PrismWeb Release notes July 2019

PrismWeb Release notes July 2019

PrismWeb Release Notes July 21, 2019


Shift4 and SecurePay Iframe Accept JCB

With this change, PrismWeb iframes will support JCB (Japan Credit Bureau) credit cards.

Add AMEX to Iframe Dynamic Card Type Solution

With this enhancement, the naming convention for tender American Express is expanded to include 'AMEX'. The convention allows for either lower or uppercase (ex. amex) and spaces (ex. AM EX).

No delay between utilizing guest checkout and account creation

Prior to this enhancement, if a user began to checkout as a guest on PrismWeb, then ended the session prior to completing checkout, when they initiated the guest check out process again, they were unable to complete it. A time lapse of 24 hours was needed before a user could use the same email address to complete the guest checkout process after initiating it the first time. With this enhancement, the user can initiate and complete the checkout process again as a guest immediately, with no time lapse.

Update RedShelf support information

The instructions to contact RedShelf Support are updated on the digital text redemption landing page:Redshelf Support - Please visit https://solve.redshelf.com to submit a support request and view FAQ if you have any concerns about your RedShelf digital product.

Review of Redshelf Shelf Cards

Update to Redshelf shelf cards with new design elements

Custom Tax Rates for Additional Pick-Up Locations

  • For users that have more than one store location utilizing a single PrismWeb site (multi-web), this enhancement provides the ability to create specify address information different from the main store for store pick up shipping methods. This functionality enables tax to be applied based on a pick up location other than the main store.
  • The address information for the main store is found in PrismWeb Manager > Setup > Site Options > System Setup. Pre-existing functionality applied tax for all PrismWeb transactions using store pick up based on this main (global) store address.
  • This enhancement adds address fields to shipping methods that have 'pick' in the Name (ex. STORE PICK UP.) These are found in PrismWeb Manager > Setup > Shipping Methods > In-Store Pickup Location.
  • When the In-Store Pickup Location field upon which tax is calculated is populated (state, city, zip), tax is applied based on that information.
  • When the In-Store Pickup Location field upon which tax is calculated (state, city, zip) is left blank, tax is applied based on store information in the Setup > Site Options > System Setup page.
  • For users with PrismCore, these new In-Store Pickup Location fields are not included in PrismCore Admin > 1232 Mail Order Shipping Codes. Once a shipping code is checked for WebPrism and updates in PrismWeb Manager, information can be added to the In-Store Pickup Location fields.
    Note: If the following error is displayed when attempting to Save information to the In-Store Pickup Location fields, verify that the Ending Range in the Shipping Details is 99999: "Alert: Rule Violations Prevent Saving" and change will not save.
    As part of this enhancement, on the PrismWeb Manager > Setup > Site Options > System Setup page includes a dropdown list for the Store Country field.

Specification of ID Requirement

An option is now available for PrismWeb to require the entry of a student ID during checkout based on the product family. It is available for all product categories. This enhancement adds the additional parameter, Student ID Required, on the PrismWeb Manager > Products > Edit Product page. If the parameter is checked, the customer is required to enter their student ID during checkout on PrismWeb. If unchecked, the customer is not required to enter a student ID during checkout. A tip is included with the parameter, and can be viewed by clicking the question mark (question). The Student ID Required parameter becomes active according to the global Collect Student Id parameter setting on PrismWeb Manager > Setup > Site Options > System Setup

  1. Do Not Require Student Id: The Student ID field is not displayed during checkout. If a user attempts to check the Student ID Required parameter for a product family while this setting is selected, the user will receive the following alert –Info! The Collect Student ID global setting is currently set to "Do Not Require Student ID". This global setting will need to be changed if you want to require a shopper's student ID when checking out with this product. To change this setting, go to SETUP > SITE OPTIONS and click on the SYSTEM SETUP link.
  2. Require Student Id for Textbook Rental Transactions and All Eligible Products: The student ID is required during checkout for textbook rentals and products that have the Student ID Required parameter checked.
  3. Require Student Id for All Textbook Transactions and All Eligible Products: The student ID is required during checkout for all textbooks and products that have the Student ID Required parameter checked.
  4. Require Student Id for Only Eligible Products: The student ID is required for only products that have the Student ID Required parameter checked.
  5. Require Student Id for All Transactions: The student ID is required during checkout for all products, regardless of the Student ID Required parameter setting.

Update images to correct extension

With this change, images across customer sites have been updated to the correct extensions so that our "nosniff" flag (as part of our PCI remediation) doesn't cause any issues.

Do NOT Ship Address

Additional addresses have been added to the No Ship List per specific campus request.

Bug Fixes

Same As Ship box is always checked for New Template users

Prior to this fix, if a PrismWeb shopper had an account established with a billing address different than the shipping address, the Same As Shipping checkbox would be checked in the Billing Address section on the Payment Info page during checkout. This has been resolved. When a PrismWeb shopper has an account established with a billing address different than the shipping address, the Same As Shipping checkbox is not checked, and the account billing address is displayed on the Payment Info page during checkout.