PrismCore v28.2.5 Release Notes New

PrismCore v28.2.5 Release Notes New

PrismCore 28.2.5

ICS Item Maintenance/ Inventory Maintenance

Batch Print Shipping Labels (TFS3193)

Prior to this fix, a 'Batch Print Shipping Labels' report with 'Use Date Range' checked generated blank pages in Ship Mail Orders. This has been resolved. The 'Batch Print Shipping Labels' report with 'Use Date Range' checked generates labels for all orders that match the report parameters.
Note: The 'Batch Print Shipping Labels' report generates more labels than expected, as it generates labels for refunds, as well as cancelled shipments.

ICS Mail/ Web Order

Entry Only Rights – Item Matrix Maintenance (TFS3041)

Prior to ths fix, a user name established in a group with 'Entry' rights was not able to view or edit the 'New In Catalog' line on the 'In Catalog' tab in the 'Item matrix' dialog in Catalog Maintenance (right-click 'View Item Matrix' option on the 'Detail' tab.) This has been resolved.

Catalog Numbers Longer Than 16 Characters (TFS3018)

Catalog numbers with a length longer than 16 characters are being truncated when the vendor browse/edit dialog is opened. The long catalog number only displays up to 16 characters in the vendor browse/edit opened from the Inventory Maintenance module, but all characters are still there. When closing the browse/edit using the OK button, only the numbers showing were being saved. This has been corrected, so that the extra-long catalog number remains saved correctly when exiting the vendor browse/edit dialog using the OK button.

Apple DEP: Change from Create Date to Ship Date (TFS3196)

Prior to this fix, the create date for a mail order was used as the 'Order Date' in the DEPExport.csv file rather than the ship date when the order was processed. This has been resolved. The ship date of a mail order that includes an Apple DEP eligible item is used as the 'Order Date' in the DEPExport.csv file.

Backorder and AR Tenders (TFS2198)

Prior to this fix, when a web order backorder was shipped with an AR tender at Ship Mail Orders, the shipment was not listed at Customer Activity or Aging Reports. This has been resolved. When a web order backorder is shipped with an AR tender at Ship Mail Orders, the shipment is listed at Customer Activity and Aging Reports.
Mail Order with AR Tender (TFS3404)
Previously, there were errors when processing web\mail orders using AR tenders. If the AR customer had multiple AR accounts, and any of the accounts were inactivated or expired, they would receive the error message "Customer with Multiple AR Accounts used. Please use the Tender Dialog to complete the shipment" even if the active account was used for the charge. This has been corrected.

Atrium (TFS3175)

The Atrium code was initially added for PrismPOS only. Code has been added to in WPServer so that PrismCore Mail Orders and Web Orders can use it as well.

Serial Numbers and Mail Order (TFS3444)

Prior to the fix, in the detail of a mail order at Ship Mail Orders, when a user changed the quantity of a serial numbered item in the 'Ship' column, the Quick Serial Number Maintenance dialog prompted for 'items to return'. The dialog displayed no serial numbers, so the user could <Cancel> to exit, but the dialog should not have displayed at all, as no serial numbered items had yet been selected for the shipment. This has been resolved. If a user changes the quantity of a serial numbered item in the 'Ship' column at 153 Ship Mail Orders, the Quick Serial Number Maintenance dialog listing unassigned serial numbers does not appear until after the user selects the hammer option to 'Close Shipment/Reservation'.

ICS Textbooks / Rentals

NMRP Erroneous Missing Invoice Error (TFS3389)

This happens when there is an NMRP return and rental on the same transaction, and the NMRP portion coincidentally is the same for both books. The total NMRP portion for the transaction will be zero, so no invoice will be generated for that transaction. The NMRP email, however, was still sending out, indicating that this NMRP transaction is missing an invoice. This has been corrected.

Apostrophe in Instructor Name (TFS3009)

When adding an instructor using an ' (apostrophe) in their name, a syntax error displays not allowing the new instructor to be created. This has been corrected so that apostrophes are allowed.

Change Billing Information (TFS3243)

Prior to this fix, when selecting the right-click option 'Change Billing Information' on both the 'History' and 'All History' tabs at Rental Number Maintenance, the user was incorrectly prompted for signature at the pin pad when set to P2P for credit card authorization (the customer is not present.) This has been resolved. When selecting the right-click option 'Change Billing Information' on both the 'History' and 'All History' tabs at Rental Number Maintenance, the user is not prompted for signature at the pin pad, even when set to P2P for credit card authorization.

Requirement of Email on Instructor (TFS3150)

With this enhancement, an additional 'Email' field is included in the 'New Instructor' add dialog at Instructors. Entry is required in this field. If a user clicks <OK> without entering an email address, the following error will display, 'Instructor email is required.' The user can click <OK> to clear the error and enter an email address.
NOTE: Email address format is not verified by the system prior to save.

Add to Course Request Added to Item Import for Stand Alone Rentals (TFS3484)

With this enhancement, an additional 'Add to Course Request' checkbox is included in the 'Import Item Information' hammer option at Item Maintenance. The checkbox is in the 'Import Item Information – Textbooks' dialog.
The ‘Add to Course Request' checkbox will enable once the 'Add To Inventory' box is checked. When 'Add to Course Request' is checked, only one store location can then be selected in the 'Affected Locations' box. If the user attempts to run the import with more than one store location selected, the following error will appear: 'When adding to courses you must have one and only one location selected. The user can click <OK> to clear the error and select a single store location.’
Once imported, any textbooks added to inventory are also added to the first course request listed for the most recent term. The course request detail items are added to the course request as 'Required' and a 'Request Qty' of one.
Note: The textbooks are added to the course request with a 'Request Qty' of one, with no functionality to change that prior to import. This enhancement is for the standalone rental stores only, and they will not be doing order decisions for these course requests, so this is functioning as expected at this time. If a textbook included in the import file has an update type of 05 (delete), the item record is discontinued in 101 Item Maintenance, but it is not removed from the course request. If this is determined to be an issue in the future, an additional enhancement request will need to be submitted.
Long Campus Name (TFS3378)

Prior to the fix, if the total width of the characters in the campus name exceeded the established width of the corresponding column in SQL, the campus name did not display in the 'Term/Campus' field in the Textbooks module. This has been resolved. The SQL column that corresponds with the 'Term/Campus' field in the Textbooks module has been expanded to accommodate the maximum width for each character up to twenty in a campus name at Campus Maintenance. The campus will display truncated to nine characters in the 'Term/Campus' field in the Textbooks module.
Buyback Pricing (TFS3052)

When a buyback session is created as an 'excess stock store buy', the Price Base drop down is deactivated ('greyed out'). The buy price is being calculated based on 'above buyers guide price' in the database, but the price base is actually displaying greyed out as 'off retail'. This was causing confusion, so now when the Price Base is deactivated, the inactive field displays as 'above buyer's guide' since that is what is actually being calculated as default.
Adopting NMRP Bundles (TFS3047)

When adopting a book using a valid NMRP rental component in the bundle, and running the NMRP 'update titles' from Rental Number Maintenance, the process will no longer error.

F9 Course Request Report (TFS3176)

In some cases, the F9 Course Request report took a long time to generate. This has been corrected.

Instructor Import (TFS3666)

This fix adjusts the Course Section Import (PrismCore Import/Export Interface > 'Univ Section Import' service in WPConsole.) The Course Section Import will attempt to match existing instructor records at Instructors and no longer update those records in general, as there is a separate 'Instructor Import'. There are a couple exceptions where the section import will update Instructor records.
The section import will first attempt to match with existing instructor records by email address. If a matching email address is not found, the service will then match by name. The exceptions regarding the section import updating Instructors are as follows:

  • There is an instructor email address included in the section import file, however the email field is blank at Instructors. If the import file matches on the instructor name, the email address will be added to Instructors.

  • Instructor information is included in the section import file, but no pre- existing instructor record is matched by either email address or name at 116 Instructors. A record will be added at Instructors.
    Also note:

  • If the import locates multiple instructor records with the same email address, an instructor record is matched at random from those records located.

  • If the import locates multiple instructor records with same name, and with the 'Email' field blank at Instructors, an instructor record is matched at random from those records located.

  • If multiple instructor records have the same name, but the email addresses are different, the import with match on the email address as long as the instructor email is included in the import file. If the email is not included in the import file, an instructor record is matched at random from those records located.


Student Enrollment (TFS3615)

PrismCore has been changed so that student enrollment import matches on Customer ID instead of only Student Account, since the customer id is more common. If the customer id can't be found, then it tries to match on the student account.

Mass Adoption Change (TFS3888)

For a term assigned to multiple store locations, prior to the fix, when a digital textbook was adopted via the Digital Content Updater service (DTMA Digital Text Mass Adoption), a separate item record was created for each store location, instead of a single new item record with multiple inventory locations listed in the detail. This has been resolved. For a term assigned to multiple store locations, when a digital textbook is adopted via the Digital Content Updater service (DTMA Digital Text Mass Adoption), a single new item record is created with multiple inventory locations listed in the detail. A separate digital content record is created for each store location.

ICS Miscellaneous

Deleting an Item from an Enrollment Record (TFS367)

When attempting to delete an item from an enrollment record under the 'Books' tab, the user received a 'View or function 'prism.dbo.VW_CR_Enrollment_Books_Detail' is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables' error. This was because those fields should not be editable. This has been corrected.

Section Import Change (TFS3437 and TFS3293)

An enhancement was done to add logging to WPConsole when running a Section Import where a term name is missing. This allows the user to be able to see the errors from WPConsole. Additionally, when importing a course/section import with an instructor name greater than 40 characters, instead of just truncating at 40 characters the record would not import at all. The fix is to use only the first 40 characters (max characters allowed) and truncate remaining without skipping the record, or stopping the import or displaying errors.

Single Sign On – PrismCore in the Cloud (TFS1987)

Active Directory is now tied to PrismCore in the Cloud, so users do not have to sign in to PrismCore once they sign into Windows. To turn the SSO on at a PrismCore in the Cloud site, NBC IT needs to do two things. NBC IT needs to change how the ODBC connection is created for that site's users and NBC Development needs to set a hidden system parameter. This will be done at an agreed upon time with the store. After SSO has been enabled, the only change the store personnel will need to make is the first time
PrismCore is run the normal dialog box will appear with a "Save Password" checkbox. The user then sets that check box and enters their user name and password. Checking this box is what stores those credentials in the registry, and this is how PrismCore associates a PrismCore account with an Active Directory account. The next time they start the PrismCore or PrismCore Admin application it will take them right into the application, no login screen.

Autogenerating Sales Events (TFS3053)

When autogenerating a sale event from a report generator user list, the items being generated were not matching what was on the report. This has been corrected.

Version Number Change (TFS3258)

This enhancement adds a sub-minor number to the version numbering for PrismCore. For example, the latest build is changing from 28.2.35 to

Enrollment Records Not Being Removed (TFS3440)

Prior to this fix, when course requests were deleted at Course Requests, the course request record was not deleted from the CR_Enrollment_Detail table in SQL. This has been resolved. When a course request is deleted at Course Requests either by using 'Delete Record' on the top toolbar, or 'Delete Request with No Items' from the hammer option, the record is also deleted from the CR_Enrollment_Detail table in SQL.
Note: Currently the 'Disable Course Request' hammer option does not delete the course request record from the CR_Enrollment_Detail table. This is written up in additional TFS #3487.

Data Import Issues (TFS3429)

Prior to this fix, an import that inserted data directly into a table would have that data duplicated. The table was not cleared of previous data before the import of additional files. This has been resolved. When an import inserts data directly into a table, the table is cleared of previous data before importing an additional file.

PrismCore Import / Export (TFS3401)

There was an issue with PrismCore Import/Export line failing when instructor email was not filled in. There was a previous enhancement that set all instructor checks to compare email, but if the instructor did not have an email address, the system would try creating a new instructor. The instructor module does not allow duplicate names so this caused an error when attempting to create another instructor. Now, the system compares the import file with both the email or name fields. If either match a record already within PrismCore, the system updates/uses that instructor record.

Purging Rental Period (TFS3050)

Prior to this fix, when rentals were purged at Purge Parameters in PrismCore Admin, the rental period was not purged even if all associated data had been. This has been resolved. When purging rentals at Purge Parameters in PrismCore Admin, rental periods are purged if all associated data has been purged.

12-Digit Barcodes on Reports (TFS3315)

Prior to the fix, if an item had a 12-digit barcode with a leading digit of 1, the barcode would not print on either the Purchase Order or Merchandise Request Receiving Document at Receiving. This has been resolved. If an item has a 12-digit barcode with a leading digit of 1, the barcode will print on both the Purchase Order and Merchandise Request Receiving Documents with an added leading 0 (zero) prefix, making it appear to be 13-digits. However, the barcode will scan correctly as 12-digits only, with the leading digit of 1.

Inclusive Access Import Changes (TFS3362)


    1. If either of the below items aren't setup in the system, the import will return a message explaining that the line didn't import and why.

      1. Manual tax (No Manual Tax Parameter)

      2. AR customer ID (Bad Customer)

      3. AR account (Bad Account)

    2. Error reporting will also include the line number that the error is on for easy correction

    3. If several errors are returned, the messages will list a few lines and then give a grand total of amount of lines that error.

Stock Adjustment Dialog (TFS3049)

The curser will now default to the adjustment quantity field in the Stock Adjustment dialog.

Accounting Cost (TFS3237)

The Stock Adjustment report generated from Item Maintenance was not calculating accounting cost values, in some cases, the same as the Stock Ledger Count Adjustment report. This has been corrected.

Corrections to Digital Content Updater (TFS3734)

Prior to this fix, each time the Digital Content Updater service ran, it pulled the next two SKUs in sequence for the store location in PrismCore, regardless of whether a new digital text record was created. This needlessly pushed the SKU sequence ahead too rapidly when a new text record was genuinely created. This has been resolved. The Digital Content Updater service will pull the next SKU in sequence only when a new digital text record is created in PrismCore.

Resolving a Zero SKU (TFS3705)

When a zero SKU was resolved on a course request using the right-click option 'resolve SKU', if the SKU that was being resolved had a blank ISBN, it replaced any other zero SKUs in that term with the resolved SKU. This was causing the same SKUs on multiple course requests when they were all different items. This has been corrected

Report Generator Correction (TFS3525)

We have corrected the formatting of the field 'CreditRequest_Dtl_Percent_Discount' in report generator on the Credit Request Detail template and the Credit Request_Dtl_Amount_Discount table to reflect a percentage value of the discount instead of a dollar amount. This corrected, for example, a 50% discount that was displaying as $50.00.

Buyback Session Not Copying Users (TFS3899)

When creating a new Buyback Session and copying from a closed session using default session the workstations were not copying over to the new session. This has been corrected.

PrismCore Admin Changes

Disabling PrismCore User (TFS3284, TFS3192)

An issue was found that if you disable or enable a PrismCore user, at times SQL did not update. This has been corrected.

User Issues (TFS3355)

When the Save button was pressed multiple times to save a user security change, other users were being modified and updated. This has been fixed so that only the record that is being modified is saved when the Save button is pressed multiple times

Accounting Changes

AR Invoice Inquiry Report (TFS3191)

Previously, the Invoice report in AR Invoice inquiry was not printing any details for invoices with negative invoice amounts. This has been corrected.

Insert New Journal Entry (TFS3231)

Prior to this fix, when a user attempted to insert a new recurring journal entry record at Setup Recurring Journal Entries, the system would generate the error 'Recordset is read- only' when clicking <OK> in the 'Add Recurring Entry' dialog box. This has been resolved. The user can insert a new recurring journal entry record without error and the input is saved.

AP Manual Invoice (TFS3403)

A new parameter has been added to AP general parameters: "AP manual invoice Due Date default to 30 days". This can be activated so that if the 'Payment Terms' parameter
is not set on the vendor file, then the Due date on an invoice entered for that vendor would automatically be set for 30 days on an AP Manual Invoice. If the vendors Payment Terms aren't set and this parameter isn't set, then the Due Date will default to 1/1/1970. User will need to put in a due date.

A/R Receipt Detail export (TFS3356)

Parameters have been added to the AR Receipt Detail Export setup in WPConsole to add "shipping and GL code" to AR Receipt Detail Export.

Purging Memberships (TFS3075)

Previously, purging Membership Tiers timed out. This has been corrected.

AR Receipt Detail Export (TFS3648)

Previously, the AR receipt detail export would produce errors when qty amounts were large because if there were discounts, it would list discount amount multiplied by the qty. The export will now list out the discount value only as a single qty. In addition, tax amount will not be included in the price of the item it will have its own field.

Customer Import (TFS3870)

Customer import was not importing comma delimited files without displaying this error
:'Index and length must refer to a location within the string'. This issue has now been resolved.

PrismCore Mobile Changes

Expired A/R Accounts (TFS3425)

In NBC Toolkit > Order Fulfillment, prior to the fix, if an expired A/R account was used to tender an order, the error message incorrectly referenced a credit card tender: Status / Credit card authorization could not be obtained. Please complete shipment in PrismCore. Shipment could not be closed / Ok. This has been resolved. If an expired A/R account is used to tender an order, the error message displays: Status / Tender authorization could not be obtained. Please complete shipment in PrismCore. Shipment could not be closed / Ok.

POS Changes

POS-Non Merchandise Report (TFS3220)

The POS NON Merchandise report was reporting the extended price instead of the discounted price in the Net Price column. This has been corrected to include the discount.

Signature Line on Reports (TFS3260)

The number of characters allowed to print on the Rental Signature Label for POS receipt templates - POS Sales Receipt: Cust and Merch needed to be increased so that longer labels could be used. Longer labels are now allowed to print on the receipts.
NOTE: Users are still getting printer errors on rental transactions and the receipt printing will stop without completing the full receipt. This is being investigated on TFS3445.

Full Download Options (TFS3334)

Code has been added to separate the WinPOS full download and the PrismPOS full download. In PrismCore Admin > POS tab > Maintenance > ICS Download, the drop down has been changed to display "Full Download (WinPOS Only)" and "Full Download (360 Only)".

Cbord XML Interface Added (TFS3330)

Code has been added to in WPServer so that PrismCore Mail Orders and Web Orders can use Cbord as well.

Department/Class/Category Report (TFS3511)

Transactions happening between 11:59:59.000 and 12:00:00.000 were not being included in the POS Department/Class Totals report. This has been fixed so that if a transaction is completed within that time, it is included on the report.

Tax Exempt Sales (TFS3350)

Tax exempt sales were not importing correctly. This has been fixed so that if a transaction is set to Tax Exempt from Transaction Details, the transaction flows correctly to PrismCore > Transaction Inquiry and Thunder Admin Tool > Transaction Inquiry.

Logos on WinPOS Receipts (TFS3533)

When processing a WinPOS receipt, if a logo is used for the header and the footer, the receipt would stop printing mid-way through the printing process. This has been corrected.

AR Receipt for POS Sale (TFS3445)

When printing the AR receipt on a POS sale, the number of characters allowed on the 'Rental Signature Label' and a correction to re-add the carriage return line feed character were done. The missing carriage return was allowing the first character of the label to display on the actually signature line and not below it as expected. The number of characters that displays correctly without wrapping is dependent on the font size and width of the receipt.

Refunding Item with Two Taxes (TFS3435)

There was an issue found that when a refund is processed where the item has two-tax type attached to it, the Returns Report would add double lines for the refund causing the report to double the amount of the refunded transaction. This has been corrected; only one line on the returns report is reported.

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