Final Rebate Check Partnership 1
After the NBC Rental Partnership shipment has been checked in at NBC, you’ll be sent the check for the second half the rental rebate. When it arrives, you will resolve it against an automatically created credit memo for the rental credit request.
The amount of the final rebate check will equal half the total rebates for all months in which partnership titles were rented.
Rental Credit Request
When the rental credit request is posted, a credit memo for it is automatically created in the Resolve Credit Request module <Ctrl+J 324>. The number of the memo will be in the format NBCRR-Account Number-Session Number.
The credit request will be in Hold status. It also will have an additional field in the header that is not included with regular credit memos, a Previous Rebate field. When looking at the ‘Previous Rebate’ field, also look at ‘Credit Received’ and ‘Credit Total.’ These three fields together record the rebates received for the rental period.
The definitions for these three fields are:
Field | Information | What this means… |
Previous Rebate | The total of all rebate NCDTRs received for this NBC Rental Partnership period. | The sum of all monthly rebate checks entered in PrismCore for this rental period. Should equal half of the total rebate. |
Credit Received | Total rebate for all NBC Rental Partnerships rented during this NBC Rental Partnership period. | The entire amount of the rebate due for the rental period. |
Credit Total | The current rental rebate still owed to the store (Credit Received minus Previous Rebate equals Credit Total). | The amount of the final rebate check for the rental period. Should equal half of the total rebate. |
The final rebate check should be for the amount in the Credit Total field. If it is, and if the Previous Rebate plus the Credit Total equal the Credit Received, the memo will be in Hold status and can be posted.
If the final rebate check doesn’t match the Credit Total amount, or if the Previous Rebate plus the Credit Total doesn’t match the total rebate owed, call PrismCore ICS for assistance.
The status of all line items on the SKU All tab will be resolved.
Click the Penalty/Potage tab to view the Credit Due and the status of Resolved. Do not change any information here unless directed to do so by Support.
If desired, enter the check number in the Check Number field in the header and post the memo.
Steps to Resolve Final Rebate Check
- Access Resolve Credit Requests <Ctrl+J 324>.
- Search for and display the rental credit memo for the rental period. Note that it will not exist until the day after the Rental Return is posted.
- In the header:
- The amount in the Credit Total field should equal the amount of the final rebate check.
- Enter the check number in the Check Number field.
- On the Penalty/Postage tab:
- The amount in the Credit Received field should show as 0.00.
- Make sure the line is “Resolved.
- Check to make sure the status is Hold. This should happen automatically when Credit Received equals Previous Rebate plus Credit Total. However, if totals match and the status still shows as Proposed, click the hammer to push it towards Hold.
- Click the hammer and post the credit.