October 2022 PrismWeb Release Notes

October 2022 PrismWeb Release Notes

Application updates from July 20 – September 23, 2022

Release to production: October 9, 2022

In the Spring 2022, PrismRBS announced an agreement to transition all clients to Mosaic eCommerce powered by Vortx as the preferred front end website for PrismCore and Mosaic system users. To ensure continued online selling and enable transitions to Mosaic, support for PrismWeb will be maintained as clients transition to Mosaic eCommerce.

PrismWeb is widely used as the e-commerce solution for PrismCore and Mosaic. Application APIs provide consistent behavior regardless of a store’s inventory management system. Along with essential data exchange, there is an ongoing initiative to unify website configuration, content management, and order processing within Mosaic.

PrismWeb Data Interchange

Mosaic eCommerce - With an ongoing initiative to transition all clients from PrismWeb to Mosaic eCommerce, the PrismWeb team put great effort towards ensuring a smooth transition. Substantial work has been completed to deliver PrismCore data updates to Mosaic eCommerce and support the expectations of online shoppers .

PrismWeb Front End

Mosaic eCommerce - With an ongoing initiative to transition all clients from PrismWeb to Mosaic eCommerce, the PrismWeb team put great effort towards ensuring a smooth transition. PrismRBS and Vortx resources are continuous collaborating to ensure front-end capabilities are maintained with the move to Mosaic eCommerce.

VitalSource - Users are now allowed to re-purchase digital content that is set to expire, if needed.

Payments - A patch was applied to both the payments iframe and AR account validation to ensure the ongoing security of payment processing.

Site footer - Website accessibility improvements were applied to the newsletter feature content in the website footer.

PrismWeb Manager

Digital Content - Digital books that cost more than $1000 may now be sold online.

Mosaic integration (Mosaic Only)

Accounts Receivable/Store Charge Payments Online - Shoppers may now use allowed store charges as tender for online carts. This tender will confirm that availability of accounts when an order is placed, but stores will still have full control over validation of balances and active dates at the time of order processing. If needed, orders may be changed to a new billing account or cancelled if AR funds are not confirmed upon order processing.

Rental Prices - If enabled, stores may now display active rental prices as part of online course materials lookup. Sharing rental prices, along with appropriate directions to purchase rental materials, ensures stores can show competitive pricing against other online sellers.

Sync Improvements - The data exchange between Mosaic and PrismWeb has been improved to disregard some invalid data records that previously delayed Mosaic <>PrismWeb updates. This improvement triggers a support notification for problem records but continues processing valid data to avoid creating a backlog in data processing.


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