Electronic Ordering Guide

Electronic Ordering Guide


About Electronic Ordering

PrismCore has the ability to send Purchase Orders and Want lists to EasyLink and Pubnet as well as to receive the responses from those services. The modules used to send and receive messages using these services include Incoming Messages and Outgoing messages, as well as the Purchase Order, Receiving, and Want List modules. There are a number of steps involved in sending purchase orders and want lists.

Regardless of which ordering service you will use, you MUST have WPConsole installed on your PrismCore server, and must have the lines for the service configured. WPConsole is a service which runs continuously on your PrismCore Server and is configured to include your store information, such as SAN numbers and EasyLink numbers. Each line's configuration is outlined in the proper section of this booklet.

Along with WPConsole configurations, you also need to have an account set up with the proper service. You will need to contact the service you plan to use, and set up the account before you will be able to use the electronic ordering capabilities of PrismCore. When you contact PrismCore Support to configure WPConsole, we will be asking for your account information.