During the Rental Period Workflow Partnership 1

During the Rental Period Workflow Partnership 1

What to do

Where to do it

See Also

Rent books.

POS cash register.

Rental Transactions at POS

PrismWeb users:  If accepting rentals via PrismWeb, process them in ICS Mail Order.

Enter Mail Orders (Ctrl+J 152), Ship Mail Orders  (Ctrl+J153)

Rental Transactions: Web and Mail Orders

If accepting rentals by phone or mail, enter and process them in ICS Mail Order.

Enter Mail Orders (Ctrl+J 152), Ship Mail Orders  (Ctrl+J153)

Rental Transactions: Web and Mail Orders

A sales batch is started with the first rental of an NBC Partnership title in a month. There will be separate batches for each month in which NBC titles are rented.

NBC Partnership Rebate

Post sales as normal during the rental period.

Manual Sales to manually post or to check sales if auto-posting (Ctrl+J 144)

Close sales months as normal during the rental period.

Close Sales Month (Ctrl+J 145)

Processes between your store and NBC do the following:

  • Closes the rental sales batch for each month.
  • Communicates to NBC to send rebate checks.

If no partnership rentals occur in a sales month, no rebate check is sent.

You’ll receive rebate checks after each month in which you rented partnership titles.  The amount of each check will be half the amount of the rebate for the previous month.  Enter the rebate checks against the system generate NCDTR Credit Memo for the month.

Resolve Credit Requests (Ctrl+J 324)

Monthly Rebate Checks