February 2023 PrismWeb Release Notes

Application updates from October 29, 2022 – January 20, 2023

Release to production: February 12, 2023

PrismWeb is widely used as the e-commerce solution for PrismCore and Mosaic. Application APIs provide consistent behavior regardless of a store’s inventory management system. Along with essential data exchange, there is an ongoing initiative to unify website configuration, content management, and order processing within Mosaic. In Spring 2022, PrismRBS announced an initiative to transition clients to Mosaic eCommerce powered by Vortx as the preferred front end website for PrismCore and Mosaic system users. To ensure continued online selling and enable transitions to Mosaic, support for PrismWeb will be maintained as clients transition to Mosaic eCommerce.

Google Analytics

PrismWeb websites may now be configured to support Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager. This change gives stores time to prepare and transition their website analytics before Universal Analytics tool is dropped from support in July 2023. The configuration for Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager is included in PrismWeb Manager updates below.

Digital Content

Digital Content Setup - Via Textbooks > Digital Content users now have better control over the expected digital shopping experience. Stores may enable all digital sales, sales in-store only, or sales online only. This flexibility supports the option to enable/disable third-party plugins without requiring web page updates. In addition, store may customize their digital content redemption url to to simplify the redemption process with a store-specific link.

Digital Content Redemption - For content redemption, checks and balances have been added to ensure that shoppers receive the url and/or access codes necessary to redeem content. For cash register receipts, shoppers are provided a short url or access codes and the redemption site if the url conversion fails. For web sales, shoppers are provided a long url link, that is accessed by click, or if a link is not retrieved, the redemption site and access codes are presented.

Digital Basket Resend - All digital content baskets with an Email Receipt address and digital content that is available for redemption present a “Resend Redemption Email” link to generate and resend a shopper email using the same logic aplpied at the time of order.

PrismWeb Manager (Miscellaneous changes)

Content Deployment - Clients may initiate website changes via “Deploy” from the menu Manage > Content Deployer. Sometimes site deployments fail as a result of disruptions during processing, but the deployment completes successfully upon another attempt. To reduce the need to contact PrismRBS support to retry the deployment process, the Content Deployer will now presents a “Try Again” message after exceeding a sufficient amount of time for successful deployment. If deployment has not completed within 4 hours, users may try again on their own.

Email Receipts - All PrismWeb baskets now include a “Email Receipt Date” that is updated to with the stores current date and time each time an email receipt is queued for delivery to the shopper.

Google Analytics - The menu Setup > Site Options > Google Analytics Settings now shows new options to enable Google Analytics 4 and Google Tag Manager. The previously available menu options and settings are honored as they were prior to this update.

Payment Processors - A few changes were made to improve payment configuration in the menu Setup > Site Options > Payment Processors.

Processor-specific values, whether visible or not, are included when updates are saved. Previously, users could inadvertently reset payment parameters upon saving screen values.

If an authorized user (typically PrismRBS staff) is modifying processor values, expected validation is added to avoid accidental misconfiguration.

Users may now select supported credit card types, so they have visibility and control beyond their merchant configuration.


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