable Sales” in the Taxes by Jurisdiction report now shows the sales totals without tax. Previously, this value included tax leading to confusion when auditing values.

POS Device Reconciliation Report

  • Transactions with sales events included now show up under the Transaction Audits section of the POS Device Reconciliation Report, with a count of transactions including Sales Events, and the total dollar amount of items sold under Sales Events.

Stock Adjustment Report

  • Stock adjustments are now consistently showing as expected in the Stock Adjustment Report. An API performance issue that sporadically caused stock adjustments to fail upon transaction processing was addressed. Additionally, a safeguard was put in place to prevent similar issues in the future.

  • The Adjustment Date in the Stock Adjustment report now shows correct values.  This value now honors the date/time offset set in store parameters as the rest of the system.

General Improvements

  • The report framework in Mosaic has several performance enhancements. Reporting against large sets of data in Mosaic now requires fewer compute resources, leading to faster generation times and increased stability.

Mosaic Tax Rate Import

Mosaic now provides a way for users to import tax rates in bulk, via import!  Under the Imports section of Mosaic, users will now find a Tax Rate Import.

  • Tax rate import supports state, county, city and special rates, consistent with most publicly shared tax tables.

  • Required fields that are missing or incorrect will fail the import and log the error.

  • Rates can be added, updated, or both added and updated upon processing.

  • A sample CSV is available to view the correct import format.

  • Rates not found in Mosaic during web order processing will apply zero tax.

Bug Fixes & Minor Issues

  • Mosaic Customer AR Imports now accept date formats consistent with the example provided.  Previously the date format in the example file failed processing.

    • Please note: Though the date format in the example file is YYYY-MM-DD, if a user opens the file with certain spreadsheet apps like Excel, the app may readjust the date format automatically.

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