WinPRISM Release Notes Version 25 ICS

WinPRISM Release Notes Version 25 ICS

WinPrism Version 25 Release Documentation


Currently Version 25.x.x of WinPRISM is not posted on the PCI Website for PA- DSS validation. If you require a validated version, please use V24 for upgrade or installation.
The following features are NOT available for use in Version 25:
Mobile Toolkit
Textbook Bundles
Tokenization and Point to Point Encryption
NBC will alert you when these features are ready for general use.
Winprism 25 now supports SQL 2012
Hardware and Software Requirements for Installing SQL Server 2012
Windows XP does not support any version of SQL 2012.
The 2003 Windows server operating system line is no longer supported.
POS Distributed servers must have the same SQL version, or a higher version, as the ICS server.
For Failsafe systems, if POS is running SQL 2012 the Failsafe must run SQL 2012 as well. Also the register must be running Windows 7 to run Failsafe. The register program will run under XP, but will not do Failsafe.
If POS is running SQL 2008 the Failsafe will need to be SQL 2008 as well. These failsafe registers can run XP or Windows 7.


ICS Item Maintenance/Inventory Maintenance 101/102

Add Record Dialog Increased to Allow More Than Two Digits
The request was created due to an issue with the "Units/pkg" textbox field in the "Add Record" dialog that pops up when you add a new GM item in the "Item Maintenance" module. The textbox would only allow two characters to be entered, while the "Item Maintenance" module allows up to four characters (max: 9,999). The issue has been resolved, so that the textbox now allows up to four digits to be entered.
Color Code Changes (469992)
The request was for an issue with how colors were being stored in the color table for GM items. When the case of a color was changed (lowercase to upper case, for example), it was changed in the color table, but all copies of that color in the Item Master table were still the old case. This would cause additional color options to show up on the web (example: Red, RED, reD). A script is now generated, so that when a case is changed in the color-browse-edit, all instances of that color in all tables are changed to the new case.
Grammatical Error Corrected (469892)
At Item Maintenance, a grammatical error in the popup window for the hammer option 'Convert Inventory to ISBN-13' has been corrected. The word 'ISBN'S' has been changed to ISBNs, removing the apostrophe.
F9 Rental Reports (486890 and 480992 and 486991)
When displaying the F9 reports from Rental Number Maintenance, the values displayed for the SKU and rental periods listed were incorrect, as they displayed the same value for each period even when no rental was done for that period. Also when on the Used record, only the New record would display. This has been corrected.
Manual Stock Adjustment Reason Removed (469919)
In both the Item and Inventory maintenance modules, when doing a manual stock adjustment, the reason code of 'transfer' has been removed from the manual reason. The reason for the removal is that 'transfer' is also the reason code for a regular merchandise transfer, and the use of the manual reason was not hitting stock ledger appropriately as a result. Now, when a merchandise transfer is done, the 'transfer' reason is still used, but is not available for manual stock adjustments.
Packages with No Detail No Longer Allowed (469899)
It is no longer possible to enter a package with no detail at Item Maintenance. In addition, existing packages must have detail items. If items are deleted from an existing package, the user will receive the message 'You are not allowed to create an empty package by deleting package contents. If you wish to replace package items, 1st Add New Items, 2nd Delete Old Items'. When a creating a new package after adding the header, the detail grid pops up. If you try to close the grid without adding items, the message 'To be valid, a package must contain at least one item. Do you wish to add package items?' If the user responds 'No' the package will be deleted. If the user responds 'yes', the user is allowed to continue, and add items to the package.
13 Digit Tradebooks (469922)
There was a change made to the Tradebook sub-system within Item Maintenance, so that 12 digit barcodes are no longer changed to 13 digit barcodes. This was done because, in Tradebooks, the 12 digit barcode was being converted to a 13 digit barcode, causing the items not to be found when scanned by the users.
Deleted Sizes (492220)
In Item Maintenance, on the GM tab, the size browse/edit dialog would display sizes that had been deactivated/deleted from the grid when the dialog was refreshed. This is no longer occurring. When the '-' button is used the size is deactivated/deleted and when the '+' button is used the size is re-added. In both cases when refreshing the browse/edit the changes are saved.
Focus Saved (480986)
A change was made to the focus of the edit fields in the Item and Inventory maintenance modules only. In both cases, this pertains to the header edit fields and not the tool bar or the detail grid. The modules have been changed to retain focus in the edit fields when paging between the four views (tabs) at the bottom of the module (textbook, tradebook, GM, Package). Previously, when changing tabs the focus would return back to a set default edit field, not the last edit field being used. Now, when the user opens a record in either Item Maintenance or Inventory Maintenance and left-clicks in an edit field within the header, then switches to another view, then comes back to that same view, the focus will still remain in the original edit field prior to switching views (tabs).
Styles Screen (477144)
It was reported that when deleting the last season code from the Styles screen, the message "Attempt to scroll past end or before beginning of data" would display. This no longer occurs.
F9 Report Crash (477163)
It was reported that when opening F9 reports, and then closing the report, the report would go away as expected, but when clicking on different fields within the detail section, or selecting the next or previous record on the toolbar, the system would crash. When the report is now opened and closed by using F9 or the Quick Menu toolbar button, clicking within different fields in the detail section, or using the next or previous record button on the toolbar no longer causes WinPrism to crash.
F9 Sales History (493972 and 492233 and 483771)
The Ending Inventory Qty and Cost on the Year End footer for the F9 Sales History Report has been removed. Also, the F9 Sales History report has been corrected and the yearly margin total will now calculate correctly. The yearly total was summing the margin for the year rather than calculating it. Finally, it was reported that the PO Qty and PO Cost were being calculated incorrectly. A change was implemented so that the PO Qty and PO Cost are being calculated and displayed correctly, and the most recent year is now being displayed at the top of the report rather than at the bottom.
Matrix Issue (489797)
When adding a new item in item matrix maintenance, the vendor was not being brought over into inventory maintenance, only item maintenance. This has been corrected.
Master Styles and Colors (499414)
When adding or changing colors on multiple master style templates with the same colors, an error: 'Error in Master Style Screen while adding a color' would display and not allow the master style to be updated. This has now been resolved.
Fast / Slow Moving Items (502027)
In Inventory Maintenance, the Fast-Slow Moving Sales Items Report was showing current SOH to be doubled. This was being caused by the DCC being changed on an existing SKU, so on the report it showed the SKU listed out twice doubling the current SOH. A change was made so that when the DCC is changed there will still be two entries on the report, the old DCC will reflect 0 and the new DCC will reflect the correct current SOH which eliminates the current SOH to be doubled.
Convert Inventory ISBN Option (503739)
When running the hammer option in Item Maintenance to Convert Inventory to ISBN 13 the error: 'Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <=, >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. The statement has been terminated.' displayed and did not allow the ISBN to be converted to 13-digit. This has been corrected and errors are no longer displayed during this process.
F9 Rental Info Report (510208)
The F9 Rental Info tab report in Item Maintenance was not showing any information regarding rental books pertaining to Used SKU's. In Rental Number Maintenance, the used showed rental activity. The stored procedure was changed so that when a used textbook is rented, the information is now correctly displayed on the F9 Rental Info tab Report.
Bundle Capability Added (469898)
The ability to bundle rental items has been added to WinPrism v25. Aspects of renting bundles in WinPOS, Mail Order and Web Order as well as refunding and returning bundles (including buyback) have been tested, and are documented. Please see "Textbook Bundle" documentation for more details.
Negative SOH Items by DCC Report (546417)
The request was created to add a Total field to the 'Negative SOH Items by DCC' report in WinPrism Item Maintenance > Reports Menu. The totals field gives a sum of the SOH qty (negative) for all the items in the DCC with a negative SOH. The total is displayed as a negative number. There are also totals for "Ext Cost", "Ext Retail" and "Ext Acct Cost"which display in () as negative. If the report is generated for a single location or multiple locations, each DCC will have a total and each location will have a grand total after the last DCC.
Item Import Not Working (565905)
When importing customer file into item maintenance via the hammer option 'Import Item Information' if the catalog number field contained anything other than numeric data a conversion error would display and items were not getting updated or added accordingly. Catalog numbers were being processed as integers when most often are alphanumeric.
The process was changed to accept both numeric and alphanumeric characters to prevent the conversion errors. Also if an existing catalog number or SKU exists and matches to the customer file, item maintenance records will be updated with the new customer data – matching on catalog number first then SKU.

ICS Serial Number Maintenance – 105

Recalculate XREF (469927)
The Recalculate XREF button in the Edit Detail dialog in Serial Number Maintenance was not saving the recalculated value, hence the new value was not being displayed on the detail grid. The new XREF is now saved to the detail grid as expected.
10 Digit Serial Number (469998)
In Serial Number Maintenance, the automatically generated serial number previously generated as a 4 digit number, but now has been changed to generate a 10-digit serial number to comply with checks that require the serial number to be 10 digits.
The change will now be seen when either regenerating an already existing serialized item or when creating a new one. In the 'autogenerated serial number' dialog, the serial number will display in the 'next autogenerated number' field as a zero-filled serial number and will display on the detail grid the same way regardless if there is a template prior.

ICS Price Changes – 107

Parameter Changes (469924)
Fixed both the 'percent amount' and 'set margin to' parameters in the 'Add Price Change' dialog of the 'Price Change' module. Prior to this, the parameters would either change to, or display as '-1.#R%', because they were not getting initialized correctly in the code.
This problem has been fixed for both parameters.

ICS Jumpbooks – 108

Digital Text at Multiple Locations (469880)
When a digital text book that is at multiple locations is sold, the digital text was only being searched by SKU. Code has been added to also search by location.
Jumpbooks and PRISM POS (489802)
The request was created to ensure jumpbook transactions entered at PRISM POS and passed through WPCom into WinPrism Jumpbooks contained the correct location. The changes have modified the logic to assign the correct location ID for the transactions when adding them to WinPrism. Previously, any location ID could have been chosen.

ICS Rental Number Maintenance – 1012

Replace XREF (469945)
When replacing an old XREF with a blank XREF in the Replace Rental XREF option in the Rental Number Maintenance module, the system used to error with 'incorrect syntax near ',' . This has been corrected, so that the system accepts the blank field, and no error displays.
Rental Activity Report (469895)
The request was for an enhancement in Rental Number Maintenance. The enhancement was to add a column called "Rental Return Type" to the 'Rental Activity' report that would display the method of return (POS/Buyback/Returned/etc). When the report is run without barcodes the "Return Type" is located under the "Return Date" on the report.
When the report is run with barcodes the "Return Type" is under the "Rental Number" on the report. If the item has not been returned the "Return Type" will be blank.
Used Rental Period Records Removed With History (486885 and 480991)
In Rental Number Maintenance, used rental item period records were getting deleted when a new rental item period still existed, or when history was attached. This change prevents the deletion from occurring, and displays a more informative user message when rental periods are not allowed to be deleted. The new messages are as follows:

  • When attempting to delete a used rental period when a new rental period exists, the message: 'Could not delete used text for period <> because a new text exists' will now display.
  • When attempting to delete a new or used rental period with history the message: 'Could not delete item from period <> because histories exist' will now display.

NMRP Close Period (469913 and 486898 and 507515)
The request was created to automatically remove the customer information and change the "Return Type" of NMRP rental items that are outstanding when an NMRP session is closed. The "Return Type" in WinPrism Rental Number Maintenance --> History Tab, is now set to "Closed" if an NMRP item is outstanding when the session is closed. Also, if the status on a store-managed rental is outstanding, it should not be closed. This has been fixed so that the outstanding store-managed rentals do not get closed. Finally, the request was created to modify the NMRP process so the manually set statue of 'Closed' is not transmitted via NBC Utility. In WinPrism Rental Number Maintenance, when a rental is manually closed through the "Close Rental" context menu on the History tab, the status will no longer be sent through the NMRP update process.
Location ID Changed to Location Abbreviation (469946)
The request was created due to a display issue in the "Send Due Date Reminders", "Process Not Returned Billings", and "Close Open Rentals" dialogs, which are accessible through "Rental Number Maintenance" via hammer options. The dialogs were displaying the Location ID number instead of a user-readable value. The issue has been corrected so that the Location's Abbreviation now displays, instead of the Location ID number.
Dynamic Tags Rental Due Date (469923)
When creating dynamic rental tags using the rental barcode with due date option from Rental number maintenance hammer options, the due date displaying was not correct based on the latest rental period. When a new rental period was added that had a due date prior to the latest due date, that prior due date was displaying when the dynamic rental tags were created instead of the latest due date. This has been corrected.
Bundles and Rentals (495779)
The request was created to modify the rental bundle adoption process in WinPrism Rental Number Maintenance to check certain attributes of the bundle when being adopted. If the bundle contains a component that is not previously setup as a rental, the system will display the following prompt during the adoption process:

  • "A rental must first be created for the rental component of this bundle. Create rental for component SKU xxxxxxxx now? YES NO".

Choosing YES creates a rental record for the component SKU. Choosing NO takes no action. The adoption of the component item can then be handled at that time.
Another check was also added when rental periods are being assigned to bundle rental records in WinPrism Rental Number Maintenance. If a bundle's component SKU is no longer a rental, the following prompt will display: "The bundle does not have a rental component. OK".
Options for Multi-Store in NMRP and Partnership Added (469886)
Several changes have been made to the NMRP program. Stores are now allowed to set up separate accounts within an NMRP session. The change will be seen at Rental Maintenance under the NMRP Return Reconciliation option at Rental Maintenance. In addition, each account within the session will have a PO created rather than just creating one PO for the entire session. The new sequence for the PO's will be NMRP_PO-account name- session number. Each PO should reconcile back to the individual account within the session.
The partnership program has been changed so that each location will now have its own monthly NCDTR's, final Returns and Purchase Orders. This allows each location to reconcile the books rented for their location. When a new Partnership period is set up it will be established per location rather than by rental period. This is the only change in how the setup process works. Each NCDTR, Return and Purchase Orders will use the new sequence series. The NCDTR sequence NBCRR-account number-session number- batch number. The Returns sequence is NBCRR-account number-session number- period. The Purchase Order sequence is NBCPO-account number-session number- period.
Return Reconciliation (492213)
The request was created to perform a check when accessing the NMRP Return Reconciliation dialog to make sure a valid NBC Vendor is set in rental configuration. If there is no vendor set, then the dialog cannot be accessed and the following message will appear: "A valid NBC vendor must be set before NMRP Rental Reconciliation can be done OK".
Change Refund Expiration Date (486874)
A change was made in Rental Number Maintenance to allow a Refund Expiration Date to be updated/changed to allow a refund when circumstances arise to do so. In prior code, the user had to go through multiple steps to accomplish this, and still couldn't see the actual expiration date that was being set. The new change is as follows.

  • The refund expiration field was added to the History tab in the Rental Number Maintenance module between the Rented Date field and the due date field.
  • The right-click option 'Reset Refund Expiration Date' from the previous code has been removed and a new right-click option 'Edit refund expiration date' has been added.
  • When this option is selected it allows the user to change the refund expiration date on the single rental record.
  • In addition, it will now display the new refund expiration date in the refund date field on the history tab of the specific rental record.
  • When the edit refund expiration option is selected, the new dialog 'Edit Refund Expiration Date' will display so the refund date can be changed.

NOTE: If the date is after the rental period end date, the message 'The refund expiration date must be before the rental period end date' will display and not allow the date to be changed past the end date.
Email for Midnight Run (492413)
The email sent as a result of the NMRP check for invoice issues that happens during the midnight run for NMRP book rentals has been enhanced to show if missing information did not update a rental history in Rental Number Maintenance during a refund.
NMRP Lock Added (492235)
The request was created to lock down NMRP rental periods once titles had been rented on that period. Previous to this change, it was possible to turn NMRP periods on and off by checking and unchecking the "NMRP" checkbox in WinPrism Rental Number Maintenance --> Hammer Options --> Rental Configuration --> Rental Periods. It is no longer possible to edit this checkbox. Also, the "Neebo Managed Rental Program Period" checkbox within the edit period dialog in the same menu is now read-only.
Card Not Present (496296)
The request was created to ensure the 'Card Present' setting is not set when running an RNR transaction through Shift4. Since the card is not present when the RNR is processed, the field is no longer set.
Rental Books Used / Not Used Again (477187)
The 'Rental Books Used/Not Used Again' report run from the Reports menu in Rental Number Maintenance (More Reports) has been corrected. The issue was related to a variable that wasn't being reinitialized, flagging some items as used/not used incorrectly. The variable is now being reinitialized correctly.
NMRP Price Lock (492422)
Previously, a Price Lock Date was added as a safety measure to ensure the store's rental prices don't get changed if mainframe pushes a new book list to wholesale to replace an existing list. Once the Price Lock Date has passed, you cannot adopt NMRP titles to WinPrism. The Price Lock Date was set incorrectly for the spring semester. This has been corrected, so that when updated, the system will correct the lock date to be 4/14.
Recalculation of Pricing (509247)
The request was created to add a re-calculation of bundle rental prices if the retail and/or cost of the rentable component item or bundle item are changed in WinPrism Item Maintenance. Since the rental price of the bundle is dependent on the price of the rentable component, when the retail or cost price of the rentable component is updated, the bundle rental price will need to be re-calculated to fit the bundle price formula: (Bundle Retail - Component Retail) + Component Rental. If "Auto Update Prices/Fees" is set in WinPrism Rental Number Maintenance, these calculations will be done when the rental record for either the bundle item or the component item is refreshed.
NMRP Sessions (509455)
When an NMRP session is closed, a problem was corrected that was adding titles to the Purchase Order that had a zero as the 'Keep' quantity at Rental Number Maintenance using the hammer option NMRP Return Reconciliation. Unless a title that is included in the NMRP session has a 'Keep Quantity', it should not be on the Purchase Order. This has been corrected.
Rentals Not Returned Report (511728)
It was reported that the Rentals Not Returned Report in Rental Number Maintenance was not displaying RNR tax. A code fix was implemented so that any items on the reportwhich are past the due date the tax column reflect a value of either $0.00 or the tax amount billed.
Auto-Create NBC Vendor (511722)
The request was created to automatically set an NBC Vendor in the "NBC Vendor" field in WinPrism Rental Number Maintenance – Hammer Options – Rental Config when NMRP is first initialized. If the "NBC Vendor" field is not set when the "Participate in Program" box is checked, it will be filled in automatically with any Nebraska Book Company vendor in the system. If there is no Nebraska Book Company vendor in the system, one will be created with default parameters and inserted into the "NBC Vendor" field.
Closing NMRP Periods (514339)
The request was created to add versatility to the closing process of certain NMRP periods. When multiple rental periods for separate WinPrism locations were opened under the same rental session, it was not possible to close any of the periods in WinPrism Rental Number Maintenance – Hammer Options – NMRP Return Reconciliation until the last due date was in the past. Now anytime a rental period's due date is in the past, it can be closed in the NMRP Return Reconciliation.
Rental Emails and Log Files (469905)
The request was created due to an issue with sending Rental email reminders. If an error occurs while sending these emails, then the error is not logged, even though the final counts while running the process will display the number of failed sends. This ITG covers sending emails for Rental Returns, Rental Reminders, and Rental Replacement Billings (Rental Not Returned process) . All errors for rental returns, reminders, and replacement billings should now be logged. Success messages only for replacement billing authorizations will be logged. All logging should be accessible via custom reports created in the Report Generator for the store.
A second report, 'Rental process log', generated from the reports menu of rental number maintenance, has also been changed to add the three new rental process types (rental return, rental reminder, and replacement billing authorization) and group by rental process error type groups such as process error or email error.
There are two ways emails are now being sent:

  • Rental Return emails are sent from the Email Queue.
  • Email Reminders and Replacement Billing Emails are sent directly from the Winprism client.

Also, if a Rental Return email fails to send the first time then the Email Queue will not try to send the email again, but simply just log the error the first time. Originally if there was an error sending the email, then the email would continue sending each time the queue was executed.
Rental Activity Report (515565)
The Rental Activity Report was not correctly displaying a mail order rental for a quantity greater than one followed by a refund on that same order. When the Rental Activity Report was generated, it was only reflecting one rental for the single SKU even if multiples were rented on the same order. When the refund was made the Rental Activity Report would still only reflect the one rented item being refunded. This report was changed to handle rental items with a quantity >1, when renting and refunding or returning.
NMRP Calls for Partnership Stores (523623, P1)
The request was created to ensure NMRP token and rental session calls were not taking place when a system is setup as rental partnership. Previously, these calls were taking place and causing NBC Utility to report errors during the nightly transmission. If a system is setup for NMRP, the calls still take place successfully.
Rental Configuration (529090, P3)
When the 'Auto update prices/fees' option in rental configuration was used, rental prices were not always updating and, in some cases, an update price error 'fnroundmoney failed because parameter 1 is not allowed to be null' displayed. This seemed to occur most often in receiving and invoicing when using the 'update now' flag. These changes ensure the rental prices are updated when using these scenarios.
NMRP Title Adoption (529078, P3)
The request was created due to an issue with the NMRP Title Adoption process. When adopting thousands of titles, the process could take hours to complete. The issue was on the Winprism side, where building the list of ISBNs was taking a very long time. The process should be much quicker now.
Rentals Returned (529076, P3)
This issue was a problem with the 'Rentals Returned' report generated from the reports menu of the rental number maintenance module. The problem was with the 'Adopted' column. If the rented book is returned via POS, then the column shows Y or N accurately, but if the rental is returned via Buyback the column always displays N. In order for the 'y' to display on this report the rented item must be on an 'open' term – not just active at the returned location. This issue has been corrected.
Rental Returns (537872, P4)
The request was created to allow the ability to refund a rental title after the rental had been de-activated either by cancelling a course request or manually de-activating the rental in WinPrism Rental Number Maintenance. If a course request that contains an NMRP or Partnership v2 item is cancelled, the rental record for that item is de-activated. At that point, the items were no longer allowed to be refunded prior to this change. Now if an NMRP item or Partnership v2 item is on a course that is cancelled, the record is de- activated, but any outstanding rentals can still be returned. The same is true for store- managed rental items whose rental records are de-activated manually by unchecking the "Active" box in WinPrism Rental Number Maintenance.
Rental Profitability Report (546413, P6)
On the Rental Profitability report generated from the reports menu in Rental Number Maintenance, a new total line was added for the Qty Rented column at both the subsystem and rental type levels.
Partnership 2 Rentals and Mail Order Packing List (565904)
For Partnership2 rentals done thru Mail Order the mail order packing list was not displaying rental information or the correct pricing (sale price and not rental price). This problem has now been corrected.
Multi-Location Returns (565913, P8)
The Rentals Returned Report has been corrected so it includes rentals that are rented at one location and returned to another if the Partnership 1 program is setup to do so.
Previously books rented at different locations and returned to another were not displayed on the report.

ICS Course Requests – 112

Entering Problem Notification (469885)
The request was for an issue in Course Requests. When a Problem Notification was entered by right clicking in the detail grid in either the Detail or Order Decisions tab, the record was not refreshing right away. You would have to save, refresh, or do a new search in order for the line item to turn red. This has been changed, so now the line item turns red immediately after a Problem Notification is entered.
Shelf Tags and Rentals (477198)
The request was created to check the "Do You Want To Print Shelf Tags" flag in WinPrism Course Requests when a course request title is adopted to a rental period. Previously, this flag would remain unchecked and the user would not be alerted to the fact that new shelf tags that include rental prices needed to be printed. NOTE: If WinPrism Course Requests is open when this change is made, the module will need to be closed and re-opened to see the change.
Combined Shelf Tags (510203)
The request was created to further implement enhancements to printing shelf tags from WinPrism Course Requests – Hammer Options – Print Shelf Tags. These changes have changed the "Shelf Tag Type" combo box to include "Single-Title" or "Multi Title" instead of Combined Shelf Tags and Shelf Tags. The "Combine Like Sections" checkbox has been added to the dialog in order to accommodate the enhancement to print/preview shelf tags with like sections combined. The sections that have the same items are now combined on the shelf tags, with each section listed in the header, as well as each instructor for the sections.
Add Color to Course Requests (486889)
The request was created to ensure the "Add Color To Course Requests" system parameter in WPAdmin General System Parameters is now implemented as a checkbox that can be turned on or off.
Sending Courses to Web (499386)
The request was for an update to how course information and section comments flow to the web. In Course Requests, if you leave the 'Adoption Complete' button unchecked, then only dept, course, and section will flow to the web. It's only by checking the 'Adoption Complete' button that course information, along with the section comment, will flow to the web.
Colors in Course Requests (489810)
The request was created to eliminate certain behaviors that were being observed in WinPrism Course Requests when the system parameter to "Add Color To Course Requests" was activated in WPAdmin > General System Parameters. If the system parameter was on, and a problem notification was added to a course request, other detail lines would have their colors changed when clicked on in the detail grid. The change made ensures that detail lines are changed to blue when the system parameter is activated and their "Request" column is changed from "Required" to "Optional" or "Recommended". Otherwise any problem notifications will always be in red, regardless of the system parameter's status.
Problem Notifications in Red (489794)
The request was created to ensure all lines that contain Problem Notifications in WinPrism Course Request would turn red if the system parameter for "Add Colors to Course Requests" is on. When the "Request Type" field for detail items in Course Requests is changed to non-required (Optional or Recommended), the line will turn blue. Previous to this change, any non-required type that had a Problem Notification would still remain blue and not turn red. This change ensures that any and all detail lines are turned red if they contain a Problem Notification, regardless of that line's request type.
Binding ID on Requisition Report (493979)
On the Textbook Requisition report from Course Requests when an item has a binding ID that does not exist in the binding table, the prior successful item (with binding ID) is being displayed instead of the current item. If the item without a binding ID is the first item on the Textbook Requisition report, then all fields except the price and barcode are blank. With this change a blank binding type is no longer allowed in the table.
Multiple Periods, Same Term, and Shelf Tags (514306)
The original issue was when using multiple periods for the same term and using different pricing on the items for each of those terms, the correct rental price was not printing on the shelf tags when generated. Per programming, a store will not be able to use different prices on different periods using the same term and printing shelf tags. The prices will need to be the same unless the term is different. If the terms are the same and the prices are different when printing the shelf tags using the parameter 'shelf tag type' of Single-
Title, the correct used rental price displays, but it pulls the new rental price from the first active rental period. If the 'Multi-title' tag type is selected, the opposite occurs, the new rental prices display correctly, but the used rental price is that of the first active period.
Textbook Requisitions (503738)
It was reported that when running the Textbook Requisitions report from Course Request module, incorrect information was being returned. Instead of showing the books from a previous term, the report was reflecting zzzzy zz-99998, zzzzz zz-99999. A code fix was made to handle historical matching using the Course/Instructor option when there were blank courses.
Printing Shelf Tags (516522)
The request was created to correct an issue printing single-title shelf tags from the context menu in WinPrism Course Requests. The context menu option to "Print Shelf Tag" was not initializing the print process because a separate enhancement had changed the way a system's printer was saved within the "Print Shelf Tags" dialog in this module's Hammer Options. This has been changed so when a single-title shelf tag is printed from the context menu, the same printer that is saved to that "Shelf Tag Type" in the dialog is used.
Multiple Title Tags (477146)
The enhancement was created to add the ability to combine like sections when printing shelf tags from WinPrism Course Requests --> Hammer Options --> Print Shelf Tags. The enhancement contains the following changes:
A combo box now exists to choose different shelf tags.
The "print all textbooks for course on shelf tag" check box has been removed.
The ability to combine like sections on the shelf tags has been added.
Sections, comments and instructors are concentrated for like sections.
Switching Detail Resets Focus (505081)
In the Course Requests module, a previously selected row doesn't stay selected in the detail tab when switching between the detail and order decisions tab. Also when the 'adoption complete' box is checked then the record is saved it becomes unchecked when going between the detail and order decisions tab. Both of these issues have been corrected.
Shelf Tag Printing (525371)
Shelf tag type 'Single-title - Custom' and 'Single-title' were not displaying in the 'Print Shelf Tags' dialog under the hammer options in course requests. Since the update to version 25, only the multi-title shelf tags would display. When selecting a title from the course request detail grid and right-clicking, the single title shelf tags printed as normal. The single-title and custom shelf tag options have now been added back into the print shelf tags hammer option dialog under 'shelf tag type'.
Student Textbook List (546407, P6)
When running the 'student textbook list' report for terms with a large number of courses the report would bog down and take a long time to run or time out in the process of running. This has been corrected.
Shelf Tag Issues (565915, P8)
An issue was reported that in Course Requests, the fields RA (Requested Amount) and QTP (Quantity to Provide) were no longer populating with the correct data when printing Shelf Tags. A code change was made so those fields are now populating with the correct data matching Order Decisions.

ICS Order Decisions – 114

Delay in Report (469941 and 477172)
The request was for an issue in Order Decision Maintenance. The issue was in the report 'Order Decision Wks Status - by SKU'. While in report parameters, after clicking on the 'Term' ellipses and selecting a term(s) there was a substantial delay between clicking 'OK' and being returned to the report parameters. This has been fixed and there is now virtually no delay when clicking 'OK' to confirm term selection(s). Also, all canned reports in Order Decisions have been optimized to generate faster.
Errors Added For Partnership Dialog (469933)
The request was created to add new adoption error messages to the partnership adoption dialog.
Error messages were added to alert the user of the following scenarios:
"Unable to read account settings for location" - This message is displayed if the Rental Account information for the location adopting partnership titles is mislabeled in Rental Configuration.
"Could not send Titles" - This message is displayed if there are any communication problems between WPServer and partnership (trouble communicating with partnership URL, firewalls, etc)
"Could not save titles" - This error will occur if WPServer isn't able to save the results from Partnership to the Winprism Database.
The above errors will display in the top right corner of the partnership adoption dialog with a red background as previous errors in adoption had been displayed.
Adoption Complete (514307)
The request was for an issue with book information going out to the web despite the 'Adoption Complete' box being unchecked. If this box is unchecked the term information should go to the web, but not the actual book details. This was occurring due to an error when order decisions were being updated. The error has been corrected and now book information is not being sent to the web if the 'Adoption Complete' checkbox is not checked.

ICS Term Maintenance – 115

Multiple Terms Tied to a Rental Period Not Flowing to Web (480995)
The request was for an issue with sending a term that has multiple rental periods associated with it to the web. The issue was that the rentals associated with one of these periods were not being added to the packet sent to the web. This has been fixed.
Sending Information to Text Req (493974)
The request was for an issue with how we were sending terms to the web. Previously, we only sent out term and departments to the web if a term was set to historical and sales status was closed. It was requested that all information (course/section/book info) be sent to the web, even when sales status is set to closed and adoption status is historical.
Sending Books to Web (477168)
The request was to send book information to the web even if a term's sales status is set to 'Closed' if the Adoption Status is set to 'Open'. The only time book information should not be sent to the web when using the hammer option 'Update Web' is when both Sales Status and Adoption Status are set to Closed.
Rental By Term (526078 and 528538) (P1)
The request was for an issue with rental-by-term rentals not being sent to the web properly. If you tried sending a rental that was on multiple terms, only one "Text_Product_Rental" was being sent to the web. This is no longer occurring as all "Text_Product_Rental" lines are now included in the packet when sending multiple rental-by-term rentals.
Combine Like Sections (529075, P3)
It was reported that when in Course Requests and using the hammer option to Print Shelf Tags when the combine like sections box was checked the book number was incorrect in the report returned. A code change was made so that the book number is now correct, Book 1 of 4, Book 2 of 4, etc. The correct book number is accurate whether the combine like sections box is checked or unchecked.

ICS Physical Inventory – 142

Error Adding Record (477147)
It was reported that an error occurred when trying to add a second Fixture on the Physical Inventory. Now, users can successfully add multiple fixtures without receiving any error message.

ICS Manual Sales – 144

Separate NMRP Sales on Reports (477148)
The Posted Sales – Departmental Detail Report now has a flag which, when checked, will separate out the NMRP Rental Sales into their own section on the report.
Sales Out of Balance (477174)
Previously, if a store opened the store local to the POS machine, the sales would not post correctly. This has been corrected.
Posted Sales Correctly Reports for Single Digit DCCs (469928)
The request was for an issue with the Manual Sales report "Posted Sales - Department Details". Stores using DCC's with single digit departments were having difficulty, as the report was not sorting in the correct order. A space was added, so that the report sorts correctly when a department has less than two digits and no leading zero.
Sales History by DCC Report (493980)
There was an issue with the Sales History by DCC report including negative SOH in the Ending Inventory column, even when the Exclude Negative SOH was checked.
As a result, the Ending Inventory number did not match the Sales History report or the Stock Ledger Spreadsheet. This problem has now been resolved.
Can Again Edit Manual Sales (502020)
In Manual Sales, the detail grid of sales records can once again now be edited or new records added. Previously, an issue was reported which stopped the user from editing or adding details to the grid.
Multiple Tenders Using Same POS Code (502026)
When multiple tenders use the same POS Code, it can result in duplicate entries in the Unposted Sales – Department Detail report in Manuel Sales. A code change was done so the report is no longer dependent upon the POS Code, which eliminates duplicates being generated in the report.
Tax Rounding Issues (537871, P4)
In some cases the WinPOS calculated tax amount was not being rounded to the nearest penny which was causing sales to be out of balance. This has been fixed so that the tax rounds correctly.
Report Matching Issues (565906, P8)
An issue was reported that in Manual Sales and running reports for Posted Sales – Department Detail, and Posted Sales – Department Summary using the same parameters for both the report totals were not matching. A code change was made so that now when running the reports with the same parameters the totals match.

ICS Close Sales Month – 145

Issues Closing Month (539833, P5)
When running Close Sales Month, some stores running SQL versions prior to 2010 would receive the message, "conversion failed when converting the varchar value"xxxxx.xxxxxxxxxx" to data type INT". A patch was made to fix the issue so now when closing the sales month the process will complete without generating any error messages.

ICS Sales Event– 146

Matrix Items on Events (469884)
In the Sales Event module, the capability was enabled so that matrix items (such as from Styles) could be added more easily to a sale event. The icon has always been there, but just not activated. A tab 'Add to Sales Event' was then also added to the matrix dialog that displays when using a matrix item and will do two different things: 1) Show which SKUs are currently on the sales event. 2) Allows new SKUs to be placed on the sales event if they aren't already there.
The matrix icon is only shown as enabled when the selected SKU or item is a matrix item. The matrix dialog is displayed either by clicking on the matrix icon or right-click and select 'view matrix item'.
If needing to delete an item from the sale event, the user must go to the SKU summary tab, right-click and delete. Once an item is checked as 'include on sale event' this is the only way to uncheck the matrix item.
Sales Events and Autogen (546404, P6)
When creating a Sale event using autogen by user list the items from the user list were not populating on the detail grid in the sales event module but the same similar function was working correctly in Catalog Maintenance. The coding from catalog maintenance was added to sales event so this function now works the same. Also when selecting by user list in the 'Item Find Settings' dialog box if a description is wanted this must be put under the 'Filter' box in this dialog to populate on the sales event header record – it does not come from the user list description. ICS Catalog Maintenance– 151
Product Family Issues (493973)
In Catalog Maintenance, when making a change to a detail line of a product family and then tabbing out of that detail line and going to another product family line, the newly selected product family did not display the correct detail SKU if there was only one row of detail to display. Instead, it displayed the previous product family detail, and not the newly selected product family detail. This occurred most often when there was only one detail line per product family and multiple product families per catalog. This issue has now been resolved.
Stock Updates for Deleted Items (493978)
The request was for an issue with stock updates re-adding items to the web. Previous to this, if you removed an item from a catalog, it would remove it from the web as expected. However if you did a stock adjustment for that item it would resend it to the web. This has been corrected and is no longer occurring.
Resend Catalog to Web (499392)
The request was to readd hammer option 'Resend catalog to Web' in Catalog Maintenance. This option was removed in v24 and the only way to manually resend a catalog to web was by unchecking and rechecking the 'WebPRISM' checkbox on the specific catalog. This had the potential to cause problems as WinPRISM first sends a DELETE packet for the catalog and then when it is re-added a new catalog ID is assigned. The hammer option has been added back and when used this will initiate an UPDATE packet for the specific catalog selected.
Catalog Media Report (499395)
It was reported that when running the Catalog Media report in the Catalog Maintenance module, the report would run for a long period of time, not return any data, and would eventually have to end the task. The script was rewritten so the report now returns all data in a few seconds.
Matrixes in Catalog Maintenance (469950)
In catalog maintenance, there was a problem displaying a two dimensional matrix when using the toolbar button, or the context menu option 'view item matrix'. These display options have now been activated, so that if the items on the catalog are matrix items and the user is on any of the tabs in Catalog Maintenance, (Detail, All, Inventory) besides the Product Family tab, they become active so the matrix can be viewed. When either the matrix button (tool bar) or the context menu (view item matrix) option is selected, the 'Item Matrix' dialog will display with the matrix.
One of the Matrix tabs recently added is the 'In Catalog' tab. This tab will display all matrix items for the specified matrix and location. There are two columns: 'In Catalog' and 'New in Catalog'. The 'In Catalog' checkboxes if checked means the items are already on the catalog. The 'New in Catalog' checkbox, when checked, allows the user to add new matrix items to the catalog, by also clicking on the 'add items' button.
Items can also be deleted from the catalog, unless the catalog product family is of type 'style', or the items on the catalog have been added to the catalog automatically using a style. In these cases, the 'delete detail' option under the context menu is not active; otherwise the detail item can be deleted. When the item is deleted off of the catalog, the 'In Catalog' checkbox will become unchecked, but can easily be readded by checking the 'new in catalog' checkbox and clicking 'add items'.

ICS Enter Mail Order – 152

Multi-Web Functionality Added
The new "Multi Store" functionality for web has been added to WinPRISM. This allows stores to combine multiple ICS locations into a single web site. In order to use the new multi-store web features, the user will first need to contact WinPRISM Support.
New Substituted for Used (469929)
An alert has been added to inform users when a new item is being substituted for used in Enter Mail Order. Previously, a message appeared stating "The tender amount is incorrect", which could cause confusion. This has been corrected, so the message now reads "New substituted for Used", or "Used substituted for New".
Copy / Paste Added (469888)
The request was for an issue in Enter Mail Order and Ship Mail Order. Previous to this change, none of the fields in the tender views would allow copy/cut/paste functions. This has been corrected so copy/cut/paste functions are available when applicable. NOTE: Copy/paste functions are CNTL+C and CNTL+X and CNTL+V.
NMRP and Mail Order (486907)
The request was created to correct an issue in the packets being sent from WinPrism to the web when a web order is closed in WinPrism Enter Mail Orders. Previously, used NMRP items were being sent back to the web with the used retail price, rather than the NMRP rental price. This was causing the order total to be incorrect. The packets have been corrected to contain the NMRP rental prices in the correct field as well as the order total field.
Course Linkage (470000)
The request was for an issue in Enter Mail Orders. If a title was added to more than one course request, and then added to a mail order via course lookup, an occasional error would occur, noting too many values were generated, and the term linkage would not be made. The problem has been corrected. This has been updated so now even when including multiple departments in your search, course linkage is still made.
Single Quote in Order Comment (469910)
The request was for an issue in Enter Mail Orders. The issue was when you used an apostrophe in the 'Order Comment' field, the system would give an SQL error when you tried to save the record. This has been corrected and is no longer occurring.
A/R as Guarantee Tender (528530)
When using A/R Charge as the Rental Guaranteed Tender, the following message is generated: "Failed to Retrieve Token". This only occurs when Shift 4 is running. A code change was made so that the A/R Charge can be selected in the Rental Guaranteed Tender dialog when Shift 4 is running and the order will process correctly.
Mail Order Rental with Alpha in XREF (492216)
When processing a mail order rental after entering the rental XREF (containing an alpha character) in the Rental Reference Information dialog, the error message: 'Invalid Column name '<XREF>' displayed. It still allowed the order to process, but displayed the error.
When using an all numeric XREF the order processed without error. This was an SQL error and has been corrected.
Batch Pick Report (489818)
The Enter Mail Order Batch Pick report was displaying multiple lines for mail orders that were tendered with multiple tenders. This has been corrected so that each detail item will display only once for each mail order when multiple tenders are used. Also verified was that the XREF field on the report is now displaying correctly with the XREF (information from the Barcode field in Item Maintenance) and not the cat/ISBN.
Ship to Error (477162)
It was reported that when in Enter Mail Order, if the ellipsis button next to the Ship To section was selected and the shipping description field was set to blank or changed to blank, then when opening the Ship Mail Orders module and modifying any fields in the Ship To dialog, a Foreign Key error was generated. Any changes made would not be saved. A change has been made to the script so that when the Desc filed is blank, or changed to blank, a Foreign Key error will no longer generate. It is possible to now create a new record without populating the 'Desc' field or deleting populated information at a later time in the Enter Mail Order or Ship Mail Orders module without a Foreign Key error generating.
Multiple Periods and Mail Order (469983)
In Mail Order, when a rental item is added to an order, if that item is on more than one rental period and the order is processed, a dialog displays for the user to select the rental period to which to tie the item. On this dialog, the problem was that the due date was missing. This problem was occurring when one of the rental periods for the item was not valid or not present (on Web order still associated with closed rental periods). In this case the RentalPId parameter in the catalog sales detail table was set to zero. When the order was processed, the dialog did not display correctly (missing due date). This dialog has been corrected.
Register Totals Report (492227)
The Mail Order Register Totals Report now includes Rentals Not Returned sales tax amounts. Prior to this, the report would show the merchandise amounts, but not the sales taxes collected.
Canadian Mail Order / Tax (483733)
It was reported that when creating a Mail Order using a Canadian address that was using the state code of NL it was related to Newfoundland and Labrador which was pulling in the wrong tax information. A change was made to the Tax Codes in WPAdmin to include the Abbreviation of NF with the Name of "NF Only" which pertains to Newfoundland.
Tender Dialog Requirement (477160)
The prompt, 'Tender dialog needed for the tenders selected', was added to Mail order when using a tax exempt tender code entered on the tender detail line instead of via the tender dialog as should be. This message is currently being displayed when the user enters a tax exempt account into the tender detail grid versus the tender dialog. This message is now displaying for both tax exempt tenders and tax exempt accounts.
Bag Numbers Corrected (494935)
On the 'Mail Order Packing List' report, generated from the reports menu of the Ship Mail order module, the bag number was not incrementing correctly for web orders wanting bag numbers displayed. If a Web Order is not actually shipping anything (because the order is cancelled or backordered) then a bag number will not be assigned to the order or display incremented on the packing list. When the next valid order is processed, the bag number should increment and display as normal without skipping numbers for the invalid shipments.
Rentals Requiring Barcode (486883)
When renting items in either web or mail order if the 'mandatory barcode' option and the enforce 12/20 digit XREF options were unchecked the system was still not allowing blank or NULL XREFs and therefore not allowing the orders to be closed when prompted in the Rental Reference Information dialog. This has been corrected.
Catalog Groups (492223 and 502025)
The request as created due to an issue with Catalog Groups not getting sent to the web. The request adds this functionality so that new groups that are created, and existing groups, are sent along with the catalogs that belong to them. Webprism does not support nesting Catalog Groups, so a Catalog Group cannot be inside of another. The issue has been resolved and Catalog Groups are now flowing to WebPRISM. It should be noted that new Catalog Groups do not display by default. You must first log in to the Manager 3 website, choose "Catalog Groups" from under the "Products" menu, click the "Edit" link for your Group, check the "Add to Shop Main", and then save your changes. The Catalog Group will then display on the left hand side of the Catalog listing, under "Browse".
Sales Tax and In Store Pickup (507340)
When the 'Ship Via' code on a mail order is set to 'In Store Pickup', the system will now use the store's state and zip code rather than the customer state and zip to charge the correct sales tax rate. When an order is for a customer from a state where sales tax is not normally charged when shipped decides to pick up the order in the store, sales tax will now be added when the 'Ship Via' code is changed prior to completing the order at either Enter Mail Order or Ship Mail Order. In addition, these changes are now included on the Mail Order Totals By Tax Rate Report and the Net Sales by Tax Code Report.
Mail Order Totals Tax Rate (515562)
The request was created to correct an issue regarding the Mail Order Totals Tax Rate Report when tax jurisdictions were used on mail/web order transactions. If a tax jurisdiction had been used that was separate from the store's tax code group, a record was being created and displayed on the non-tax section of the report. The report has been corrected so if a jurisdiction is used, then there will not be a non-tax record displayed on the report.
NMRP Credit Card Information (511726, 25.2.3)
The request was created to correct an issue in WinPrism Enter Mail Orders. Transaction details for NMRP orders with Shift4 being sent to wholesale immediately instead of with the nightly run. This issue has been corrected, so the NMRP transaction details are sent during the midnight run.
NMRP and Shift4 (518063 25.2.4)
The request was created to ensure tokens were being received correctly when mail orders were processed using Shift4 and tokenization. Shift 4 tokens are now received and stored in rental history. The original request was created because of timing issues when WinPrism was reaching out to Shift4 for the token. The timing was changed so the token is received, and if it is an NMRP item on the transaction, the credit card number is sent to wholesale at that time. This ITG also contains a fix for token retrieval when tender retail is being used. If a CC was used for a guarantee tender, the tokens were not being received. That has been corrected and if a credit card is used as a rental guaranteed tender, the token is received and stored in rental history. The RNR can then be processed and the card will be charged through tender retail/payware based on the token stored.
New Customers and Rentals (507337)
The request was for an issue with rental web orders from new users not being allowed to be processed in WinPRISM. The issue was that when a new user was being created from the web, WinPRISM was not handling all the information despite it being sent back from the web correctly. When trying to close a web rental order in 153 Ship Mail Order the government ID and birthdate were not being brought up. This issue has been corrected.
Rentals and Web Orders (534552, P3)
When renting a bundle on a Web Order which contained non-rental components that had a price of $0.00, an error "Divide by Zero Encountered" would generate when attempting to close the Web Order. A code change was made so when there is a non-rental component with the price of $0.00 on an order, it will now process correctly with no error message being generated.
Order Comment Field (529077, P3)
It was reported that when in Enter Mail Orders and entering data in the Order Comment field, if a carriage return (enter key) was selected the rest of the comment would not carry over in the comment field in the Ship Mail Orders. A code change was made so that when in Mail Order and data was being added in the Order Comment field, and the carriage return was used it would not be included in the export file so all data entered would flow over to the Ship Mail Order.
Need to Order Report (546414) (P6)
The 'Need to Order Report' located on the Reports menu at Enter Mail Order has been enhanced and totals by location were added to the Quantity Ordered and the Ordered Amount columns.

ICS Ship Mail Orders – 153

Copy / Paste Added (469888)
The request was for an issue in Enter Mail Order and Ship Mail Order. Previous to this change, none of the fields in the tender views would allow copy/cut/paste functions. This has been corrected so copy/cut/paste functions are available when applicable.NOTE: Copy/paste functions are CNTL+C and CNTL+X and CNTL+V.
Reversing Orders (469890)
The request was created to alter the placement of the MM/YY example provided in the credit card information dialog when reversing a shipment that used a credit card in Ship Mail Orders. Previously, the MM/YY example text was next to the CID field, not the Expiration Date field. The text has been moved, so it is displaying next to the correct field.
Substituting with Over 80 Character Description (469940)
The request was for an issue in Ship Mail Orders. When a user had an item with a title/author name that exceeded 80 characters in a mail order, the user would receive a SQL error when attempting to substitute the textbook type between new/used. The description field has been updated to truncate at 80 characters and the SQL error is no longer occurring.
Error With Split Tender in Ship Mail Order (469947)
Previously, there was an issue creating a split tendered shipment in Ship Mail Order, if the original order was a single tendered order. This has been corrected, so split tenders are handled properly in Ship Mail Order.
Report Column Name Change (469948)
The request was created to correct a column header within the "Outstanding Mail Order Items" report from WinPrism Ship Mail Orders --> Reports --> More Reports. In previous versions, the first column on the report was titled "Order Header". This has been changed so the first column on the report is titled "Order Number".
Datatel Web Transactions (483769)
When web order transactions were done with Datatel as the tender, type 4 records were being created, but not being deleted. This has been fixed so that the type 4 packet is removed from the pos_update as they should be.
NMRP and Mail Order (486907)
The request was created to correct an issue in the packets being sent from WinPrism to the web when a web order is closed in WinPrism Enter Mail Orders. Previously, used NMRP items were being sent back to the web with the used retail price, rather than the NMRP rental price. This was causing the order total to be incorrect. The packets have been corrected to contain the NMRP rental prices in the correct field as well as the order total field.
Rentals and Web (486894)
When rentals are being rented and refunded via mail/web orders the customer name was not getting removed in Rental Number maintenance from the Detail tab. The changes in this ticket ensure the customer information is removed in this scenario.
Mail Order by Tax Rate (499397)
The Mail Order By Tax Rate report from Ship Mail Orders has been changed so the EXT Price is the net or retail minus discounts. In addition, refunds are now being included on the report.
Bundles and Packing List (534554, P4)
When the Mail Order Packing List report is generated that has a bundle rental on it, the rental agreement was not displaying on the packing list (report) ran from the Ship Mail Order module reports menu. This has been corrected to display appropriately on the report.
Net Sales by Tax Code (539524, P5)
The request was created to add a new parameter to the 'Net Sales by Tax Code' Report parameters. The Net Sales by Tax Code Report is found in WinPrism Ship Mail Orders and WPAdmin Closing Reports Setup. The report parameters now include an option to "Break Out Non-Taxed". When this option is selected, report entries under the Non Taxed Sales section of the report are displayed with a Description (similar to how tax codes are displayed under the Taxed Sales portion). The Description can be one of three things: Non-Taxable, Tax Exempt, or Incorrect Tax Setup. When the "Break Out Non- Taxed" parameter is selected, the Description will list the reason the quantities and amounts in the section are not taxed. Non-Taxable applies to items that are assigned to a non-taxable tax type. Tax Exempt applies to quantities and amounts sold under tax exempt AR accounts or tax exempt transactions. Incorrect Tax Setup is displayed if taxes are not setup correctly. For instance, if an item's tax type is not added to the location, or if a tax code is expired.
Mail Order Packing List (529080, P5)
When printing the Mail Order Packing list from the Reports menu of the Ship Mail Order module the report was displaying two dotted lines with blank space in between. This was only to display if the items on the mail order were for bundled items but was to be hidden if there were no bundled items on the packing list. This problem has now been corrected.
Outstanding Mail Order Items Report (546418, P6)
The Outstanding Mail Order Items report in WinPrism ICS > Ship Mail Order > More Reports is showing the SKUs that were system or user substituted textbook type along with backordered items. A code change was done so the report will now only show SKUs that are backordered.
Outstanding Mail Order Items Report (546416)
The Outstanding Mail Order Items report located on the Reports, More Reports menu at Ship Mail Order was enhanced by adding a Total field at the Order Number Level and a Location and Grand Total for the 'Out Qty' column.
Mail Order Address Verification Report (546415)
A new total line for the tender amount column was added to the Mail Order Address Verification Report generated from the Ship Mail Order reports menu. There will now be a tender total at the location level and a grand total at the end of the report.

ICS Refund / Exchange – 154

SKU Refunded More Than Once (469932)
The request was for an issue in Mail Order Refund/Exchange. Prior to this, the module was not properly determining that a SKU already existed on a refund, causing the same item to be allowed to be refunded or exchanged more than once. This has been corrected.
Manual Taxes Not Calculating Correctly (477149)
A problem has been corrected at Mail Order Refund/Exchange with large mail orders and manual tax not calculating correctly. It was reported that certain manual tax amounts would change after being entered, because they were not being distributed across the order correctly, causing the order not to close. This issue has been resolved.
Discounts In Refund / Exchange (490771)
The request was created to correct a calculation and display issue in WinPrism Mail Order Refund/Exchange when discounts were added to ship items. The discounts were being added to the header totals for the refund/exchange records, rather than subtracted. Any discounts that are added to a ship item in this module will now be subtracted from the order total and the header totals will be updated to display as such.
NMRP Rebate Amounts Now Excluded (489815)
The report 'Print Refund/Exchange' from the reports menu of the Mail order refund/exchange module has been updated to exclude NMRP rebate amounts when refunds/exchanges are done on orders including NMRP items. It now will reflect the rental amount paid by the customer, not the item cost which includes the NMRP amount.
Discounts in Refunds (492230)
When adding additional ship items to a mail order refund/exchange with a discount applied, the discount was being added to the ship item instead of being discounted from it. Also the total amount and the tendered amount did not reflect the correct final total of the shipment. This issue has now been resolved.
Refunds for Rental Qty > 1 (519389)
When creating Mail Order Refund/Exchanges against a mail order rental where one SKU had a quantity greater than one, the first refund would process and the Customer and Receipt Number were removed in the Rental Number Maintenance detail tab. When processing a second order against the same SKU, the order would appear to process correctly. When going to the Rental Number Maintenance detail screen and doing a refresh, the Customer and Receipt Number would still be present. In this situation when refreshing the screen, it only refreshed the headers, not the data. The module needs to be closed and reopened to show the most recent changes which then reflected the Customer and Receipt Number were no longer present on the second order.
Rental and Non-Rental Refunds (534557) (P3)
When doing a refund on a mail order which has both rental and non-rental items, the non- rental items were displayed as rentals. When the refund is closed the following error displays: 'All XREFs for SKU xxxxxxxx have already been returned please make certain you have selected the correct order number'. This problem has now been corrected.

ICS Report Scheduler – 171

Report Scheduler Added (477145)
A new module has been added in WinPrism>Inventory Maintenance>Report Generator>Report Scheduler. The module must be added via user/group security to be accessed within WinPRISM.
In this module, certain reports can be printed, emailed or both printed and emailed at scheduled times. The emailed reports are in PDF form. Only reports that have at least one saved parameter in the individual report's module will be available to be scheduled. Which saved parameters set to use when scheduling a report to print automatically must be specified. The printing of the reports is dependent on the server where WPServer is running having a default printer. Not all modules have reports; those modules are marked by a red X in the navigator.
The module is broken down into three sections. The Navigator on the left contains an expandable menu of all the modules in WinPrism. An "Application" combo-box exists above the Navigator that can change the menu tree to the WPAdmin modules.
When a module is selected in the Navigator, the available reports are displayed in the Reports frame. The frame contains three columns: Menu Text, Saved Parameter Sets, and Scheduled Reports. The Menu Text displays the name of the report. The Saved Parameter Sets column indicates the number of saved parameter reports are available for each report. The Scheduled Reports column indicates the number of scheduled lines existing for each report.
In the Scheduled Lines frame, there are columns for Reports, DOW (Sun-Sat), Print Time, Saved Parameter Set, Status, Email. The Report column lists the name of the report chosen. The DOW (Sun-Sat) column contains a Y for the day of the week the report is scheduled for (a N for days where the report isn't scheduled). The Print Time column displays when the report is scheduled to be printed/emailed. The Saved Parameter Set column notes which saved parameter set is being used to generate the report. The status column lists if the report is scheduled to be printed, emailed, printed and emailed or inactive. The Email column displays where the report will be emailed, if that option is chosen.
The system uses the email parameters set in WPAdmin > Store Information
>Miscellaneous in order to locate the email parameters to use. The sender email address will be that which is in store information for all stores. If that isn't set, it will use an email address from any of the stores. If none of them are set, the report won't be emailed.
The system will use the NBCUtility line to send the emails, so all errors generated by NBCUtility will be logged in SystemLog, with a module ID of 65421.
Report Scheduler Log (493971)
The request was created to change the error logging process for WinPrism Report Scheduler. Previously, if an error occurred during the processing of a report, an error would be displayed in WinPrism Report Scheduler. However, since reports will be scheduled to be printed/emailed at a later date, the need for an error message in the module does not exist. If an error does occur, it will be logged in the system log under moduleID = 65421.

ICS Stock Ledger Reports – 171

OCR Report (469991 and 451934)
On the 'Outstanding Credit Request' report, when running multiple types of requests/memos (wholesale/sales with commission and without, discrepancies with postage and without, requests for postage only, returns with postage where the memo is only partially resolved, and return with postage where the item is resolved, but not the postage), the postage and commission values were doubling. This problem has now been resolved.
Return Accruals Gain / Loss (470005)
The accounting cost value was not being calculated correctly on the Stock Ledger Return Accruals and Return Accruals Gain/Loss reports when doing returns. The problem was that the accounting cost calculation for the return quantity was being done after the stock adjustment, not before, causing the incorrect value for return accruals. This issue has now been corrected.
Return Accruals Not Matching (546408, P6)
Stock ledger return accruals was not matching the credit request when items were returned that had a discount attached. This was due to a rounding issue in the calculation. The issue has now been resolved.

ICS Report Generator / Reports – 181

DCC Inventory GL Code (486906)
A new item called 'itm_DCC_Inventory_GLCode' was added in the Purchase Order Detail template. This item will list the GL Account Code associated with each item listed on the Purchase Order.
Shipment Header Amount (469938)
The request was for an issue in 181 Report Generator. The MO_Shipment_Hdr_ Amount_Merch column was not showing the correct subtotal amounts. The Mail Order Shipping Tender template was updated to show the correct amount for this field.
New Buyback Fields (469942)
Two new fields have been added to the report gen Buyback Transaction Detail template: Buyback_Transaction_Dtl_Author and Buyback_Transaction_Dtl_Title. They contain the Itm_Author/Itm_Title information unless it is null, then they include the Author/Title information from the Buyer's Guide.
User Lists in Report Generator (469925)
When renaming user lists in report generator, the new name was not being saved in the Item Find dialog when 'display all user lists' are selected. Also, after exiting the user list in report generator and then coming back in, the 'user list' checkbox was being unchecked. Now, when a user list is renamed, the new name is saved and the 'user list' checkbox remains checked.
New Fields for Mail Order (489801)
Two new fields were added to the report generator Mail Order Detail and Mail Order Shipping Detail templates. The new fields are: Fill_Type_ID and Fill_Type_Description.
A/R Invoice Detail Template (493968)
The view on the A/R Invoice Detail Template in Report Generator has been corrected and no longer shows duplicate line items when reports are generated using this template.
Report Generator Item Template (499393)
A request was made for a new field "Itm_Weight" be added to the Report Generator Template "Item". Now when creating a new report in the Item template Itm_Weight is one of the fields that can be selected.
Fields Added to Course Request Detail Template (505080)
When books came into course requests from the text requisition site, and the books were not valid in Item Maintenance in Winprism, data is filled in the columns on the UI for the sku (0), ISBN (ISBN of the book) and description field (sku not defined/ books title and author). When using report generator with the Course Request Detail template, none of this data displayed in the fields Itm_sku, Item_isbn, and Itm_description. A change was made where the following fields were added to the Course Request Detail Template in Report Generator
Now when a doing a search for a Course Request that has a SKU of 0, data is now populated on the report.
Buyback Fields Added (493970)
In Report Generator > Buyback Transaction Detail template, the following fields were not populating for rental items : Buyback_Transaction_Dtl_Author, Buyback_Transaction_Dtl_Title, Buyback_Transaction_Dtl_ISBN, Itm_Author, and Itm_title. These fields are now populating and match the data in the system for the buyback transaction and rental history.
Shipping Detail Template (492228)
The Report Generator Mail Order Shipping Detail template has been corrected to remove the non-merch items so blanks did not display and also correct the values on the following fields: MO_Hdr_Amount_Shipped and MO_Shipment_Hdr_Amount should include shipping and tax. The difference between the two is that the MO_Hdr_Amount_Shipped will be for the entire mail order. The MO_Shipment_Hdr_Amount will only include the amount per shipment. If a mail order has multiple shipments then the sum of the MO_Shipment_Hdr_Amounts for each shipment on the mail order should equal the MO_Hdr_Amount_Shipped total of the entire mail order.
Order Decisions Fix (483768)
In the Report Generator, Order Decisions template reflected the wrong information when there was a stock adjustment done against a new SKU. The adjustment would update the used SKU SOH rather than the new SKU SOH. A change was made so that when a stock adjustment was made to a new SKU in Item Maintenance, it is now reflected correctly in the report created in Report Generator.
Stock Ledger Template (489814)
When running the Stock Ledger Spreadsheet report versus a Report Generator using the Stock Ledger template and outputting the field for SL_Amount_Purchase_Credits, the sign for the values on this field were displaying as opposite – spreadsheet report showed positive value, but report generator displayed negative with the same value. This issue has now been corrected and both values are displayed as positive.
A/R Invoice Detail Template (499404)
In the Report Generator A/R Invoice Detail Template, a new item called Transaction_Hdr_Number was added. This item is useful to users who use Generate Invoices. The item will pull the transaction number of the item on the Generated Invoice.
Credit Request Detail Template (493981)
A new field CreditRequest_Dtl_PONumber was added to the Report Generator Credit Request Detail template. It displays the po number from the invoice attached to the credit request.
Interface History Report (502032)
The Interface History report has been corrected and no longer hangs when generated. Changes were also made for lines that existed on the report that have been changed. Instead of just showing what data was inserted, it now shows the previous contents and then a line for the addition.
Report Scheduler Rights (505090)
The request was created to give non-super users access to WinPrism Report Scheduler. Previously, when a user's group security settings were edited to include the Report Scheduler, the changes were not saving. The Report Scheduler now behaves the same way any other module does when unlocked in WPAdmin Group Security.
A/P Invoice Header (513087)
The item AP_Invoice_Hdr_Status was added to the AP Invoice Header template in Report Generator. The item pulls the status of the invoice (Paid, Approved, Hold, Voided or Prepaid) from the header of AP Invoice Maintenance.
Rentals in Mail Order Template (507331)
An 'Is Rental' flag – MO_Dtl_Is_Rental and POSTransaction_Hdr_Number has been added to both the Mail Order Detail template and the POS trans detail template in report generator. This is a 'Y/N' indicator flag for the mail order/web order and POS transactions, being a rental or not, and corresponds to the rental column in the Ship Mail Order Module and POS Transaction Inquiry (wpadmin).
A/R Invoice Detail (519390)
In the Report Generator the AR Invoice Detail template the item AR_Invoice_HDR
_Number was doubling or tripling the data it was pulling on a report. This issue has been corrected. In addition the AR_Invoice_DTL_Description was not pulling the description on PRISM POS non-merch items. This issue has also been corrected.
Buy Price Dictionary Item (554529) (P7)
In Report Generator > Item/Inventory template, when the Itm_TextbookType is Used, then the field Itm_BuyPrice is empty (no data comes back on the report). When the Itm_TextbookType is New, then the field Itm_BuyPrice comes back empty if the book is not linked to the buyer's guide, but comes back as $0.00 or another price if the book is linked to the buyer's guide and has a price. A change was made so that if the Itm_TextbookType is Used and is linked to the buyer's guide, $0.00 or another price will now be displayed on the report.

ICS Proposed Purchase Orders – 201

Creating PO For Inactive Vendor (469887)
When creating a purchase order using a vendor that had been set to inactive in Vendor Maintenance, the purchase order was still getting created. If the user tried to select the invalid vendor from the ellipsis browse/edit dialog, the vendor was not listed, but the user could still type in the invalid vendor code and the system would allow it to create the purchase order. This problem has now been fixed by adding a 'Vendor is inactive.
Choose an active vendor' message when attempting to manually type in a vendor code of an inactive vendor.
Discontinued Items and Matrixes (469930)
When adding discontinued items to a purchase order via the matrix dialog, the warning message: 'Item <SKU> is discontinued, add anyway?' now displays, notifying the user the items are discontinued. The message will also display when adding items via Item find and the Purchase order Add item dialog. This dialog was previously missing.
Styles in POs (477151)
Style component values were not saving correctly when entered into the 'View Style Components' dialog in purchase orders. When the purchase order was posted, the message 'One or more graphic components are unassigned, Post the purchase order anyway?' was displayed, but when 'No' was clicked and the new values were entered into the components dialog, they still were not being saved and would not display on the purchase order when printed. This problem has now been resolved.
Purchase Order Report (499401)
The buyer's "Home Phone" (from User Security) was displaying on the Purchase Order Report for both the separate and merged style based reports instead of the buyer's "PO Phone". This has now been resolved.

ICS Autogen Purchase Orders – 202

Autogen Report Crashing (470001)
When creating an autogenerated purchase order for multiple locations and multiple terms, the autogen report would run a very long time and actually not complete. This problem has now been resolved.
Autogen Not Matching Report (477196)
In the Autogen Proposed Orders process, when the report for the orders was generated, the report printed correctly, but when the process was started, it ended up displaying fewer items added, because all the used SKUs were getting flagged as failed when they were not. When the purchase orders were actually created, everything created correctly, but the user display after the autogen process was not displaying correct results. These issues have now been resolved.
Autogen and Include Mail Order (483735)
In the Autogen Proposed Orders module, when generating the Autogen Proposed Orders report prior to starting the autogen, the report was not displaying when the 'add mail order backorder amounts' checkbox was checked. This was due to a joining error in the stored procedure that has been corrected.
Autogen and Toolkit (546405, P6)
The request was created to include used items on autogenerated Purchase Orders, Merchandise Requests, and Proposed Returns when the items were entered on a mobile device. Previously, the ability to add used textbook items to these documents was not possible with a mobile device (EDA, IPhone). This functionality has been added so both New and Used items (as well as TR and GM) can be added to Purchase Orders, Merchandise Requests and Proposed Returns when the autogen functions are used and the items have been entered on a mobile device.

ICS Incoming / Outgoing Message Maintenance – 203 / 204

Buyer List Filtered (477175)
The request was created to modify the "Buyer" list in WinPrism Outgoing Message Maintenance and WinPRISM Incoming Message Maintenance --> Hammer Options --> Print Documents. Previously, the "Buyer" list contained any buyer setup within the entire WinPRISM system. Now that combo box list only includes buyers who have active send/response PO documents in these two WinPRISM modules.
Print Options Disabled (469951)
The request was created to disable the "Preview" and "Print" buttons in the "Print Documents" dialog found in WinPrism Outgoing Message Maintenance --> Hammer Options --> "Print Documents" and WinPrism Incoming Message Maintenance --> Hammer Options --> "Print Documents". Previously, if no records were displayed in the search results, the "Preview" and "Print" buttons would be available to select, and would sometimes cause crystal reports to crash due to large volumes of records. This dialog has been modified to only enable the "Preview" and "Print" buttons if a record is located in the search results and selected.
Purchase Order Report (477153)
The request was created to correct the Purchase Order Report in WinPrism Outgoing Message Maintenance. Previously, the report was not displaying any information when a
PO was chosen from the list. The correct information for existing PO's is now displayed on the report.
Buyer Now Reported (486881)
When creating a new Purchase Order and selecting the vendor of Pubnet, adding items and selecting the hammer to send, when checking in Outgoing Message, right clicking on the newly created order and on the activity tab, it showed it was Created by "dbo" rather than the user that created the order. A change was made so that the 'Created by' now reflects the user that created the order as well as the current user, if the message was resent.
Subsystems Not Checked When Sending PO (489805)
The request was created to ensure the correct subsystem was being checked when sending purchase orders to Pubnet in WinPrism Purchase Orders --> Hammer Options –
> Send. Previously, any purchase orders for the tradebook subsystem were being sent, even if the tradebook subsystem did not have a SAN present in WinPrism Vendor Maintenance. The send process was only checking the textbook subsystem, so if there was a SAN present for textbooks, purchase orders for any subsystem were being sent. This has been corrected.
PO Issues with Only One Proposed (469936)
The request was for an issue in Outgoing Message Maintenance. The problem was when you had only one proposed purchase order in the entire system, if you went to post that PO and checked the option "Send PO to Pubnet", the PO was not showing up in Outgoing Messages. This has been fixed and the PO will now show up in Outgoing Messages.
NBC Invoice Report (509250)
In Incoming Message Maintenance module, when running the NBC Invoice Report an error message of "Load report failed" would be generated. A code change was made that when the NBC Invoice Report is generated, the report is returned reflecting data of any NBC invoices.
Wantlist Acknowledgement Report (515558)
The Wantlist Acknowledgement Report in Incoming Message was returning the vendor of the original wantlist even when the vendor was changed when reusing the wantlist. A change was made so that the report now reflects the vendor selected for the wantlist rather than the original vendor used.

ICS Session Setup – 213

Daily Buyback Report By Location (489820)
The buyback report 'Daily Buyback Report –by Location' has been updated to look at the purchaser instead of the session when determining if a transaction is for a wholesaler or not. The issue was that, in some cases, when the Daily Buyback Report by Location was generated without checking the Wholesale box, or only checking the Wholesale box, the report was coming up blank, even though store purchases were made as well as wholesale.

ICS Buyback List – 214

Unlimited Status Not Sent to Web (477191)
The request was for an issue in Buyback Lists. Buyback items with a status of "Unlimited" were not being sent to the web. This has now been corrected.
Buyback List Using Actual Buyback (400969)
A correction was made to the buyback list calculation of the buy qty when that buyback list is generated by subtracting 'actual buyback', the buyback totals are being posted daily and the buyback list was also regenerated daily. The previous calculation was incorrectly subtracting both the 'actual buyback" and the already 'bought qty' from the total available buy qty when regenerating the list. The problem was that the 'actual buyback' and 'bought qty' reflected the exact same buyback quantity causing the same quantity to be subtracted twice. This has been corrected.

ICS Buy Books – 215

Buy Books First Name Error (477208)
When creating a rental record for a new customer without a first name and going to the buy books module, right clicking to view all of the outstanding rentals, the dialog that pops up reflected "Outstanding Rentals for 'lastnamehere' ", rather than the last name of the customer. A change was made so last name of the customer is now displayed rather than 'lastnamehere'.
Buyback Issues Corrected (477179)
When adding items to a buyback transaction where the items did not have an ISBN or the ISBN was null, the following error was displaying: ''Conversion failed when converting the varchar value <ISBN> to data type int.' This occurred most frequently when there was a mix of blank ISBNs and ISBN items on the same transaction.
Also, if the non-ISBN items were listed on the stolen book listing and then added to the transaction, the next book added from the buyer's guide (ISBN book) that was not on the stolen book listing would display as a stolen book when it really wasn't.
When searching and adding items to a transaction using a quick reference code - if the item did not have an ISBN the varchar error would also display and manipulate the bookkey on the item. As a result, when searching by bookkey the item would not be found. Another issue also occurred with non-ISBN items when a buy quantity was set on the BB list. When the item was added to the transaction after other non-ISBN items had been added, the user message would display notifying the buyer that the item had reached buy quantity or was within a specific percentage of reaching the buy quantity when it wasn't. This only displayed incorrectly after multiple non-ISBN items or transactions had already been added or completed. These issues have all been resolved.
Canadian and Buy Books (469894)
From the Buybooks module, when in Canadian currency and using the exchange rate to convert the buy price from the buyer's guide, the conversion was not taking place until the item was selected from the 'select buyback item' dialog. This was most noticeable when searching by bookkey in which there were multiple items for that bookkey.
A change was made so the conversion is made prior to displaying the buyback item dialog so the buy price on the dialog matches what is selected and displayed in the buy item dialog and transaction detail grid.

ICS Post Buyback Totals – 2112

Alternate Guide Loaded, Unable to Post Buyback (469993)
On a buyback, when purchasing books for multiple purchasers with guides other than the NBC guide, if the buyback totals were not posted prior to loading the new guides, there was a problem with buyback totals not posting. Previously, a warning message was put into place when loading the NBC guide: 'Unposted buyback items exist for these sessions: '<session><guide>', that would prevent the guide from loading, but this was not implemented on the Missouri or Follett guides. This has now been done for all three guides. In addition to the above message, a second message was also added, after posting the buyback totals and attempting to reload the guide. If the session has not been closed the following message displays: ' An open buyback session exists. Do you want to continue to load the <> guide?'. If yes, then the guide can be loaded.

ICS Merchandise Transfers – 231

Item Find and Merchandise Requests (469985)
When using the 'Item Find' option in the 'Add Item Configuration' dialog to add multiple items at a time from a filling location in Merchandise Requests, the items were not being added to the merchandise request correctly. Single items could be added normally; this only impacted adding multiple items. Also during the Merchandise Request creation/edit, the 'Requesting Location' in the 'Add Item Configuration' dialog was not defaulting to the correct location (requesting) and the 'Requesting From Locations' box was blank, instead of displaying all the various locations the items could be requested from. These issues have now been resolved.
Rights Issue with Requests (469987)
Merchandise requests were able to be created, edited, received and posted by users who only had view only rights. This issue has now been resolved.
Sync Invoice and Transfer Numbers (477197)
An enhancement was put into place for merchandise transfers only, to synch up the transfer invoice numbers and the transfer memo numbers created for those invoices, to make tracking easier. Example: merchandise transfer invoice number = MTINV-333, so then the credit memo number would be MTCRD-333. If when doing external transfers in or out and either the invoice (in) or the memo (out) advance in the sequencing, then another store-to-store transfer is ran, the numbers will automatically check and advance as needed to become in synch once again.
Accounting Cost and Merchandise Transfers (503743, 25.1.3)
Accounting cost was not calculating correctly when the requested quantity on a merchandise transfer (when set to use accounting cost) plus the remaining stock on hand was equal to a quantity greater than there were invoice quantities to cover. In this situation, the accounting cost was displaying less than expected. This issue has been resolved.

ICS Open to Buy – 241

Open to Buy Now Using Detail ETA Date (469889)
The Open to Buy module will now use the detail ETA date for items on a Purchase Order rather than using the ETA date in the header of the PO. Previously the header ETA date was being used for the overall PO. This caused accounting issues if the items were not all received at the same time.
Inventory Variance, Invoice Fees, and Invoice Credits with Open to Buy (469881)
Two issues have been corrected with Open to Buy (OTB), in terms of the stock ledger spreadsheet, and the OTB detail. Inventory Variance is now added correctly into the Ending Inventory instead of being subtracted. In addition, Invoice Fees and Credits are now being calculated into the OTB equation, if expense type items are not expensed at WPAdmin Accounting. Columns for the Invoice fees and credits have also been added
into the OTB Detail screen, which can be viewed by right clicking in the detail grid of the OTB plan.
Accounting Cost Issues (502047)
When processing a merchandise transfer (when using accounting cost), the values for the NYI (not yet invoices) column were not displaying correctly. Also, if there were multiple invoices used in the accounting cost calculation, each item was not getting broken out by its corresponding invoice cost when the amount requested spanned multiple invoices.
Lastly, the correct accounting cost values were not displaying on the credit memo or stock ledger reports. All of these issues have now been resolved.

ICS Receiving – 301

Price Tag Added to Receiving (469912)
The request was for an enhancement to the Receiving module. The request was for a new price tag to be added, called "Large Text D/Crs/Sec". When used in this module, this tag will display the Department/Course/Section used on the original Purchase Order being received.
12 Digit Code on Receiving Document (477207)
When creating the Purchase Order Receiving Document report from Receiving, a barcode field that has a length of 12 was overlapping data on the report, preventing the image from being scanned. A change was made to the report pertaining to both types; Separate Locations and Merged Locations, where they can now be created without the barcode overlapping any data on the report.
Receiving More Than Ordered (469935)
A change was made in the Receiving module to allow purchase orders to be received for more than ordered. When this occurred previously, the hammer option 'Close purchase order' was not available, and the purchase order would not automatically close as expected. The user would then have to manipulate either the received qty or the cancelled quantity so the purchase order would close. The 'close purchase order' option is now available under the hammer options, and the PO will auto close, even if the final line item is over received.

ICS Enter Invoice Information– 311

Buyback Invoices Extended to Nine Digits (469878)
For buyback invoices created after posting buyback totals for a session, the computed total and invoice total fields have been extended out to nine total digits, including the two after the decimal. This will allow the invoice total and the computed total to match when the total of the buyback session is more than a million dollars. NOTE: The drawer amount in Buy Books and the subtotal and credit due fields in Sell Books to Wholesalers has not been extended out. This may be done at a later date if needed.
Single Quote In Invoice Number (477159)
It was reported that when an apostrophe (single quote) was entered when creating a new Invoice, a series of SQL-related error messages were generated. An invoice can now be created using a combination of symbols and characters in the invoice name, and post correctly without generating any SQL errors.
Duplicate Invoice Message (469918)
The message that displays when a duplicate invoice number is created has been changed to be more user friendly. This message has been modified to 'Invoice 'xxxxx' already exists for Vendor 'vvvv'. Cannot add a duplicate invoice for this vendor.' This message will only display if both the invoice number and the vendor are the same. The message will not display if the invoice number is the same but the vendor is different.
Discrepancy (477173)
When a discrepancy item is deleted from a discrepancy detail in the 'Edit Request Item' dialog in Receiving (right-click option), there is not a check in place to differentiate between discrepancies that are attached to invoices, purchase orders or merchandise transfers, prior to determining if it is attached to a credit memo. This additional code check has been put into place and only those discrepancies which are attached to invoices need to be checked to see if they are also attached to a credit memo, prior to deleting.

ICS Proposed Return Entry– 321

Multiple Saves on Proposed Return / Posted Return (4639934)
When there is one return open in two separate windows and the user attempts to delete the second one (same return) after the first one has been posted, a new message will now display. The message states, 'Cannot delete. Return has already been posted'. When the user clicks 'ok' the second window will now refresh and show the return as posted same as the first.
Currency Conversion Issues (469931)
For Canadian stores using US vendors, when creating a credit request, then going to another module and working, then coming backing to add items and post, an 'update/delete fail' error was occurring and not allowing to memo to be posted. The problem was the table was getting updated with the correct currency, but the interface was not, so when posting, there was a currency discrepancy with the currency flag on the tool bar and the credit total amount, and what was actually in the table. This was not allowing the memo to be posted. This issue has now been resolved.
Sale to Wholesale (505082)
In the Sell Books to Wholesalers module, the yellow Plus sign did not work if you didn't have a record already up on the screen. The yellow Plus sign was not greyed out but clicking it did not open the 'new wholesale sale" dialog to create a new record. You first had to search for a record before you could create a new sale to wholesale.
This issue has now been resolved.
Unneeded Returns (509253)
The request was created to ensure that no unnecessary resolved returns are being created during the partnership v1 rental process. A proposed return is created when titles are returned on the period, and if late billings and/or closings are performed on the rental period, there is no other return created in a resolved status.

ICS Autogen Proposed Return Entry– 322

Windows Settings Cause Display Issues (469949)
When changing the windows setting for both theme and contrast, the headers within the Autogen Proposed Returns module were displaying with arrow heads in the first portion of the 'Selected locations, vendor, and excluded terms' headers. This was due to some of the windows libraries not getting updated. This issue has now been resolved. 

ICS Want Lists – 331
Deleting Records From Quick Search (469879)
The request was created to correct an issue in WinPRISM Want Lists when a record was deleted from the quick search results list. The deleted line would still appear in the list with blank information, and an improper vendor listed. This has been corrected.

ICS Miscellaneous

Disallow Specific System User Names (469917)
The request was created to insure certain hardcoded SQL usernames are not allowed to be used by WinPRISM users. The following usernames are now not allowed by the system: "SA" "PDT" "wpserver" and "wincom" If any of these usernames are entered when adding a record in WPAdmin User Security, the following message appears: "Invalid user name. Please create the user with a different name. OK".
Email Fields in WinPRISM (477199 and 477200)
The request was created as an enhancement to add extra validation to email fields in Winprism that are related to renting. Previously, the only validation in the system was checking for the "@" sign. Now, the system is also looking for a dot (".") in the email address to help ensure that valid email addresses get entered into the system.
Modules and fields affected:
Rental Number Maintenance:
The "NMRP Email" field on the "Rental Configuration" dialog
Enter Mail Orders:
The "Email" field on the "Rental Reference information" dialog that pops up when you add a rental item to an order (any rental item).
The "Email" field on the "Rental Reference Information SKU=<SKU>" dialog that pops up when you process a Mail Order that has rentals on it.
Ship Mail Orders:
The "Email" field on the "Rental Reference Information SKU=<SKU>" dialog that pops up when you Close a Shipment that has rentals on it.
Note: This change does not affect the Customer Maintenance modules; there is no validation on the Email address in those modules.
DCC Codes Under 10 (477176)
In WinPRISM version 23, code was changed so it is no longer possible to add a Department code less than '10' at Department/Class/Category Maintenance in WPAdmin. Inadvertently, the ability to add Class and Category codes less than '10' to existing Departments that were less than '10' was also removed. This code has been corrected and Class and Category codes less than '10' can be added to existing Departments less than '10'.
Saving in WinPRISM (469893)
The request was created to modify the way information is consistently saved within WinPrism module headers. Some modules in WinPRISM would save changes to the header fields without the user initiating the save by pressing the save button. Other modules would not save unless the save button was pressed. Now if any header field is changed and the module is closed without pressing the save button, the changes will remain saved and intact when the module is next accessed.
Support For Mobile Device Added (493982)
The request was created to change the wording of a flag located within the autogen modules of WinPrism Autogen Proposed Orders, WinPrism Autogen Merchandise Requests and WinPrism Autogen Proposed Returns. The flag to use items from the PDA have been changed from "Include items from PDA" to "Include items from mobile device" in WinPrism Autogen Proposed Orders and WinPrism Autogen Merchandise Requests. In WinPrism Autogen Proposed Returns, the flag has been changed from "Use items from PDA" to "Use items from mobile device".
Audit A/R Customer Balance Import Report (493976)
The Audit A/R Customer Balance Import Report located in WPAdmin/Inventory Tab/Utilities /Interface History completed without error when generated. In the previous version the report was giving an error and not completing.
Store G/L Codes (493964)
In WPAdmin Store G/L Codes, the Store G/L Codes report has been corrected so it now displays the correct Category (i.e CA=Current Assets). In addition the name for this column on the report has been changed from Group to Category.
SOH on EDA (493961)
The request was created to make sure an item's Stock On Hand (SOH) was correctly displayed on the iOS mobile devices when that item's SOH in inventory was negative. Previously, if an item's SOH was negative in WinPrism, the mobile device would show the SOH as 0 in Item Lookup. This change ensures the SOH will be displayed as it is in WinPrism, positive, negative or = 0.
Changes to All Icons and Splash Screens (483726)
In WinPRISM version 25, all of the icons and splash screens have been updated to a more uniform look. Stores will also notice that some minor changes were made to the menu jumps to streamline the numbering sequence. One of the more extreme changes is in WPAdmin>Memberships, where the numbering was changed on Membership Setup to MJ235 from MJ237 and on Sequence Series to MJ236 from MJ238. Also on the Toolbar on the Help Tab the About Boxes for each option were updated with the new WPAdmin or WinPRISM icon.
New Licensing Procedure (496882)
The request was created to document the new way to license a WinPRISM system. There is a new program support will need to run in order to turn on purchased modules or applications, if a store purchases new portions of the product. The following WinPRISM products can be enabled or disabled in this program: WinText, A/P, A/R, WinPOS, Membership, G/L. The following Mobile Retail Products can be enabled/disabled: Inventory, Purchasing, Item Lookup, Sales To Wholesaler, Order Fulfillment, Merchandise Requests, Returns, Financial Aid Lookup, Course Lookup, Receiving. If you have purchased a module, and are not seeing it in your WinPRISM or Mobile application, please contact support.

WPAdmin - Tag Types – 105

Tags in WinPRISM (469990)
All WinPRISM price tags have been updated to handle quotes. Some tags were giving an error if any text field in the record contained a quote.

WPAdmin – User Security 112

Module Access Report (486905)
Previously, when running the Module Access Audit report in User Security, and using the same date for the From and To fields, the report would return no data. A change was made so data is now returned when running the report against a single date.
Deleting Users (503735)
The request was created to eliminate an error message from being displayed when deleting a user record from WPAdmin User Security. Before the changes, the following error would at times occur when deleting a user: "The database principal owns a schema in the database, and cannot be dropped (followed by a .NET framework statement)." This error was a result of some modifications made by Microsoft in SQL 2005. During user creation on some versions/configurations of SQL server, a schema was created for each user. Newer versions do not do this or account for this. The stored procedure WP_DropUser has been modified to check for schemas on users about to be deleted.

WPAdmin – General System Parameters – 121

Web Parameter Added for Est Enrollment and Text Req (469989)
The request was for a new web system parameter used in WPAdmin. The new parameter is found in WPAdmin in General System Parameters under the 'Web' section. The parameter is named "Text Req - Use Est Enrollment for Requested Qty". When this option is not checked, then the 'quantity' sent in the text req packet will be used for the 'Requested Qty' cell for the book in the Course Request module. If this option is checked, then the value in the 'est_enrollment' field in the text req packet will be used instead for the 'Requested Qty' cell for the book in the Course Request module (as well as the Est Enrollment in the Course Req header).
Round Prices (507332)
A fix was made to the WPAdmin system parameter 'round prices using store information parameters', so that when the box is unchecked, the system should not round any manually entered prices, but should round system calculated prices for both new and used books. If the parameter is checked, any changes either manual or system will update and follow the rounding parameters set in WPAdmin store information.
Multi-Web Added (492218 and 523289 and 528526)
The request was for an enhancement to be used in conjunction with the 'Combine all data into one website' option. A second parameter was added in General System Parameters module in WPAdmin under the 'Web' drop down menu option. This parameter is 'Auto route web orders by term when combining to one web site.' When selected, this option will automatically route an order to a location based on the items in the order. When this option is not selected, orders that do not specify location via shipping will automatically flow down to the main store.

WPServer / WPConsole

Multiple Packet Updates (486893 and 489800)
Previously, it was possible to generate multiple stock updates for the same items, causing packets for the web to be duplicated. This issue has been corrected by having the system eliminate all of the duplicate stock updates. Also, at times, updates were being queued to go to web, and were backing up, causing issues. These were duplicate order updates or statuses. Code was added so duplicates are handled more elegantly and a full size packet is being created.
CardSmith Debit Cards (483732, 480999 and 480948 and 492215)
The CardSmith Debit processing code has been added to WPConsole.
Importing Customer Balance with Standing PO
In WinPRISM, when importing a Customer Balance file, the Standing PO number can now be imported. The Standing PO field for import is available to all stores in WinPRISM v25+.
Standard A/P Export (495781)
The Standard A/P Export has been corrected and now produces an A/P Credit Memo Detail File.
Customer Import Correction (489791)
The Customer Import Interface has been modified so that if in Customer Maintenance, the Country field has an existing entry, it will not overwrite what's currently in the field.
WPServer Import Errors for Web Orders Without Shipping (499389)
The request was for an issue when a web order didn't import properly because the shipping code is invalid. An error would display in the system log but not in WPConsole.Request was to change this so when a web order fails to import due to an invalid shipping code, now an error will display in WPConsole saying why.
WPConsole Errors (523347)
The request was created to modify the procedure in place to send error emails for the XML Web Import_01 job in WPserver. Previously, error emails for this service were being dispatched, even if there were not valid errors present in the job outcome details. This has been corrected so error emails are sent (to the address specified in the job properties, if email queue is added to the system) only if the job outcome results in an error. If the job outcome is successful, no error email will be sent.
NOTE: If an error email is sent when the XML Web Import_01 is manually executed via WPConsole, the error email will also send when the service automatically runs as set by the execute time, even if the error condition has been corrected. However, this scenario only occurs if there is an error.

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