Adding a Digital Book to Digital Content

Adding a Digital Book to Digital Content

Once you have added the digital book to Item Maintenance and added a Digital Content Instruction, you must add the digital book to the Digital Content module, and associate it with the instruction record. This is necessary in order for POS to see the item as a digital book.

To add the digital book to the module:

  1. Open Digital Content Module
  2. Select Insert Record button, or press F4.
  3. The following dialog box will display:

  4. Enter the SKU or ISBN of the digital book you wish to add. Remember to add the Digital textbook, rather than the printed book. The ability to search for the correct book is also available by selecting Search key.
  5. Once the digital book is located, you will need to attach the Instruction record.
  6. Select the ellipses next to the Instruction field.
  7. The following dialog box will display:

  8. Highlight the Instruction you wish to attach, and select OK, which will return you to the Add dialog box.
  9. Type a description of this digital book. PrismCore Support recommends a description that includes the Title of the digital book.
  10. Select OK.
  11. The digital book has now been added to the module, allowing you to sell the item at POS.

  12.  Repeat for additional locations.

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