October 2022 Mosaic Release Notes

October 2022 Mosaic Release Notes

Application updates from July 21 – September 23, 2022

Release to production: October 9, 2022

Release notes statement 

New functionality added to Mosaic, may or may not be immediately available to all clients depending on functional readiness or licensing. Throughout release notes the phrase “If enabled” is used to designate capabilities that may be turned on or off. Such options may be available to a limited audience or hidden until a future update. These options will still be referenced in release notes to make clients aware of complete application capabilities. 


In this and future updates all Mosaic imports are being adjusted to support the import framework that was introduced in August 2022. Adjustments include identifying import field data that will cause validation warnings vs. data that will cause import errors. With any non-validated data the import process will provide relevant warning/error messages, so users can correct failed or incomplete error messages. This section lists specific imports that were updated in this release. In cases where there is a corresponding export script to transition PrismCore data to Mosaic, the export updated is also noted.

Text Books (Import) - The import spec and process were updated to be consistent with current Mosaic data validation capabilities. Some changes include the removal of digital ISBN, stock on hand, and tax type, since all of this information is managed via different Mosaic imports. Mosaic sample file was updated.

Text Books (Core export) - The SQL export script that is used to transition PrismCore data to Mosaic was adjusted to be consistent with changes to the Mosaic import.

Customers (Import) - The import spec and process were updated to be consistent with current Mosaic data validation capabilities. Mosaic sample file was updated.

Customers (Core export) - The SQL export script that is used to transition PrismCore data to Mosaic was adjusted to be consistent with changes to the Mosaic import including the appropriate management of address information.

Customer-AR (Import) - The import spec and process were updated to be consistent with current Mosaic data validation capabilities. Mosaic sample file was updated.

Suppliers (Import) - The import spec and process were updated to be consistent with current Mosaic data validation capabilities. Updates include support for Add, Update, or Add & Update import modes for suppliers along with the separation of contact and return address information. Mosaic sample file was updated.

Suppliers (Core export) - The SQL export script that is used to transition PrismCore data to Mosaic was adjusted to be consistent with changes to the Mosaic import including the appropriate management of address information.

Stock on Hand (Import) - To support multistore environments, a new import was added to detach stock on hand from the product record alone and support stock on hand by product, by location. This update also allows stock-only updates from third party inventory services.

PrismWeb Integration

The Mosaic team is continuously improving the integration between Mosaic and PrismWeb. It is expected that ongoing improvements will become a part of the Mosaic > Mosaic eCommerce integration, as well, when stores transition to the new web front-end.

Accounts Receivable/Store Charge Payments Online - Shoppers may now use enabled store charges as tender for online carts. This tender will confirm the availability of accounts when an order is placed, but stores will still have full control over validation of balances and active dates at the time of order processing. If needed, orders may be changed to a new billing account or cancelled to ensure the correct AR funds are used.

Rental Prices - If enabled, stores may now display active rental prices as part of online course materials lookup. Sharing rental prices, along with appropriate directions to purchase rental materials, ensures stores can show competitive pricing against other online sellers.

Email Templates - The four email templates that are presented in the Web Admin > Web Setup > Email Templates tab are now active when web order status changes update by way of Mosaic web order processing. If email templates are populated, automatic email notifications will be triggered when orders are processed, backordered, canceled, or completed for shipping/pickup.

Status - Prior to processing any line items, users may now cancel an entire order and have the order status update to “Canceled'. This status is available as a filter on the web order list, as well.

Sync Improvements - The data exchange between Mosaic and PrismWeb has been improved to disregard some invalid data records that previously delayed Mosaic <>PrismWeb updates. This improvement triggers a support notification for problem records but continues processing valid data to avoid creating a backlog in data processing.


POS Reconciliation Report - An error that caused failed transactions to report incorrectly on the web register was corrected.

POS Reconciliation Report - The ‘Transaction Audits’ section of this report now shows the details of transaction voids, price overrides, refunds, and discounts. This information assists in validating that transaction adjustments are aligned with expectations.

Taxes by Jurisdiction - This new csv export is delivered along with the PrismRBS Tax Service (more details below). This export includes sales tax collected by state, by jurisdiction(s) as defined in your store’s tax rate table. The export helps to audit in-state and out-of-state sales tax collection to balance other reports and monitor nexus status.

Serialized Items

Mosaic now allows products to be marked as serialized to enable more detailed inventory tracking and to activate special requirements for sales processing. Any common product may now be identified as serialized by way of a checkbox in product maintenance. If serialized, an additional ‘Serialization’ tab will appear to enable the management of serial numbers and their associated transactions. Upon selling or refunding a serialized item, the point-of-sale cash register or web order processing requires the collection customer information and serial number(s) to complete a transaction. The transaction information is saved for historical review and reporting to assist with warranty registration or sales reporting required by some manufacturers. To ensure data accuracy, application users have limited ability to edit saved data to ensure the correct assignment serial numbers, customers, and transactions within product profiles.

Tax Service

In conjunction with changes delivered in August 2022 that provided management of tax rates and tax nexuses, Mosaic now includes additional changes to enable the use of a shared Prism tax service.

DCCs - In DCC maintenance, users now identify a DCC as taxable, nontaxable, or ‘special’ for tax rate application. Special rates are uncommon, unique tax configurations that may be activated with PrismRBS assistance.

PrismPOS transaction processing - PrismPOS uses each cash register's location (by zip code) to determines what tax rates to apply to in-store sales/refunds.

Web Order processing - Although shoppers are presented an estimated tax upon placing an online order, Mosaic uses each order’s shipping address (by zip code) to determine what tax rates to apply on order processing. Changes to an order’s contents, shipping method, or shipping address, likewise change the sales tax applied to ensure consistency and accuracy upon processing.

Taxes by Jurisdiction - This export includes sales tax collected by state, by jurisdiction(s) as defined in your store’s tax rate table. The export helps to audit in-state and out-of-state sales tax collection to balance other reports and monitor nexus status.

Known issue 1 - As Mosaic fully transitions from previous tax management to the tax service, web shipping tax will cause a discrepancy on the POS Device Reconciliation Report. Users continue to see the “Shipping Tax” value, but shipping tax is also include in the newly added tax rate breakdown, causing the web register Total Revenue Breakdown to be overstated by the “Shipping Tax” amount. This is expected to be resolved in the next update.

Known Issue 2 - During web order processing, changes to any order that impact tax should reflect new values in line-item Extended Tax and Extended Tax Total values. During testing in staging, it became evident that users may have to click the “Save” button twice to see the screen present refreshed data. This is expected to be resolved in the next

Miscellaneous Fixes

Digital ISBNs - To ensure visual integrity, the hyphenation of digital ISBNs has been confirmed. In previous releases the digital ISBN hyphenation may have been incorrect.

Digital Receipts - In Administrator > Store Setup > Parameters, users may now select a preferred Digital Receipt format from those configured in PrismPOS Administrator.

Rental Agreements - In Administrator > Store Setup > Parameters, users may now select a preferred Rental Agreement from those configured in PrismPOS Administrator.

Reports - Some reports were timing out with an error if a single transaction included too many line items. That issue was corrected and confirmed on the POS Device Reconciliation, Sales by DCC, and Taxes by Jurisdiction reports.

Sequences - The format of values assigned from the Administrator > Sequences menu is now confirmed to be consistent with point-of-sale. Previously, Mosaic would exclude some leading zeros causing an inconsistency between transactions processed in Mosaic and PrismPOS. Both applications now include leading zeros to assign the same transaction number format.

Transaction Search Details - When one selected ‘View’ on Reports > Transaction Search list, the transaction only presented the first 10 line items. This has been fixed, so a user can now scroll to see all line items on a selected transaction.

Variant Group Selection - Before this release, one could select the same variant group for both variant group 1 and 2 when creating a matrix product. This was unexpected behavior. Mosaic now requires different values in variant groups 1 and 2.


© 2022 PrismRBS, LLC  All rights reserved.


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