Digital FAQ’s

Digital FAQ’s

What if we get an error when doing a POS transaction?
•Check to confirm item has been setup as Digital book.
•Confirm the title is still an active title through your digital provider.
•Confirm your selling price matches the digital provider price.
Instructions on how to access eBook doesn't print on receipt
•Check to confirm it is setup properly as a digital book.
•Check that Digital Instruction is entered in the Digital Instruction menu.
What if my customer gets an error stating the item is unavailable when purchasing on the Web site?
•Confirm the title is still an active digital provider title.
What if my customer gets an error stating the item has been updated when purchasing on the Web site?
•Check to confirm item has been setup as Digital book.
•Confirm the title is still an active digital provider title.
•Confirm your selling price matches the digital provider price.
Students are not getting emails with access codes after checking out from the Web site.
•Deploy your PrismWeb site if you have not since getting setup with your digital provider.
•Confirm the item has been setup as a Digital book.
•If that does not solve the problem, please contact Support.
How do I refund a book that was purchased at POS?
•Do a refund utilizing a 'TI' transaction. Once the return/refund is complete, POS will automatically reach out to the digital provider and deactivate the book. NOTE: if the book was sold more than two weeks ago, has been accessed more than 10% or any portion has been printed, a refund will not be able to be completed and an error will display.
How do I refund a book that was purchased on the Web?
•Go to Web Manager and do a Web POS Return to deactivate the book for the student. NOTE: if the book has been accessed more than 10% or any portion has been printed, a refund will not be able to be completed and an error will display.
•Process the return in Mail Order to refund the student if book is deactivated.
How long will the students have access to the book?
•Most books will be for 180 days.
•Select titles might be lifetime availability.

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