Creating a Web Based POS Sale for Jumpbooks

  1. Log into the Jumpbooks Management System.
  2. Go to Web POS > Jumpbook Sale.
  3. In the ISBN field, enter the ISBNs of the titles the shopper is purchasing.

    Tip: If you don’t know the ISBNs, you can use the Search button to search by Title/Author.
  4. Once you’ve added the ISBNs the customer is purchasing, click the Add to Basket button.
  5. Optionally, enter a location in the Location field.

  6. Click the Generate button to automatically generate a receipt number. If you wish, you may also manually enter a receipt number to match your POS receipt number.
  7. In the Email Address field, enter the customer’s email address.
  8. Click the Submit button.

The sales receipt for the Jumpbook will then be displayed – you may print this for the customer if they wish to have a paper copy or they did not receive the email.