PrismCore v28.2.35

Important Information

With this version, WinPRISM has been renamed and rebranded to PrismCore. The following guide is designed to help with this new naming convention.
WinPRISM is now PrismCore.

WPAdmin is now PrismCore Admin.

Mobile POS is now PrismMobile.

PRISM360 is now PrismPOS.

  • Webprism is now PrismWeb.
  • WinPOS remains WinPOS.
  • Mobile Toolkit is now PrismCore Mobile.
  • The original PrismPOS is now Legacy Prism POS.


ICS Item Maintenance/ Inventory Maintenance

Blank DCC in Item Maintenance (TFS1782)

Prior to the fix, when a user blanked the DCC field at Item Maintenance (all system types: Text, Trade, GM, Package), then saved the record, a cryptic SQL error displayed: "The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_ITEM_DCCID". The conflict occurred in database "prism", table "dbo.DeptClassCat", column 'DCCID'.
The statement has been terminated. " This has been resolved. If a user blanks the DCC field at Item Maintenance (all system types: Text, Trade, GM, Package), then saves the record, the error message 'DCC is required' will display. The user can click <OK> to clear the message to add a valid DCC to the field.

Adding a New Shelf Location (TFS1133)

Users were receiving a 'Recordset is read-only' error when adding new shelf location in Inventory Maintenance. This has been corrected.

Blank Author / Title (TFS1807)

A user exception error was being displayed with a textbook or trade book contained either a blank author or title or both. The exception was this: 'Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Author', table 'prism.dbo.Textbook'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails. The statement has been terminated'. To prevent this from occurring on newly created records where an author or title is not entered at time of adopting, the phrase <author> or <title> is placed in these blank fields as a place holder until the user enters a valid author or title. If changing an existing record – blanking the author or title the record is not allowed to be saved without entering a value in these fields. If the module is closed the blanked author or title change does not save, preventing the blank field.

PrismCore Crashing When Wrong Subtype is Selected (TFS1212)

Previously, PrismCore closed completely without warning when adding a new package using a system type of UTX. This has been corrected.

Import Function Created (TFS1936)

A new import function has been created to allow stores to copy specific SKUs into a new location, using a .csv file. In Inventory Maintenance, users can now choose 'Update Inventory' from the hammer option. This will open a dialog window, such as this.

Clicking on the 'Field List' button will allow you to see what fields are available to update. The column on the left shows how the format should look on the .csv column header, while the right side shows the fields that will be updated.

The .csv file should have headers, identifying each field, and should begin with the StoreNumber, followed by the SKU. The following fields can be any of those listed in the dialog, formatted according to the listing on the left, above. Once your .csv is created, you can click the 'Browse' button in the dialog, and locate the .csv file. If the formatting is correct, the file will then show in the field, and the dialog will show you which fields will be updated.

Then, click 'update' and your inventory will update.
NOTE: Please note this import does not add to or subtract the stock on hand, but instead overwrites it. Thus if your stock on hand is 10, and your file has 100, your new stock will be 100.
File Format example: StoreNumber,SKU,StockOnHand,Cost,Retail 1,10000304,1000,20,30

Verbiage Change on Update Inventory Feature (TFS2301)

The new feature for Item Import functionality (TFS 1936) needed a verbiage change from LocationID to StoreNumber in the import instruction.

Bundle Components Dialog (TFS2414)

The bundle components dialog in Item Maintenance was getting locked when trying to exit the dialog even if the SKU being looked at was not a bundle SKU. This has been changed so that the user is allowed to exit the dialog if there is nothing selected for bundle components. If only one item is added to the dialog, the user prompt 'must have 2 or more components' will display. There is also a check to not allow any changes to be made or components to be deleted if the bundle has history.

Quick Search Issues (TFS2367)

Previously, when doing a quick search within a module, the system was not highlighting the searched for item in the grid detail. This is now working correctly.

ICS Mail/ Web Order

Mail Order Refund Exchange (TFS1737, v28.2.21)

Prior to the correction, if there was a failure to approve by Shift4 while closing a refund, PrismCore would incorrectly read the response as a partial authorization and close the refund. This has been resolved. Now, if there is a failure to approve by Shift4 while closing a refund, the user will receive a failed message for credit card authorization, and the refund will remain in an 'Open' status in PrismCore.

Pre-Auth Using Shift4 (TFS1215, v28.2.22)

Prior to the fix, when a mail order was pre-authorized using Shift4 P2P, the outgoing information from PrismCore did not include header tax, zip code & line item descriptions. This has been resolved. When a mail order is pre-authorized using Shift4 P2P, the outgoing information from PrismCore includes header tax, zip code & line item descriptions. To note: The max number of item descriptions included in the outgoing information is varied, depending on the length of the descriptions. There is a character limitation to the transfer of information overall, so if the descriptions are long enough, they will be cut off.

Tender Dialog Access (TFS1214, v28.2.20)

For web and mail orders, prior to the fix, Shift4 partial authorizations were processed as though the authorization was for the full amount. This has been resolved. The Shift4 request going out from PrismCore disables partial authorization for web and mail orders only (POS will continue to allow partial authorization if flagged to do so in WPConsole.) Partial authorization in this case means that there is a charge limit on the CC, whether it is a daily charge limit or overall charge limit that will be exceeded with the transaction.

Pin Pads in Mail Order (TFS1841, v28.2.20)

Prior to the fix, when a user attempted to process a mail order with a credit card tender using Shift4 Point-to-Point, the pin pad would not prompt for the credit card information. This has been resolved. When a user processes a mail order with a credit card tender using Shift4 Point-to-Point, the pin pad will prompt for credit card information.

Catalog Export (TFS988, TFS1952 v28.3.1)

PrismCore has added a web catalog data export to schedule tasks to export data via FTP for those stores who request such an export. The file includes all detail line items from Catalog Maintenance. A file will be generated overnight and ftp'd to the following site: \\FTPPW4702\PrismCoreStores\, and be named by the site ID of the active web export. The file will contain line items with the following fields:

    1. Product Family
    2. SKU
    3. Barcode (XREF/Bookland)
    4. Catalog ID
    5. MO Catalog Product Family ID
    6. Site ID
    7. Vendor Code
    8. Vendor Name
    9. Catalog Active Flag
    10. Product Family Active Flag
    11. Item Active Flag

File Format:

Prod Fam SKU XREF/ BooklandCat ID Cat Prod Fam ID Site ID Vend Code Vend Desc Cat Act Prod Fam Act Item Act


"15 DOLLAR ITEM" 10460030 0717200000005359399286 6080TER001
The file will be re-generated in PrismCore and overwritten each day on the ftp site.

Changing Web Order to Special Order (TFS1763, v28.2.20)

Web orders, when changed to 'Special Order' in Enter Mail Order, were displaying an incorrect address, or no address information, for the client on the purchase order that is created when processing the 'drop ship order' to the customer. This has been corrected.

Shipping Reports Incorrect for –S Extensions (TFS2194, v28.2.24)

Prior to the fix, two shipping reports generated in Ship Mail Orders were not working correctly for shipments that had an order number with the –S# extension. They were the following:

  • Mail Order Shipping List – printed correctly for shipment with original order #, but was blank for additional shipments.
  • Print Shipping Labels – printed correctly for shipment with original order #, but was blank for additional shipments.

This has been resolved. If an order has multiple shipments, both the 'Mail Order Shipping List' and 'Print Shipping Labels' reports populate with data from the selected order.
NOTE: On the 'Print Shipping Labels' and 'Batch Print Shipping Labels' reports, only the original order # prints on the labels, even for multiple shipments (no –S# extension for multiple shipments).

Multiple Shipment Designations (TFS155, TFS362, v28.2.23)

This enhancement adds a –S# extension to the end of a web or mail order number when there are two or more shipments generated at Ship Mail Orders for a single order. For example, if the original mail order number is MO-000100010, the first shipment would retain the original mail order number (MO-000100010). However, if a second shipment is necessary due to backordered items, the second shipment would have the shipment number MO-000100010-S1. If a third shipment were necessary, then it would have the shipment number MO-000100010-S2.
Caution should be taken to verify the length of the mail order and web order sequence series. Accounting for the possibility that shipments could be generated into double- digits, then the mail and web order sequence series should be no more than 21- characters maximum (field max is 25 characters.)
If the order number is too long, PrismCore displays the following error after pressing
<VIEW/EDIT ORDER(S)> to create shipment from 'Add Order' dialog, and does not allow the shipment to continue: "This error is not due to the –S# extension, and would be an issue with a pre-existing order # template that is too long."
The following should be noted:

  • Custom report/interfaces should be tested following updating.
  • Ship Mail Orders 'Print Shipping Labels' report, only the original order # prints on the labels, even for multiple shipments (no –S# extension for multiple shipments).

Weight Updates to Catalogs (TFS1865, v28.3.1)

When performing a price update for the catalogs, if 'Weights' was checked, a query timeout would occur. This has been corrected, so that weight updates to catalogs do not result in an error.

NMRP and Mail Order (TFS2141, v28.2.24)

Prior to the fix, if a user canceled an NMRP rental item on a mail order at Ship Mail Orders, and the tender detail on the 'Tender' tab was not correctly reflecting the new order 'Total' in the header, the system would allow the user to close the shipment with the incorrect tender total and charge the customer incorrectly. No tender error displayed. This has been resolved. If a user cancels an NMRP rental item on a mail order at Ship Mail Orders, the order will not close if the 'Tender' field in the header does not match the tender amount in the detail. If they do not match, PrismCore will display the error 'The tender amount is incorrect.'

Multiple Back Orders (TFS2094, v28.2.24)

When items are back ordered on a web order/mail order and multiple shipments are created after the first initial shipment, the tender amount was going to zero and not allowing the amount to be modified. This has been corrected.

Mail Order Refund Emails (TFS1979, v28.2.2)

Previously, shipment emails were also sent out for refund/exchanges. This was a problem when the refund/exchange only included a refund, because it included verbiage such as 'your order has been shipped'. Now, when a refund/exchange is closed, if the 'when to send' flag for the specific type of mail order template is set to 'always send', instead of automatically sending, the system will prompt the user, and only send the email for the refund/exchange if the user selects yes. This should not have any effect on the other types of orders or shipments.

P2P and Mail Order (TFS1481, v28.3.1)

With an earlier version of PrismCore (v28.2.9), when set to P2P (Point-to-Point), the system would not permit a user to change the credit card tender amount on the Tender tab in the mail order modules after the original tender total had been pre-authorized at the pin pad. This behavior created a problem in the Refund/Exchange module, as the tender from the original order came in at $0.00 and needed to be edited to the correct amount by the user.
This has been resolved. For mail orders only, when set to P2P (Point-to-Point), when a refund/exchange is created in the Refund/Exchange module, the user can edit the 'Amount' column on the tender tab, however they cannot access the 'Tender Dialog' box.
To enter a negative (refund) tender total in the 'Amount' column, the user must press the dash key (minus) to change from a positive to a negative dollar amount.

Refunds Slow to Add (TFS2154, v28.2.26)

Previously, the Mail Order Refund/exchange dialog was opening very slowing due to backlog of orders in the add order dialog. This has been alleviated by sorting the orders in descending order to help with/cut down on prepopulating all orders.

Bundles and Linked SKUS (1804, v28.3.1)

The bundle rental components for a bundle SKU were not displaying in the Linked SKU dialog from Course Request. This has been corrected.

Mail Order Refresh Issue (TFS1963, v28.2.51)

Previously, after a mail-order was processed, PrismCore redirected the user to the fist record matching the current query, instead of staying on the record that was just processed. So, when a user processed an order, once it was completed, the system took the user back to the first order in the search list.

Incorrect Invoice (TFS1425, v28.2.2)

When processing mail/web orders charged to A/R which have back ordered items, the customer ID was incorrect on the back ordered transaction. This has been corrected.

Voice Authorization (TFS943, v28.2.27)

Prior to the fix, when a user attempted a voice referral authorization through PrismCore Mail Order using Shift4 Point-to-Point credit card authorization, the process would loop between input at the pin pad and input in PrismCore, and would not complete or display correctly on Dollars-on-the-Net. This has been resolved. When a user is prompted for a voice referral authorization through PrismCore Mail Order using Shift4 Point-to-Point credit card authorization, the transaction will complete after input of the authorization code in PrismCore. The order will close without signature, and display correctly as a 'Sale' on Dollars-on-the-Net.
To note: WinPOS has different behavior. After entering the authorization code in WinPOS, the user is prompted to approve the tender again at the pin pad, and sign. The sale then approves at the pin pad and the transaction completes.

Incorrect Totals (TFS2249)

At Enter Mail Orders, prior to the fix, if a user changed the quantity of a line item to zero, entered through the error 'Invalid Quantity, and then added an additional line item to the detail that had a quantity greater than zero, the user could complete/close the order at Enter Mail Orders with an incorrect 'Total' in the header. This has been fixed. If a user attempts to edit the 'Qty' column in the detail of an order to zero, they will trigger the following error: Invalid Quantity (Defaulting to 1). The user can click <OK> to clear the error, and then edit the 'Qty' column to a number greater than zero.

Looping Error in Mail Order (TFS2225)

Prior to the fix, when a user attempted to close a shipment that canceled the remaining item(s) on an order for a total of zero dollars, the header 'Total' field correctly changed to $0.00, however the 'Amount' column in the detail on the 'Tender' tab did not. By attempting to either change the 'Amount' column in the detail on the 'Tender' tab or in the 'Tender Dialog', the user would be caught in a loop with the error 'The tender amount is incorrect', and unable to close the order. This has been fixed. When a user generates a shipment that cancels the remaining item(s) on an order for a shipment total of zero dollars, the header 'Total' field changes to $0.00, however the 'Amount' column in the detail on the 'Tender' tab will not automatically change. On the 'Tender' tab, the user can edit the 'Amount' column to $0.00 and close the shipment.

Reversal of Correction for Mail Order (TFS2166)

This initial fix was rolled back to restore previous behavior. When a store is using Shift4 Point-to-Point for credit card authorization, each transaction will have a different 'Invoice' number listed on Shift4 Dollars-on-the-Net. An exception for mail order transactions is that the 'Auth' transaction will change to 'Sale' with the first shipment of the order, and retain the same 'Invoice' number on Shift4 Dollars-on-the-Net. An exception for WinPOS transactions is in the case of a post void, where the 'Sale' will change to a 'Void' with the same 'Invoice' number listed on Shift4 Dollars-on-the-Net. This rollback also allows the user to edit the tender amount in the detail of a mail order after it has been initially tokenized (pre-authorized), reversing the change made with TFS #1199 integrated with build v28.2.11.

Tax Calculations Fail on Zip Code Comparison (TFS2192)

Mail order processing had not been calculating the taxes on items correctly when using a 9-digit zip code. It would not match to the 5-digit zip code to get the tax amount. When this happened, it would create incorrect tax setup records for the orders. Users would have to make a change to the order for the tax to calculate. This has been corrected.

Zero Order Quantity (TFS2428)

Prior to the fix, the 'Order Qty' field could be edited and saved to zero in the 'Edit Item Information' dialog. This has been fixed. If a user edits the 'Order Qty' field to zero in the 'Edit Item Information' dialog, the error Order Qty cannot be zero is triggered. The user can click <OK> to clear the error, and then edit the 'Order Qty' field to a number greater than zero.

Split Tender Mail Order (TFS2390)

Prior to this fix, a SQL error occurred when attempting to process an order with a split tender (ex. A/R and credit card.) This has been resolved. When an order is processed with a split tender, the order closes without error.

ICS Textbooks / Rentals

Spaces for Course Name (TFS806, v28.2.21)

Previously, the user was allowed to add a course with a title of '<spaces>'. Now, a user warning message of 'invalid course' is given when a user is trying to add a new course name to the 'course edit dialog' with blanks or spaces.

Digital Content Instructions Location Toolbar (TFS1970, v28.2.21)

In Digital Content Instructions, prior to the fix, when a store location was selected in the 'Location Selection' dialog on the top toolbar, the following error displayed: Invalid column name 'LocationID'. Statement(s) could not be prepared.' This has been resolved. When a user selects a store location(s) in the 'Location Selection' dialog, then left-clicks the 'Close' button, the dialog will close without error, and the selection will display in 'Location Selection' field in top toolbar.

Ship by / Cancel After Now Transmitted (TFS1411, v28.2.22)

With this enhancement, the 'Ship by' and 'Cancel After' date fields from the purchase order header are included in the EDI transmission to Pubnet for vendors set to Pubnet Canada encoding (v4010) at Vendor Maintenance.

Replace XREF (TFS1962, v28.2.22)

On NMRP rental records, the right-click option 'Replace Xref' from the detail grid of the history and all history tabs was not available if the rental was rented. This was causing issues on the back-end when the item was returned and updated on the web, matching up the XREFs. This was resolved by adding the user message 'Unable to replace XREF while out on NMRP rental' that displays when attempting to change the Xref of an outstanding NMRP rental.

PRISM POS and Rentals (TFS1112, v28.2.2)

Prism POS encryption for rental guarantee tender was not decrypting properly on the PrismCore side. This has been corrected.

Right Click Options for Shelf Tags (TFS1153, v28.2.20)

When right clicking on a detail item and choosing Print Shelf Tags in Course Requests or Order Decisions, the system was asking for the location but was not asking what printer to send the tags to. This has been corrected.

Invalid Course Request Error Copying Courses (TFS1836, v28.2.24)

Previously, when copying one course request to another, users were receiving the error 'invalid course request'. This has been corrected.

Jumpbook References Changed to Digital Content (TFS1860, v28.2.20)

Code has been changed to replace all references to "Jumpbooks" to "Digital Content". This change includes: PrismCore > Inventory Management tab > Item Maintenance > Digital Content and Digital Content Instructions. Within each module, the search results have also been changed to read 'Digital Instructions'. In the WinPOS register, when selling a digital textbook, the message has been changed to "Authorizing Digital Content". If the digital text does not get approved, the message has been changed to "The following Digital Textbook ISBN(s) were NOT processed:"

NMRP Changes (TFS844, v28.3.1)

Processing has changed for NMRP rentals via mail order, using tender retail. Previously, the system was incorrectly displaying the 'Rental Not Returned Billing Information' dialog. This has been corrected.

Author Shelf Tag (TFS1900, v28.2.26)

With this enhancement, an additional single title shelf tag template is available that will group titles by author and title. In the 'Shelf Tag Type' field in the 'Print Shelf Tags' dialog it is labeled as 'Shelf Tags by Author'.

Digital Text to Web (TFS2079, v28.2.26)

Prior to the fix, the new SKU for digital textbooks was being flagged incorrectly when exported from PrismCore to web, causing the new digital textbook importing into PrismCore with a web order to be flagged incorrectly (as a physical book) if the store had inventory flowing to the web from multiple locations. The issue also allowed users to incorrectly order a 'used' digital textbook on the website using a general search. This has been resolved. The new SKU only for digital textbooks is exported from PrismCore to web as a pf_type 6 (digital) in the Text_Product_Family command, regardless of store location. The digital textbook will also be flagged correctly as a pf_type 6 importing into PrismCore with a web order.

Rental Not Returned (TFS853, v28.2.0)

Prior to the fix, if the Rental Not Returned procedure was run for a store location that had an apostrophe in the Short Description field in PrismCore Admin > Store Locations, the process would not register an error when the Rental NR field was unchecked for the Rental Fee line for the store location in PrismCore Admin > POS > POS Non- Merchandise. This has been resolved. If the Rental Not Returned procedure is run for a store location that has an apostrophe in the Short Description field in PrismCore Admin
> Store Locations, and the Rental NR field is unchecked for the Rental Fee line for the store location in PrismCore Admin > POS > POS Non-Merchandise, no items will be processed and the following error will write to the Rental Process Log report: A Rental Non Merchandise code is not set for Location: XXXXXXX (store location).

P2 Reconciliation Report (TFS972, v28.2.25)

On the Partnership v2 Reconciliation report, we have combined New and Used rental counts on one line, in order for columns to work for reporting multiple periods.

Buyback Invoice Error (TFS1438, v28.3.0)

Previously, posting a buyback invoice could cause a syntax error. This has been corrected.

Sorting in Buyback (TFS848, v28.3.0)

Prior to the fix, when a user double-clicked the header of the 'Purchaser' column to sort the detail lines, the 'Buyback Purchasers' dialog would open for the first purchaser listed, and the detail lines would not be sorted. This has been resolved. When a user double-clicks the header of the 'Purchaser' column, the detail lines will be sorted alphabetically.

Change for NMRP Communication (TFS1435, v28.2.27)

For stores using Shift4 Point-to-Point for credit card authorization, with this enhancement, NMRP transactions will not be transmitted to the web (NMRP database) in real-time. The NMRP transactions will be sent during the overnight process through NBC Utility in WPConsole. Stores using Shift4 Tokenization for credit card authorization will continue to transmit NMRP transactions in real-time.

Windows 10 Shelf Tag Issues (TFS1990)

Prior to the fix, users with the PrismCore application on a Windows 10 computer reported a disruptive lag accessing the 'Print Shelf Tags' dialog at Course Requests. This has been resolved. A new parameter has been added to PrismCore Admin > 121 General System Parameters > Inventory Management, called 'Bypass Parsing Printer Trays for Shelf Tag Dialog'. The default setting for this parameter is 'unchecked'. When the 'Bypass Parsing Printer Trays for Shelf Tag Dialog' parameter is checked, the 'Paper Source' for the current selected printer in the 'Print Shelf Tags' dialog at Course Requests will be set to 'Auto', even if a previous tray was set the last time the dialog was used. The user can, however, click on the ellipses to the right of the 'Printer' field, and change the tray for the designated printer.

Course Request Term and Adoption (TFS2126)

Prior to correction when adding a new course request and attaching a term. Term list would not populate all active terms. You now will see all active terms no matter if the global location is set. When adopting books, at times an "exception" error would display. Correction has been made, so this does not happen.

NMRP and Adjustments (TFS2001)

Payment detail for NMRP and P2 was not displaying in the account listing when adding detail in the Invoice payments module in AR/Adjustments/payments. This has been corrected.
NMRP Returns in 360 will Add the NMRP Rental Buyback Price to the Detail (TFS2276) Prior to the correction, when processing a rental return, the rental rebate tender would be included in the detail of the returned transaction. When this happened, rental rebate amount reported on daily reports causing balancing issues. This has been corrected.

Post Voiding NMRP Causes Issues (TFS1921)

When post voiding NMRP rental transaction refunds/returns at POS, some of the NMRP Transaction Detail information was only being removed from one part of the code and not the other. This was causing the balance between the web and the store to be off.
This has been corrected.

Enrollment Reports (TFS2369)

In Enrollment, there are two canned reports that now can be set to certain sort options. Enrollment and Enrollment Export. Users now have the option to sort both reports by "Author" or "Sku"

Electronic Shelf Tags (TFS2267)

Support has been added for electronic shelf tags.

ICS Miscellaneous

Quick Search Results Issue (TFS1872, v28.2.22)

Prior to the fix, when a user initiated a 'Quick Search' that located multiple results, opened the 'Quick Search Results' dialog, entered a line number different than the line highlighted in the 'Record' field on the bottom-left, and then pressed <Enter>, only the SKU field on the new line was highlighted, not the entire row. This has been resolved.
When a user enters a line number different than the line highlighted in the 'Record' field on the bottom-left of the 'Quick Search Results' dialog, and then presses <Enter>, the prompt moves to the new row, and the entire row is highlighted.

Trace File Parameter (TFS1984, v28.2.22)

With this enhancement, a Trace_Location table is created in the Master database in SQL to record PCI Trace. A hidden parameter (ParamName 'NBCUtil_Trace_Path') has been added to the SystemParameters table in the prism database to update the directory path for the trace files in the Trace_Location table in the Master database on the PrismCore server. To note: the pathname is not verified upon input in SQL. The input must be correct.

Jump Sequence (TFS1801, v28.2.20)

Prior to the fix, if a user deleted invalid input in the 'Jump sequence' field in the Ctrl-J Jump Sequence dialog in either PrismCore or PrismCore Admin, an active prompt appeared on the first module listed in the 'Available jump windows' listing. If the user then left-clicked the 'Jump' button, the module opened. This has been fixed. When a user deletes invalid input in the 'Jump sequence' field in the Ctrl-J Jump Sequence
dialog in either PrismCore or PrismCore Admin, there is no prompt in the 'Available jump windows' listing, and left-clicking the 'Jump' button will not open any module.

Special Order Causes PrismCore to Hang (TFS2061, v28.2.22)

When viewing 'special/backorders' from the hammer option in Purchase Orders or Receiving, the system would hang and force the user to log off in order to exit. This has been corrected.

Apple DEP ID Field Added (TFS1028, v28.2.23)

An "APPLE DEP ID:" field has been added to Customer Maintenance PrismCore Admin > Accounting tab and in the Customer Address dialog on the WinPOS register. This can be added at the register and will flow to PrismCore, or can be added in PrismCore Admin Customer Maintenance and will flow to the WinPOS register.

Correction to Log Off Option (TFS1784, v28.2.20)

Prior to the fix, when a user selected the 'Logoff' option from the 'File' menu on the menu toolbar, the 'Change password' option was still enabled. If the user selected that option, PrismCore would close unexpectedly. This has been resolved. When a user selects the 'Logoff' option from the 'File' menu on the menu toolbar, only the 'Logon' and 'Exit' options remain enabled.

Module Name Correction (TFS1846, v28.2.20)

In PrismCore Price Change, there was no space between the word Price and Change. This has been fixed from "PriceChange" to "Price Change".

Changes to Update to Add Parameters (TFS1041, v28.3.1)

Prior to the fix, parameters were not established correctly when the NBC Utility service was added for a new customer site. This has been resolved. When the NBC Utility service is added for a new customer site, it is added with the correct parameters. Additional changes were made for the trace logs.

Section Imports (TFS1744, v28.3.1)

During a section import, if there was no course (and no section number) for a section, if the section import contained a section to be deleted (even though it was not there), it would create a course record, even though the section was set to be deleted, not created. This has been changed, so that the system only creates the course if the section in the import file is not marked as deleted.

Discrepancies at Invoicing (TFS1513, v28.2.12)

Previously, if a user entered more than one discrepancy on a single line item at Enter Invoice Information, then selected 'Edit Detail Item' again, PrismCore forced the user to log in again, and then shut down completely. This has been corrected.

Error Messages on Startup (TFS1905, v28.2.24)

Prior to the fix, if a user logged into the PrismCore application on a computer with a slow connection due to decreased hardware performance, they intermittently encountered the following errors, due to the startup of Crystal Reports: Cannot create CMainframe OR, Process is busy with another thread. This has been resolved. The startup of Crystal Reports has been accelerated by initializing them after the PrismCore application has been opened.

Invalid Data in PO View (TFS2215, v28.2.25)

After creating a Purchase order, if you try to do a search of a purchase order number that doesn't exist (123456) it would return fictitious information in the total field carried over from the Purchase order you just created. However, all other header fields information would be blank.

WinPDT Not Functioning (TFS1668, v28.2.24)

Prior to the fix, the WinPDT executable would not open due to a SQL error, as the version was out of sync with the DLL files. This has been resolved. NOTE: As of this version, PrismCore will automatically load the new WinPDT into the PrismCore folder. Those who installed the temporary patch can remove that file.

Physical Inventory DCC Report (TFS1917, v28.2.24)

Variance was not being calculated correctly on the Physical Inventory DCC report when there was a rental qty. This was due to the way the formula worked. This has been corrected.

Unable to Delete from Physical Inventory (TFS2156, v28.2.24)

Previously, users were unable to delete inventory records from Physical Inventory. This has been corrected.

Incorrect Date on Freight Invoice (TFS1115, v28.3.1)

Previously, the system was miscalculating the due date by using the actual date, as opposed to the invoice date. This has been corrected.

Record Set Read Only in Purchasing (TFS1852, v28.2.26)

Users were receiving a 'Recordset is read-only' error when updating prices in receiving on a purchase order. This has been corrected.

Increase System Log Retention File (TFS1930, v28.2.25)

System log entries only held 5000 causing activity to disappear in a week. A System Parameter has now been added to make the entry level configurable up to 50000 up to 500000. New parameter can be found in General System Parameters.

Section Import Errors (TFS2205, v28.2.26)

When importing multiples files in same or different field sizes, the import was erroring. The new change allows for different sets of data with different field counts to be imported.

Issues Closing the Sales Month (TFS1776, v28.2.31)

Previously, there could be issues when End-of-Month process were run, because the process could not complete, even when allowed to run overnight. We discovered the problem was associated with the Item History table. A new index has been added to address the issue.

SQL Time Offset (TFS2035, v28.2.24)

On the PricmCloud SQL server, we will have multiple instances running for different user sites. The issue is that these sites will be located in different time zones and the SQL server can only have one-time zone. To address this, NBC has added a System Parameter to PrismCore Admin > ICS tab> Parameters> System Parameters called "Time Offset (hours)to apply CST).

Dictionary Items Added to Report Generator (TFS510, v28.3.0)

This enhancement enables a user to create a report listing POS tender amounts by DCC and tender type using a 'POS Transaction Detail Tender' template, and utilizing the Itm_DCC (Item DCC) & POSTransaction_DTL_Tender_Type fields (POS transaction tender type.)

Transfer Issues (TFS502, v28.2.24)

When multiple users were creating merchandise requests at the same time, there was the possibility that one of the orders was displaying on the second users screen incorrectly (sometimes at different locations). This has been corrected by adding an extra layer for location.

Report Gen Issues (TFS1369, TFS1137, TFS1139, v28.2.22)

If you create a query with more than ten fields in the 'where' clause, so that the
<fieldOrder> elements in the resulting XML go above ten, the file doesn't get imported correctly, if at all, and may give false errors about parenthesis not matching. It seems to 'reset' the field order back to 0 when it gets to ten, which messes up the query, and parenthesis grouping. This has been corrected.
Also, when a change was made to the name of an existing report gen, the list of Saved Parameter Sets in Report Scheduler was not updated. The report still showed by its old name. This has been corrected.
Additionally, users received a syntax error when entering a Name or Description with an apostrophe. This has been corrected.

Sort By Description Added (TFS170, v28.2.20)

In the Line Item dialog of the Resolve Credit Requests dialog, all the books on the original credit request appear. The problem was that the dialog could not be sorted. So, if there were 100 titles, users had to look line by line for the book they were looking to resolve. This has been corrected so that, to sort on any field, users just double click in the field name and it sorts.

EDI, Wrong Vendor (TFS1051, v28.2.24)

Previously, an incoming message would be assigned to the wrong vendor and consequently the corresponding PO would not be updated because it would be trying to match PO's from the wrong vendor. This has been corrected.

Logoff Options (TFS2254, v28.2.27)

Prior to the fix, when a user would logon to the PrismCore application, and then immediately select File > Logoff, a SQL server logon dialog box would periodically appear due to a conflict with initializing crystal reports. This has been resolved. When a user logs onto the PrismCore application, and then immediately selects File > Logoff, logoff completes without error and no additional logon dialog appears.

Inquiry Rights (TFS1977, v28.2.27)

Prior to the fix, a user with 'Inquiry' rights only for the 'Textbooks' module in PrismCore ICS could access the Hammer option > 'Delete Requests with No Items'. This has been resolved. For a user with 'Inquiry' rights only for the 'Textbooks' module, the Hammer option > 'Delete Requests with No Items' is grayed out (inaccessible).

Received Not Yet Invoiced Report (TFS950, v28.3.0)

The 'Received Not Invoiced Report' has been changed so that autogenerated merchandise transfer invoices no longer cause items to show on the RNYI report.

Slow Nightly Process (TFS 2333)

The 'Check trace status' message was being logged every 6 min and slowing down nightly processes. This has been reset to only log at midnight and when WPServer is stopped/restarted. This message will display in the system log when NBCUtility starts and at midnight when the nightly rental and web jobs run.

SQL Connection Rename (TFS1379)

Prior to this enhancement, the SQL connection for WPServer reported the generic program name '.Net SqlClient Data provider'. The program name for the SQL connection for WPServer is now unique as 'WPServer Application'.

Correction to Inventory Report (TFS1455)

Prior to the fix, the accounting cost and extended accounting cost were incorrect on the Physical Inventory DCC Report when the count matched the current stock on hand. This has been resolved. On the Physical Inventory DCC Report, when the count matches the current stock on hand, the accounting cost and extended accounting cost are calculated correctly.

University Section Import Correction (TFS2118)

When importing section data, the wrong field was being imported, hence causing the import to either not import anything or error. This issue has been resolved.

Enrollment Data Export Added for Web (TFS1686)

With this enhancement, an export of 118 Enrollment data is included in the existing web export from PrismCore.

Physical Inventory Issues (TFS2277)

Previously, users were not able to delete inventory records from the physical inventory module. Additionally, a correction was made for NMRP rentals, where they now display correctly both in Rental Number Maintenance and in Transaction Inquiry.

Item Not Found (TFS2531)

Previously, in Physical Inventory, when a barcode did not match anything in the system, users received "item not found" for that barcode. Once users updated Item Maintenance with the correct barcode, and went back to update the barcode in Physical Inventory, the system would still not find the item. Now, when users update the barcode in Physical Inventory, the line will refresh if a user hits 'F12' to refresh.

Rejected Pubnet Emails (TFS1980)

Prior to this fix, if emails were refused by Pubnet recipients, they were sent to a generic '' email. This has been changed so that the store can establish a different email address for this purpose. A new 'Pubnet – EDI no reply email' parameter is located at PrismCore Admin > General System Parameters > Purchasing. The user can edit the email address by highlighting the 'Value' column, and typing over the previous input.

Blanks in Server Name for ODBC (TFS2296)

Previously, there were issues with the ODBC server when the server name contained spaces in the name or if blank. This has been corrected by stripping the spaces out of the server name provided or displaying a login message when the server name is blank or invalid.

A/R Balance Import Issues (TFS2134)

When the A/R Customer Balance Import would import a balance to a GC account, it would not recognize it as a Gift Certificate account. A change has been made to the Import where if the GC account is used, it will update Gift Certificate account.
NOTE: When setting the account in the import it must be called GC not Gift Certificate.

Credit Memo Correction (TFS2416)

Prior to the fix, when a credit request was added to a credit memo using the 'Create New Credit Memo' dialog > 'Add Credit Request' dialog > 'Requests' tab, more line items were added to the credit memo than were on the selected credit request. This has been resolved. When a user adds a credit request to a credit memo using the 'Create New Credit Memo' dialog > 'Add Credit Request' dialog > 'Requests' tab, only the line items from the selected credit request are added to the detail of the credit memo.

EasyLink Issues (TFS2287)

Prior to this fix, the Easylink Transfer service in WPConsole was erroring while attempting to run, stopping WPServer. This has been resolved. The Easylink Transfer service in WPConsole will execute without error.

Hero Integration (TFS2408, 2297)

This enhancement enables Instructor/Course/Student Enrollment information to be exported from PrismCore to HERO in real-time so that Instructor/Course/Student Enrollment information matches in both systems. A user will not have to enter the same information separately, in each system.
Additionally, prior to this fix, if a term had multiple store locations associated with it, it was not being exported from PrismCore. This has been fixed. If a term has multiple store locations associated with it, it will be included in the existing web export from PrismCore.

POS Transaction Report (TFS540)

Prior to the correction, POS transactions report would double tender lines when using split tendering after change was due. This caused totals on the report to be incorrect. This has been corrected.

Postage on Outstanding Credit Request Report (TFS2417)

Prior to this fix, an amount of $1.00 was listed in the 'Postage Out' field on the Outstanding Credit Request Report regardless of whether there was an unresolved amount of postage on the credit request. This has been fixed. The amount in each 'Postage' field on the Open Credit Request Report correctly matches the amount of postage that is resolved and/or unresolved on the credit request.

Split Tenders (TFS2504)

When split tendering with credit card and black board tenders user would receive failed invalid value or type" error. It would do this because when split tendering, register will ask for the credit card to be swiped first. When this happened, code would retain that number causing it to be an "invalid" blackboard account number producing the error.
This has been corrected.

Enrollment Issues (TFS2468)

Prior to this fix, when a large number of enrollment records (+10,000) were exported from PrismCore, WPServer stopped working efficiently and caused a lag in processing. This has been resolved. When a large number of enrollment records (+10,000) are exported from PrismCore, WPServer processes them at an expected, normal rate.

Want list Errors (TFS2429)

Users were receiving an 'update or delete failed' error when generating a want list with multiple vendors. This has been corrected.

University Section Import (TFS2596)

Prior to the fix, if a university section import was attempted with a line in the import file containing a section comment field longer than 50 characters, the import process would generate a SQL error and not complete. This has been fixed. The university section import will complete without error if a line in the import file contains a section comment field longer that 50 characters, with a max of 80 characters.

PrismCore Admin Changes

New Cashier Password Changes (TFS2050, v28.2.23)

When a new cashier is added, the user will be prompted for a password on logging into the register application. This prompt only happens if the POS system is a distributed (not a three-in-one).

Remove Ability to Add a New Location (TFS2144, v28.2.26)

Due to changes with PrismCore in the Cloud and various related issues, users no longer have the ability to add a new location within PrismCore. Because there are so many parameters that must be set in order to properly function, users will need to contact IT Support to add new locations.

User Security Issues (TFS1845, TFS1104, TFS1849, v28.2.26,)

Previously, attempting to insert a new record in user security caused the dialog to display incorrectly. This has been corrected. Also, when editing any header information, in PrismCore Admin > ICS tab > User Security, if the users moved off the record that was changed, and then went back to the changed record they would see the message (<delete>) in every field. Users that had made changes would have to do a refresh first before the changes would show. This has been corrected.

Record Set Error in Sequence Series (TFS1462, v28.3.0)

A record set error was given in PrismCore Admin > POS tab > Sequence Series when attempting to edit a record. This has been corrected.

Improper Argument (TFS1637, v28.3.0)

Prior to the fix, when a user left-clicked to select any module on the left of the PrismCore Admin > Menu Security screen, the system displayed the error "Encountered an improper argument." This has been resolved. When a user left-clicks to select any module on the left of the PrismCore Admin > Menu Security screen, the user can view the 'Module Description' column, 'Location' column and any pre-established data in the detail grid on the right of the screen without error.

Importing Sales into PrismCore (TFS2134)

The ability to import transactions into PrismCore Admin transaction inquiry using a CSV file has been added, for use with inclusive access.

Column Change in Transactions (TFS2317)

When doing a quick search of transactions in PrismCore Admin, the last column was listed out as "Tax Total". This should have been "Total" for the total of the transaction.

Pay-in and Payouts Now Showing on Register Totals Report (TFS2436)

A change was made so that when PRISMPOS transactions that have a pay in our pay out as part of them were generated, then the internal status of the transaction was changed to match. This change was not handled by the register totals report. This has been corrected.

Account ing Changes

Inv Due Date Incorrect (TFS1116, v28.2.20)

Previously, when an invoice with payment terms set in the header was posted in Enter Invoice Information or in Specialized Invoices, the 'Inv Due Date' field in the header of the A/P invoice at Invoice Maintenance was incorrectly calculated based on the invoice creation date in the system, not the nvoice date manually entered into the header by the user in ICS. This has been resolved.

Missing Ellipses (TFS1797, TFS1796, v28.2.20)

Previously, the ellipsis was missing from Gift Certificate Sales and from Transactions. This has been corrected.

Disappearing Dialog (TFS1184, v28.3.1)

Previously, in Select Invoices for Payment, if a user selected a credit line on the 'Summary' tab in the detail of the batch for a vendor with a single credit, then right- clicked to select the 'Edit Detail Item' option, the 'Edit Invoice for Payment' dialog disappeared. This has been resolved.

Adding a Line in AP to a Credit Memo Issues (TFS991, v28.3.1)

Users were receiving a 'Recordset is read only error' when adding a new detail line in AP credit memo maintenance. This has been corrected.

Customer Dales by Date (TFS2076, v28.2.25)

The 'Customer Sales by Date' report in A/R Transaction Inquiry was not including the transaction discount in its discount calculation. This has been corrected.

GL Entry Issues (TFS1018, v28.3.1)

Prior to the fix, when the user created a new manual journal entry using the Insert Record button on the toolbar, and then left-clicking the <OK> button in the Add Journal Entry dialog box at Journal Entry Maintenance, the record displayed on the screen was not the one just created. It was instead a previous transaction. The user then had to conduct a quick search to locate the new record. This has been resolved. When the user creates a new manual journal entry using the Insert Record button on the toolbar, and then left-clicking the <OK> button in the Add Journal Entry dialog box at Journal Entry Maintenance, the record displayed on the screen is the one just created. The user can then enter further information in the header and detail.

A/R Tenders (TFS2085, v28.2.26)

In A/R Account Maintenance/POS tab - users were allowed to add tenders of any type in the system. This has now been prevented since this is an AR account, only tenders that have an authorization type of 'AR authorization' will be seen in the 'Tender' drop-down, thus preventing non-authorized tenders from being used.

A/R Invoice Issues (TFS941, v28.2.24)

Previously, the A/R Invoice report would show that a student who rented a book paid full price for it, rather than showing the rental cost they paid. This has been corrected.

Membership ID Prompt (TFS2455)

Prior to correction, when removing the check mark from "Prompt for Membership ID on Every Transaction" it would not save this setting in Membership setup module. It will now work correctly.

Dates Not Populating (TFS2435)

In WinPRISM Accounting, the Return Expiration Date and the Invoice Due Date were not populating from the Vendor file. This has been corrected.

PrismCore Mobile Changes

PrismCore Mobile Order Fulfillment (TFS1053, v28.2.20, v2.23)

Prior to the fix, when selecting to 'Ship' an order with a credit card tender in PrismCore Mobile Order Fulfillment, server connection errors were triggered in the application, but the order would change to 'Closed' status in PrismCore. This has been resolved. When selecting to 'Ship' an order with a credit card tender in PrismCore Mobile Order Fulfillment, the application will first display the message "Please Wait Updating Order" while connecting to the server to process the order, then the user will receive the message "Status Order Successfully closed." The Mail Order Packing List will print and the order will change to 'Closed' status in PrismCore.

Fulfillment App Not Printing Properly (TFS1079, v28.3.1)

When using Toolkit Order Fulfillment to process a shipping order packing list, the user would receive an error message "There was an issue printing the picking slip". This is resolved. Now when the order is shipped in Order Fulfillment on the PrismCore Mobile, the Packing List will print automatically without error. Message received "Order Successfully Closed".

Captuvo Sled With iPhone 6 64-bit (TFS2347)

This enhancement adds functionality for the IPhone6 64-bit for use with the Captuvo sled.

Large Quantity Inventory (TFS2451)

Prior to the fix, if a user entered a number greater than 4-digits in the QTY field on the 'Inventory' screen in the Inventory module, the user correctly received the Alert 'Quantity can only be 4 digits', could clear the alert by pressing 'Ok', however, no further input could be entered without rebooting the IPhone. This has been resolved.
If a user attempts to enter a number greater than 4-digits in the 'QTY' field on the 'Inventory' screen, the field will simply accept no further input if manually entering via the keypad. Scanning a SKU in the QTY field prompts the error 'Barcode Scanner locked'. The user must tap to unlock to continue. And finally, if attempting to paste a number greater than 4-digits, copy/paste through the iOS is disabled for the QTY field.

POS Changes

Rental Returns with Alpha Characters (TFS1964, v28.2.21)

Prior to the fix, when a rental was returned at WinPOS with a Rental XREF that included alpha characters, an error was triggered and the transaction could not be completed. This has been resolved. When a rental is returned at WinPOS with a Rental XREF that includes alpha characters, the transaction will complete without error.

Serial Number Maintenance (TFS1027, v28.2.23)

The customer was not being removed in Serial Number Maintenance when a TI Refund was done at the register for a serial numbered transaction. This has been fixed so that when a TI refund is done against a serial numbered transaction, the customer is removed from Serial Number Maintenance in PrismCore.

Zero Dollar Transaction (TFS1948, v28.2.23)

When the total transaction amount was zero and tax was non-zero, the message "Transaction_Detail_Tender Tax total incorrect." was being given. This has been fixed so that the transaction completes correctly without error when the transaction amount is zero and the tax is a non-zero amount.

General Meters One Card (TFS1929, v28.2.20)

The General Meters One Card AR Type code system parameter was misnamed which would not allow the Account type 1 as a card type to be used in the WPConsole settings. This has been corrected.

Refunds Hitting as Positive (TFS1670, v28.2.3)

The POS Transaction report was displaying the subtotal for refunds as positive amounts instead of negatives. This has been corrected.

Shift4 Special Characters (TFS1922, v28.2.25)

Prior to the fix, if an item had a pipe (|) character in the 'Description' field in Item Maintenance, the authorization to Shift4 would fail. This has been resolved. If an item has a pipe (|) character in the 'Description' field in Item Maintenance, the pipe character is replaced with a dash (minus) in the authorization message sent to Shift4, allowing the transaction to complete without error.

Cash Count Time Out (TFS769, v25.2.25)

When processing "cash count", user experienced time outs within 10 minutes after starting cash count, causing them not to complete before they entered all the totals. This has been corrected.

Trace File Change (TFS2163, v28.2.24)

With this enhancement, if the PCI trace path is updated in the SystemParameters table in the prism database, the trace will log a new entry immediately, without a restart of SQL Server.

Log Files Not Truncating (TFS2196, v28.2.24)

Prior to the fix, WPConsole log records were not being truncated on the POS distributed server. This has been resolved. The code to run this nightly job has been added to common tasks.

RedShelf Refunds (TFS2018, v28.2.24)

Code has been changed for RedShelf refunds. When a RedShelf refund is done without a previous transaction, a window is displayed to enter the Basket ID. If a valid Basket ID is entered, the refund of the Reshelf item is refunded. If the "Cancel" button is pressed, a second window displaying "A Basket ID must be entered for Digital Textbooks. Would you like to enter the Basket ID?" Pressing "Yes" takes the user back to the original window, pressing "No" takes the user back to the transaction screen.

Discounts with A/R Refund (TFS2028, TFS2153, v28.2.24, v1.9.16)

When a transaction containing a refunded item with multiple item discounts and tendered with A/R is exported, the tender was being duplicated, causing sales to be out of balance. This has been fixed, so only one A/R tender is being displayed.

Transport Changes (TFS2083, TFS1467, TFS1504, TFS1506, TFS1507, TFS1511, TFS1512, TFS1573, TFS1591, TFS1582, TFS1600, TFS1508, TFS1564, TFS1851, TFS2248, TFS2258, v1.9.1.6)

The transport logic from PrismCore to PRISMPOS has been re-written.

Discount Issues (TFS1958, v28.2.2)

When prompted to enter "discount amount" while using the "variable" discount, a barcode was accidentally scanned instead of the discount amount. This large number in the discount field caused an issue, where not all of the sale items would show on the screen, although all the items were included in the price. This has been corrected, so that the system errors when anything over 100% is attempted in the discount field.

POS Special Items (TFS2158, v 28.2.25)

Code has been changed to ensure the deletion of special items on PRISMPOS. When a special item code is deleted in PrismCore, that deletion now flows to PRISMPOS.

Bogus Tax Codes Cause Issues (TFS2190, v28.2.25)

The Net Sales by Tax Code report was not balancing to the POS Register totals report due to the creation of bogus tax records in some instances. The bogus tax records have now been prevented from happening, allowing the two reports to balance on total tax.

A/R Transaction Discount (TFS2272, v28.2.26)

The A/R Transaction Discount set in PrismCore Admin > Accounting tab > Receivables > Account Maintenance > POS tab > Discount was not flowing from PrismCore to PRISMPOS. This has been fixed so that the discount set in this field flows correctly.

NMRP Rental Refunds (TFS2107, v28.2.26)

NMRP rental refunds done in PRISMPOS were not processing correctly. This has been fixed so that NMRP rental refunds completed at PRISMPOS process correctly.

Manager Override Not Working (TFS2120, v28.2.26)

Prior to the correction, a manager's override would not work after executing a full download. This has been corrected.

Rental XREFs Not Flowing (TFS2278, v28.2.26)

Rental XREF's were not flowing from PrismCore to PRISMPOS, including when an XREF was replaced in PrismCore. This has been fixed so that the rental XREF flows correctly from PrismCore to PRISMPOS.

Bin Range Change (TFS1061, v28.2.25)

MasterCard has a new series of bin ranges. This bin range starts with a "2" instead of a "5". These have been added.

Customer Sales by Date report (TFS2076, v28.2.26)

The Customer Sales by Date report was previously displaying the incorrect Discount amounts in the summary total. This has been corrected.

Balance Inquiry Issues (TFS2228, v28.2.26)

When a Balance Inquiry was done followed by an Account Sale, the Customer ID was getting stuck prompting the message "A Customer ID was previously entered, do you want to use it"? This has been fixed to clear out the Customer ID after the Balance Inquiry so this message no longer appears.

Sorting by Column (TFS1759, v28.2.20)

The Total field was not sorting correctly in POS Transaction Inquiry and A/R Transaction Inquiry when the double click column sorting was used. This has been fixed so that if the Total column is double clicked in POS Transaction Inquiry and A/R Transaction Inquiry, the column sorts correctly from smallest to largest. If double clicked again, the column will sort from largest to smallest.

Shift4 Certification Changes (TFS731, TFS1050, TFS1383, v28.2.22)

Several changes were made for Shift4 certification.

Syncing Script Created (TFS2068, v28.2.3)

At times, users would receive a message when closing the store. "POS jobs haven't copied all transactions; store can't be closed until all transactions have been copied successfully". A stored procedure has been added which will allow support to run a script to synchronize all transactions on the Distributed POS server to Main ICS server for a WinPOS environment if transactions don't flow properly.

NBC Utility Password Changes (TFS2051, v28.2.24)

There was a change to the way password changes flow for a POS Server through NBC Util to correct issues with various setups.

Discount Issues (TFS1081, v28.3.0)

When a transaction was done with a transaction discount and a smaller membership discount, the membership discount was being included rather than just taking the higher discount. The transaction total was also incorrect. This has been fixed to display the correct amount as well as give the proper discount.

POS Tenders Auto Added (TFS616, v28.3.1)

When new Locations/POS Systems were added, tenders were being incorrectly added. Code has been changed so that tenders are no longer added and will need to be added manually.

Report Incorrect (TFS617, v28.3.0)

When a split tendered transaction is done on PRISMPOS with a tax and non-taxed tender, the taxes from the transaction were not displaying on the Net Sales by Tax Code report. This has been fixed so that transactions done on PRISMPOS that are split tendered with a tax and non-tax tender show correctly on the report.

POS Report Subtotal Incorrect (TFS1641, v28.2.22)

The POS Transaction report was showing incorrect subtotals due to calculating 'price * quantity' per line when 'price' was already multiplied by the quantity. This has been corrected.

Sending Customers (TFS1117, v28.3.1)

Prior to the fix, there was an improper check for customer account when sending a new customer from the distributed server to the main server. This would cause transactions not to flow to the main correctly. This issue is now resolved. When a new customer is created, the transaction flows correctly to the Main server from the Distributed.

Record Set Error when Changing Key Mapping (TFS992, v28.3.0)

A record set error was given when attempting to change the value in the Key Map column in the Registers module. This has been fixed so that the Key Map column in PrismCore Admin > POS tab > Parameters > Registers can be changed without error.

Net Sales by Tax Code (TFS1271, v28.3.1)

When a WinPOS transaction was done with a discount and manual tax, the taxes on the Net Sales by Tax Code report was off by the discount amount. This has been fixed so that the tax amount is correct on the Net Sales by Tax Code report.

Inserts Printing Incorrectly (TFS939, v28.3.0)

Previously, inserts were printing discounted amounts on the line Items, instead of the original amounts. Now, the insert shows the original price on the item detail line, and if a discount is applied to that item, it will show below the item. The subtotal will reflect the original price minus the discount.

Gift Certificate Activity Report Duplicate Transactions (TFS2360)

When using the Gift Card as a tender for redemption, it would list on the Gift Certificate Activity Report twice for one transaction. This caused balancing issues. This has been corrected.

Net Sales by Tax Code (TFS295)

The 'Net Sales by Tax Code' report was displaying incorrect totals when a transaction was done with items that were both taxed and tax-exempt on one transaction. This was causing the NSBTC report and the POS register totals report to not match up. This has been corrected.

Customer Default Address (TFS2479)

A change has been made so that PrismPOS will not override Customer "Default" address lines if "Default" address lines were changed at the register.

Multiple UTGs per POS (TFS1667)

With this enhancement, a store can run up to three different instances of Shift4 UTG to accommodate more pin pads for the POS system. One instance of UTG can run on the server on which WPServer is installed. An additional two instances of UTG can run on separate servers. In the WPConsole > Shift4 > Properties, two additional 'Server Address' fields have been added to specify the server address and port of two additional instances of UTG:

  • Server Address (2)
  • Server Address (3)

To correspond with the additional server address fields, a column labeled 'UTG Instance' has been added to PrismCore Admin > 321 Registers. The field can be left at the default <blank>, or changed to 1, 2, or 3, depending on which instance of UTG to which the register/pin pad is directed:

  1. The setting of <blank> and 1 corresponds with the UTG instance in the default 'Server Address' field in WPConsole > Shift4 > Properties
  2. The setting of 2 corresponds with the UTG instance in the 'Server Address (2)' field in WPConsole > Shift4 > Properties
  3. The setting of 3 corresponds with the UTG instance in the 'Server Address (3)' field in WPConsole > Shift4 > Properties

For example, if 'Register_23' in PrismCore Admin > 321 Registers has a pin pad that is setup in a second UTG instance on an additional server, then the IP/port of that server needs to be established in the WPConsole > Shift4 > Properties > Server Address (2) field, and the 'UTG Instance' column in PrismCore Admin > 321 Registers needs to be set to '2'.
NOTE: After a change is made in WPConsole > Shift4 > Properties > Server Address fields or PrismCore Admin > 321 Registers > UTG Instance:

    1. Stop/start wpserver
    2. Stop/start Shift4 service in WPConsole
    3. Close & open the register application

Bundle Rental Refunds (TFS1618)

Bundle rental refunds when done at POS or Refund/exchange were not adjusting stock correctly based on the type of rental they were (store, partnership, NMRP). There was also a similar issue when doing a refund on a bundle sales. For web order and mail orders only, if doing bundle rentals without first doing bundle sales, the bundles did not register correctly on the sales table and again not adjust stock correctly. These issues have been corrected.

Full Downloads Improved (TFS2020)

Code has been added to increase the speed of full downloads.

PrismPOS Download Options Added (TFS2020)

Code has been added for PrismPOS to allow specific downloads in PrismCore Admin > POS tab > Maintenance > ICS Download. The following download options have been added:

    • Full Download WinPOS and 360
    • Full Download (360 Only)
    • All Items/DCCs
    • All Customers/Gift Cards
    • All AR Accounts
    • All Agreements/Warranties/Instructions
    • All Sale Events
    • All Tax Configurations
    • All Discount Configurations
    • All Tender Configurations
    • All Registers/Cashiers
    • All Non Merchandise/Pay In/Pay Outs
    • All Rental Information
    • All Membership Information
    • All Serial Information