October 2023 PrismWeb Release Notes

Application Updates from: Aug 1 - Sept 30, 2023

Release to Production: October 8, 2023

PrismWeb is widely used as the e-commerce solution for PrismCore and Mosaic. Application APIs provide consistent behavior regardless of a store’s inventory management system. Along with essential data exchange, there is an ongoing initiative to unify website configuration, content management, and order processing within Mosaic. Support for PrismCore will be maintained and strategically enhanced as clients transition to Mosaic.

Digital Content

VitalSource Integration

Stores now have additional options to expand their digital course materials offering with custom catalogs from VitalSource. Configuration is available in PrismWEB Manager under Textbooks > Digital Content. 

  • If you are new to VitalSource, you may enable VitalSource content by selecting "Enable Digital Content" and entering your VitalSource API key. 

  • If enabled, a new checkbox “Get Custom Books”, allows store-specific titles adopted through VitalSource, in addition to the general catalog shared with all stores. (This option is disabled by default.)

  • If enabled, a new checkbox "Send Course Data", will share all adopted content within your store to VitalSource for course material analytics. (This option is disabled by default.)

Communicate Error Message on Failure

To provide additional clarity, failed returns are now being properly communicated to both POS and Manager. A fix was put in place to correctly mark a digital content return as having an error and the error message from the attempt.

Mosaic Interface

Course Requests

Mosaic, through the PrismWeb API, may now populate course data and accept adopted titles from external requisition tools. At the time of this update, PrismRBS' TextReq and Verba’s Collect are supported course requisition platforms. Titles that are collected with external tools will appear in Mosaic with status “Incoming” to identify that they need review and acceptance.

Course material details will now only show in Textbook Search online if the status of the course request is marked as “Completed” in Mosaic. If status is “Open” or “Incoming,” only course header information will display, and course material details will not show.

Send Product Retail Price to Mosaic with Web Order

Added the regular (retail) price of the item, in addition to the adjusted price when posting web orders. This allows Mosaic to present the “regular” and adjusted price if an item was sold at a discount.

5 Digit Zip Code Handling

Able to exclude +4 and only include 5 digit USA postal codes when sending web orders to Mosaic. This allows for a smaller size tax rate table for stores with less complicated tax structures.

Faculty Comments in Requisitions

Faculty comments from incoming course materials requisitions, along with the date collected, will now be sent to Mosaic for presentation in Course Requests.

PrismWeb Manager

New Course Requisition Status Page

A new page has been added to the Manager interface, designed to provide detailed information on requisitions that have not yet been sent to Mosaic or PrismCore.

  • The new page will display any errors from previous attempts to send requisitions to Mosaic or PrismCore.

  • Users now have the option to either retry sending the requisition or to clear the requisition from the list.

  • The page communicates various details for each unsent requisition: Time when the requisition was posted, campus associated with the requisition, term, department, course, section name, and Requisition ID.

  • The page is available to a role called “Textbooks - Requisition Tracker”. Users with the Managers role will automatically inherit this role.

Buyback Handling

If wholesale buyback is enabled, the “Sell Textbooks” link on your PrismWEB site will automatically redirect the shopper to the specified wholesale buyback vendor’s URL.

  • Enable / Disable Wholesale Buyback: A new toggle allows the store to enable or disable the wholesale buyback feature.

  • From this page, you can also specify the URL of the wholesale buyback vendor your store has partnered with.

SFTP Usernames

Related to creating SFTP users in PrismWeb Manager, logic adjustments have been put in place to address special characters:

  • If the manager username is in the format of an email, such as example@domain.com, the SFTP username will be generated as example.

  • If the manager username has special characters, like john.doe_smith, the SFTP username will be johndoesmith.

The SFTP username only allows numbers, letters, and dashes. Therefore, email domains and unsupported special characters will be removed.


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