Close Open Rentals - Partnership 2

Close Open Rentals - Partnership 2

‘Close Open Rentals’ is the option that should be used to close rentals not returned that you do not want to or cannot charge students for.  This process should be used if you don’t collect rental guarantee tenders or, if for any reason, you do not want to charge students for all outstanding rentals.  When this process is run, it applies to both NBC Partnership 2 and Store Managed rentals.  No charges are billed to students when this process is run.

This option closes a rental without charging the student for it.  It’s used in place of billing a student, not in conjunction with it. 

Close Open Rentals Hammer Option

The option under the hammer closes all outstanding rentals without charging students.  If you want to close individual rentals, use the <right-click> option on the History tab or the All History tab.

All outstanding rentals will be closed when the option under the hammer is used. No charges to students are made.

What Close Open Rentals Does

  • On the History and All History tabs:
    • Sets the Return Type of ‘Closed’
    • Sets the Return Date to the date the closing took place
  • Reduces inventory by quantities not returned
  • Flags rental barcodes of copies not returned so the barcodes cannot be used again
  • Flags customers with copies not returned as “Can’t Rent” in the Customer File if the ‘Mark RNR’s as Can’t Rent’ parameter is checked in Rental Configuration
  • No emails are sent when rentals are closed

‘Close Open Rentals’ is not the option to use if you want to charge students for rentals not returned.


‘Close Open Rentals’ should take place:

  • After the store’s due date
  • After you have processed the not returned billing for all rentals for which you want to charge students
  • Preferably before reconciling the NBC Rental Partnership
  • Preferably before the rental period is closed.

This process needs to be run only once.  Once a rental is closed, you cannot close it again or charge the student for it.

You can close rentals after the period is closed.  Once the period is closed, though, outstanding rentals won’t be included in the Ship Qty for the NBC Partnership Reconciliation and cannot be shipped to NBC, even if a student returns them to the store before the rental is closed.

Due to the stock adjustments that happen with both billing/closing rentals and closing the rental period, it’s highly recommended that you bill and close all rentals not returned and then immediately close the rental period.

Rentals Not Returned Report

Before closing rentals, review the Rentals Not Returned report.  This report will show the outstanding rentals and the students who rented them. Closing rentals doesn’t charge the students so you will not be collecting the amounts listed on the report.

More than One Rental Period

You will be asked to select the rental period(s) for which you want to close rentals.  You can select more than one rental period, if desired.

Close Open Rentals

After the store’s due date and after you have billed all rentals for which you want to collect replacement charges and fees:

  1. Review the Rentals Not Returned Report to get an idea of what will be closed.
  2. In Rental Number Maintenance, click the hammer.
  3. Select ‘Close Open Rentals’
  4. Check the rental period(s).
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click OK to acknowledge the process when complete.