Send Due Date Reminders - Partnership 2

Send Due Date Reminders - Partnership 2

In Rental Number Maintenance, you will go to the Hammer and choose Send Due Date Reminders. This option is used to email all students with outstanding rentals for the selected period(s).  Reminder emails are sent to the email address in the customer’s record, often provided when the student rented the book.  If you want to send a reminder to an individual student, use the <right-click> option on the History tab or the All History tab.

Reminder emails can be sent more than once.  You can edit the text of the email between times, as needed.

To Email Address

The reminder email is sent to the email address that the customer provides when books are rented.  The address is stored on the customer record in Customer Maintenance which can be accessed in three places:  ICS <Ctrl+J 156>, IAS <Ctrl+J 4101> and PrismCore Admin <Ctrl+J 212>.  If the email fails due to an inaccurate email address, the email address can be edited and the reminder can be sent again.

From Email Address

The ‘From Email Address’ is the Rental Email Sender address as set in Store Information in PrismCore Admin.  The emails are not sent from the email address of the person initiating the process.

More than One Rental Period

After selecting the option to send reminders, you will be asked to select the rental period(s) for which you want to send reminders.  You can send reminders for more than one rental period at a time, however, there is only one reminder text, so all students will receive the same message regardless of the rental period in which books were rented.

‘Email Delay (sec)’ and ‘Email Batch Qty’

When sending emails, you will set the ‘Email Delay (sec)’ and ‘Email Batch Qty.’ These are used so that your email server doesn’t interpret the emails as spam.

The reminders are sent to the email server established in Store Information in PrismCore Admin. To avoid having the server not interpret the emails as spam or junk mail, they may need to be processed in small batches.  Check with your IT Department on what numbers should be used for these fields.

Send Due Date Reminders

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Review and edit, if necessary, the Reminder email text.
  2. In Rental Number Maintenance, click the hammer.
  3. Select Send Due Date Reminders.
  4. Check the rental period(s) that you want to send the Reminder email for.
  5. Type the Email Delay or leave the default of 30 seconds.
  6. Type the Email Batch Qty or leave the default of 5
  7. Click OK.
  8. When a message appears telling you how many emails were sent and how many errors there were, click OK.

Reminder Email Sample

A sample email is below.  When the option under the hammer is used to send reminders and a student has more than one outstanding email, all titles are included in one email message.

Failed Email Messages

In Rental Number Maintenance under reports you will run the Rental Process log for the date the emails were sent.  This report will provide any email errors which occurred.