Rental PO and Invoice - Partnership 2

Rental PO and Invoice - Partnership 2

Rental PO

When the period is closed, an NBC rental purchase order is automatically created and automatically received for the quantities not shipped to NBC.  The quantities in the NBC PO column on the NBC partnership Rental Reconciliation become the purchase order quantities.  These quantities include books kept in the store and books charged/closed as rental not returned and any NBC Partnership 2 rentals still outstanding.  If the Ship Qty is not correct when the period is closed, the invoice from NBC and the PO in PrismCore will not match.

Rental Invoice

When the shipment is received at NBC, the books are counted and compared to the total quantity rented.  An invoice is then created by NBC for any NBC Partnership 2 rentals books that aren’t in the shipment.   In other words, the invoice is based on the shipment, not on the numbers in PrismCore.  This invoice is then sent to the store.

When the invoice arrives, you should compare it to the rental PO in the Receiving module.  If the quantities on the invoice match the PO quantities in PrismCore, close the PO and proceed with entering the invoice.  If quantities do not match, update the purchase order to match the invoice. If you have questions, contact PrismCore ICS Support.

Close Rental PO

Upon the arrival of the rental invoice from NBC, search for and display the rental PO in Receiving <Ctrl+J 301>.  The PO number will begin with the characters NBCRPO (for NBC Rental Purchase Order).

You do not have to receive the rental PO; it’s automatically received when it’s created. 

The status of the order will be Open. This is to allow the opportunity to fix problems should they occur with quantities.

If quantities on the PO and the invoice match, close the PO using the Close PO option under the hammer in the Receiving module. If quantities do not match, update the purchase order to match the invoice. If you have questions, contact PrismCore ICS Support.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Access Receiving <Ctrl+J 301>.
  2. Search for and display the rental PO for the rental period.
  3. Compare the PO quantities already received with the quantities on the rental invoice from NBC.
    1. If the quantities match, click the Hammer and select the Close PO option.
    2. If the quantities do not match, update the PO to match the invoice. If you have questions call PrismCore ICS Support for assistance.

Enter Invoice Information

When the shipment of NBC Partnership 2 titles is opened and counted at Nebraska Book Company, the quantities in the shipment are compared to the total quantity rented.  An invoice for the difference is created at NBC and sent to the store.  As per the Partnership agreement, the store will be invoice for any copies of NBC Partnership 2 titles not sent to NBC.  Thus, the store is invoiced for not only copied kept in the store to use again, but also for copies that are charged as rentals not returned by students. 

The NBC rental invoice should be entered in PrismCore as any normal invoice would be entered.  When it is entered, the NBC rental PO will be selected.  Before entering the invoice, review the rental PO in the Receiving module to make sure all quantities are accurate and close the PO.

Enter the Rental Invoice

  1. Access Enter Invoice Information (Ctrl+J 311)
  2. Click Insert Record (the yellow plus).
  3. Enter the invoice number.
  4. Select Invoice Type “Textbook.”
  5. Select the vendor code for Nebraska Book Company.
  6. Click OK to accept the vendor remit address.
  7. Set the vendor date.
  8. Set the expiration date.
  9. Enter the book discount.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Highlight the NBC rental PO.
  12. Click Add.
  13. Click Close.

The status of the invoice (in the header) will be Pending.

  1. Type the total from the printed invoice in the Invoice Total field in the invoice header in PrismCore.
  2. Sort the invoice by description, if desired, to facilitate data entry.
  3. <Right-click> on individual line items to change them to match the printed invoice.
  4. Change the price update flag on items, as necessary. Note that in most systems, changing the Used price information doesn’t change the New price information.
  5. When the Invoice Total field and the Computed Total fields match, the status will change to Hold.
  6. When the status is Hold, click the hammer and select “Post Invoice.”
  7. Click Yes.
  8. If the invoice was prepaid, check the Prepay Invoice box and enter the check or payment number. If not prepaid, skip this step.
  9. Click OK.