November 2022 Mosaic Release Notes

November 2022 Mosaic Release Notes

Application updates from September 24 – October 28, 2022

Release to production: November 9, 2022

Release notes statement 

New functionality added to Mosaic, may or may not be immediately available to all clients depending on functional readiness or licensing. Throughout release notes the phrase “If enabled” is used to designate capabilities that may be turned on or off. Such options may be available to a limited audience or hidden until a future update. These options will still be referenced in release notes to make clients aware of complete application capabilities. 

Data Exchange

If enabled, a new Mosaic menu item, Data Exchange, appears under the Administrator top menu. Data Exchange allows users to create and schedule automated data exchanges jobs to expose Mosaic data for use by other systems. This feature allows one to create a custom job name, choose an import or export action, select a supported job type, assign a transport method, and schedule the job execution time. Supported job types and transport methods will expand with future Mosaic updates.

Department Charges

Mosaic and PrismPOS now support the collection of supporting data upon tender. If required, additional tender prompts are configure via Thunder Admin AR setup and entered at the cash register upon transaction tender. These additional prompts and any entered data are saved to the system’s transaction database to view, export or report. This changes is meant to be flexible enough to enable a variety of uses, but the first use case to be solved is the capture of transaction specific data for department charge tenders. Department charges are typically unique per transaction and have a virtually unlimited number of possible combinations of prompts, thus making them impractical to create as customers or accounts. To enable department charges, the following updates were made to Mosaic.

Database - Mosaic transactions now support additional tender values with each transaction. Each addition tender value is saved with a prompt and entered value to allow flexibility from store to store. Prompts are presented and values are entered via PrismPOS at the time of sale. Additional tender data is available to view, report, or export as part of Mosaic transaction details.

Transaction Search - The ‘Export (CSV)’ button from within Transaction Search now includes prompt names and values for additional tender information that may have been collected at the time of purchase. In a future update this information may also be included in an automated export job.

Transaction Search - Upon View, transactions that include additional tender details will show the values that were entered along with all other transaction, product, and tender information.


In this and future updates all Mosaic imports are being adjusted to support the import framework that was introduced in August 2022. Adjustments include identifying import field data that will cause validation warnings vs. data that will cause import errors. With any non-validated data the import process will provide relevant warning/error messages, so users can correct failed or incomplete error messages. This section lists specific imports that were updated in this release. In cases where there is a corresponding export script to transition PrismCore data to Mosaic, the export update is also noted.

DCC (Import) - The import spec and process were updated to be consistent with current Mosaic data validation capabilities. Changes are primarily focused on identifying required fields and tax rate management. The number of tax flags that are required in import data have been reduced.

DCC (Core export) - The SQL export script that is used to transition PrismCore data to Mosaic was adjusted to be consistent with changes to the Mosaic import.

General Merchandise (Import) - The import spec and process were updated to be consistent with current Mosaic data validation capabilities. Changes include: confirmation of required values, a cross-reference to any previous system’s SKU, online profile values, and a serialized item flag.

General Merchandise (Core export) - The SQL export script that is used to transition PrismCore data to Mosaic was adjusted to be consistent with changes to the Mosaic import.

Stock On Hand - This import was updated to be less rigid about file formatting. Previously enforced case sensitivity for the actions ‘Add’ and ‘Replace’ was relaxed to also allow ‘add’ or ‘replace’.

Supplier (Import) - If a supplier code is not provided as part of the import file, Mosaic will create a default entry as expected. Before, the import process showed an exception error.

Textbook (Import) - The textbook import is more tolerant of invalid ISBN numbers. Prior to this release, an ISBN that was 11 characters caused the import to fail with an exception error.

Miscellaneous Fixes - As part of continuous improvements to the import framework, the following updates were made.

Date validation - The validation of Start/End date values has been improved to provide more accurate parsing and exception reporting.

Exceptions csv - The exceptions csv that is generated upon import processing now preserves original data so users can review the source file contents. Upon initial delivery of the exception report, an ‘invalid data’ message replaced the source data in the exception file.

Import Samples - Import notes that are included with Mosaic sample files have been updated to be consistent with expected date handling by the import process.

PrismWeb Integration

The Mosaic team is continuously improving the integration between Mosaic and PrismWeb. It is expected that ongoing improvements will become a part of the Mosaic > Mosaic eCommerce integration, as well.

Customers > Transaction History - For web orders, the processing time now appears in the “Date & Time” column for customers' transaction history. The value is blank for web orders processed prior to this update.

Product Descriptions = Web order processing now behaves correctly despite long product descriptions. Before, product descriptions that exceeded 128 characters caused web order processing to fail.

Serial Numbers - As part of web order processing, users will be required to enter serial numbers for each serialized item in a shipment. Serial number prompts will appear based on the fulfilled quantity that is entered.


Rental Reconciliation - This export provides a title-by-title breakdown of outstanding rentals by term. The exported information includes books details, total quantity rented, quantity returned and quantity not returned. There are also details regarding replacement and/or late fees to analyze the financial impact of outstanding rentals to your store. This report content is delivered as a csv file to simplify analysis in Excel or other third party applications.

Rental Status Report - This export provides title and customer details of outstanding rentals by term. The exported information includes books details, customer details, rental due dates, and rental status. This information enables stores to focus attention on customer notifications and non-returned titles to ensure accurate stock on hand and/or late fee collections. This report content is delivered as a csv file to simplify analysis in Excel or other third party applications.

Serialized Items

Mosaic now allows products to be marked as serialized to enable more detailed inventory tracking and to activate special requirements for sales processing. Any common product may now be identified as serialized by way of a checkbox in product maintenance. If serialized, an additional ‘Serialization’ tab will appear to enable the management of serial numbers and their associated transactions. Upon selling or refunding a serialized item, the point-of-sale cash register or web order processing requires the collection customer information and serial number(s) to complete a transaction. The transaction information is saved for historical review and reporting to assist with warranty registration, customer service, or sales reporting required by some manufacturers. To ensure data accuracy, application users have limited ability to edit saved data to ensure the correct assignment serial numbers, customers, and transactions within product profiles.

Transaction Search - Transaction Search now supports serial number as a search criteria to allow lookup of previously sold serialized products.

Transaction Search - The transaction details for transactions that include serialized products include the captured serial number as part of the Product Description.

Web Order Processing - As part of ‘Work Order’, users will be required to enter serial numbers for each serialized item in a shipment. Serial number prompts will appear based on the fulfilled quantity that is entered.

Tax Service

Web Order Processing - Updates to web order details that impact the order sales tax are now reflected upon Save. This addresses a known issue that Save had to be selected twice from October release notes.

Known issue - As Mosaic fully transitions from previous tax management to the tax service, web shipping tax will cause a discrepancy on the POS Device Reconciliation Report. Users continue to see the “Shipping Tax” value, but shipping tax is also include in the newly added tax rate breakdown, causing the web register Total Revenue Breakdown to be overstated by the “Shipping Tax” amount. This is expected to be resolved in the next update.

Miscellaneous Fixes

AR Account Management - When linking customers to an account with ‘No Limit’ checkbox enabled, PrismPOS now authorized purchases as expected. Previously, Mosaic mishandled this option and showed no available funds.

Course Requests - Users may now add a book from the Buyers Guide directly to course requests. Before, this menu action caused a blocking Ooops error message.

Purchase Order Numbers - To ensure correct sequencing, an inadvertent reset of Purchase Order numbering that happened with the October release was fixed. This issue was patched immediately upon discovery to minimize system impact.

Rental Management - All rental sources are now shown by default upon opening Rental Management. Although sources may become an important filter in future updates, showing all sources streamlines rental maintenance today. The rental sources filter and sort are still available.

Tax Free checkbox - Tax Free checkbox that was previously presented as part of the Online Profile has been removed. With the implementation of the tax service, taxability is controlled by DCC setup and the Product > DCC association.


© 2022 PrismRBS, LLC  All rights reserved.


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