RMSA Data Report

RMSA Data Report

A report named ‘RMSA Data’ is located in the Stock Ledger Reports module under Reports
in the menu bar.

Report Parameters

  • Location (Default to all locations)

  • DCC (Default to all DCCs)

  • Date (Default to current date)

This report is generated based on a fiscal month, like the Spreadsheet report. The report pulls
data from the Stock Ledger reports, not from the Spreadsheet report data. In other words, it is
real time data; the spreadsheet does not need to be updated to pull current data.
Because the report pulls from Stock Ledger data, when the sales month is closed, all data on
the report will be locked except the On Order fields. So if a store runs the report for an old
month, they will get the same data on the report that they received immediately after closing the
month, except in the On Order fields.
Similar to the Spreadsheet report, the report shows the month and year the report is being
generated for.
This report will be exported to a .csv or Excel format once run.

RMSA Data report fields

  • Department

  • Class

  • Category

  • LocationID

  • Markdowns @ Retail

  • Sales Discounts @Retail

  • Markups @ Retail

  • Net Sales @ Retail – (Sales minus Sales Returns)

  • Ending Inventory @ Retail – (If the report is being run for a closed sales month, this is
    the ending inventory for the month. If the report is being run for an open sales month,
    this is the current inventory.)

  • Purchases @ Cost (Purchases plus Purchase Accruals) (Merchandise Requests that hit
    Purchase Accruals and Merchandise Transfer Invoices that hit Purchases need to be
    excluded from this.)

  • Purchases @ Retail (Purchases plus Purchase Accruals) (Merchandise Requests that
    hit Purchase Accruals and Merchandise Transfer Invoices that hit Purchases need to be
    excluded from this.)

  • Returns @ Retail (Returns plus Return Accruals plus Return Accrual Gain/Loss)
    (Merchandise Transfer Credit Memos and Credit Requests that hit Returns, Return
    Accruals, and Return Accrual Gain/Loss need to be excluded from this.)

  • Transfers @ Retail (Transfers to be calculated as explained below)

  • January On Order @ Cost (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • January On Order @ Retail (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • February On Order @ Cost (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • February On Order @ Retail (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • March On Order @ Cost (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • March On Order @ Retail (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • April On Order @ Cost (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • April On Order @ Retail (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • May On Order @ Cost (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • May On Order @ Retail (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • June On Order @ Cost (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • June On Order @ Retail (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • July On Order @ Cost (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • July On Order @ Retail (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • August On Order @ Cost (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • August On Order @ Retail (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • September On Order @ Cost (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • September On Order @ Retail (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • October On Order @ Cost (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • October On Order @ Retail (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • November On Order @ Cost (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • November On Order @ Retail (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • December On Order @ Cost (On Order to be calculated as explained below)

  • December On Order @ Retail (On Order to be calculated as explained below)


Example: In the same month, Store 1 transfers merchandise in DCC 10-10-10 worth $300 at
retail to Store2, and Store 2 transfers merchandise in DCC 10-10-10 worth $400 at retail to Store
3. Assuming no other transfers were done during the month in that DCC, the stores would show
the following in the Transfers @ Retail column:
Store 1 DCC 10-10-10 -$300
Store 2 DCC 10-10-10 $300 + -$400 = -$100
Store 3 DCC 10-10-10 $400
Positive dollar transfer amounts for a store will be based on Merchandise Transfer Invoices in
Stock Ledger Purchases. Negative dollar transfer amounts for a store will be based on
Merchandise Transfer Credit Memos in Stock Ledger Returns.

On Order

On Order will look at open purchase orders. Open merchandise requests will not be considered
for On Order. Proposed purchase orders will not be included. Only outstanding quantities on
Open purchase orders will be considered as On Order.

The On Order amount will be assigned to a specific month.

  1. If the purchase order ETA date is populated with month beyond the one that is being
    reported on, the On Order amount will be assigned to the ETA month’s on order fields.

  2. If not, the purchase order Ship By date will be looked at. If the purchase order Ship By
    date is populated with month beyond the one that is being reported on, the On Order
    amount will be assigned to the Ship By month’s on order fields.

  3. If not, the purchase order Cancel After date will be looked at. If the purchase order
    Cancel After date is populated with month beyond the one that is being reported on, the
    On Order amount will be assigned to the Cancel After month’s on order.

  4. If not,
    a. If the month being reported on has not been closed, the On Order amount will be
    assigned to the month that is being reported on.
    b. If the month being reported on has been closed, the On Order amount will be
    assigned to the current month.
    Example: The current date is 12/15/2022, and I am running the report for 9/9/2022. Any
    On Order that cannot be placed in a month beyond 12/2022 should show in 12/2022.

  5. If the On Order should be assigned to a month that is 12 months or more beyond the
    reporting month, the On Order will be assigned 11 months after the reporting month.
    Example : If the report is being run for 10/1/2022 and the purchase order ETA date is
    set as 10/1/2023, the On Order amount will be assigned to September, the month
    preceding October or 11 months after October, the reporting month.

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