Web Based POS

Web Based POS

PrismWeb Manager also supports web based POS sales and returns. If you don't make use of PrismCore as a back office system, this allows you to complete transactions from PrismWeb Manager.
Click the Web POS Sale link on the right-hand side. In the text field, enter the ISBN(s) you wish to include on the transaction (either print ISBN or digital ISBN) and click Add to Basket.

This will populate a preview of the transaction items and fields to enter the transaction receipt number (for your reference) and the customer email address. You may click the Generate button next to the Receipt Number field to have the system auto-generate a receipt number.

Once you are ready to complete the transaction, click Submit Sale. This will communicate the transaction with the digital provider and email the customer their redemption code(s) and instructions on how to redeem the digitial book. It will also display any errors that occurred during the transaction.

To issue a Web POS return, click the link for Web POS Return.

From this page, enter the sale transaction's Receipt Number OR Basket ID OR Access Code and click Search for Basket.

If the transaction was found, a preview will be displayed. If only a subset of the digital items need returned, select those items. To comlete the return, click Submit Return.

A message stating the return was completed or a message containing any errors that occurred will be displayed. NOTE: Once a return is completed, access to the digital title is revoked, and can no longer be accessed.

Available Titles

Click the Available Titles link on the right-hand side to see a screen where a number of search options are presented.

You can search for all available titles for a provider by selecting from the Provider drop down. You may also search by ISBN, title and author. There is also a search option to include inactive titles in search results. Click Search Available Titles to submit your search.

You will be redirected to a list view of your search results. Here you can page through the results and increase the number of results displayed on the page. You may also click Export to Excel to export the entire search results data to a CSV, which can be imported into Excel.
If you wish to view the details of a search result, click the View link.

This will display details on a particular digital title.

Basket Search

Occasionally, it may be required to view previous transaction that occurred on the platform. Perhaps a customer lost their POS receipt, and no longer has their access codes. Using the basket search functionality, it is possible to lookup past order details (via WinPOS or PrismCore, or Web Based POS).
Click on the Basket Search link on the right-hand side.

Here you can search by basket ID, receipt number, ISBN or customer email. You may also specifiy a date range. Click the Search for Basket button to complete your search.

From here, you can view the search results and click the Details link to drill-down to the transaction details. If the sale was generated on your PrismWeb website or within the PrismWeb Manager, you will see the customer's email address in the Email Receipt To field. If the sale was created at the register, you will see the digital provider redemption code for each ISBN under the Access Code column in the Items in this Basket section of the page.

Sales Summary

Click the Sales Summary link on the right-hand side to navigate to the Sales Summary search page.

You can search for sales by date range, ISBN, title or author. You may also choose to include returns in search results. NOTE: This information is for reference purposes only. For operational sales data, refer to the provided sales data.
Click the Generate Report button to submit your sales summary search.

You will be redirected to a page display the results of your sales summary search. You may also export the results to Excel by click the Export to Excel link.

Change History

To view the change history of pricing. Click the Change History link on the right-hand side.

Here you may limit the day in which to display price changes. This will include any additions, inactivation, as well as any price change. Selecting an option from the Change Date drop down will automatically redirect you to the change history results.

You may navigate through the pages of the change history results, as well as change the number of change history results displayed on a page.