Digital Content Redemption Update November 2022

Digital Content Redemption Update November 2022

This page applies to PrismRBS-supported digital content providers Campus eBookstore (CEI), RedShelf, and VitalSource.

With the November 9, 2022 PrismWeb update, there are changes to the digital redemption process for all digital content providers.

What has changed?

Previously, shoppers would receive access codes and digital content support from each digital content provider directly. After this update, your store will be the point of contact for digital content redemption, regardless of the content provider. Moving forward, PrismRBS captures content provider and redemption code via our own applications so delivery will come from your store, and you have access to redemption codes issued for your shoppers. POS receipts (printed or emailed) and online order details have been updated to include a url link and/or an option to “REDEEM YOUR BOOKS” upon transaction completion. The redeem books link will direct shoppers to a single webpage with content-provider instructions about how to retrieve digital content.

What information is included in the redemption email?

The redemption email will include a tiny url, basket ID, and for online orders a “REDEEM YOUR BOOKS” button. A sample email looks like this:

Note: The tiny url is a condensed string that identifies the content provider, your store, and the specific digital content that was purchased. To avoid fraud, once the redemption process is complete, the content is assigned to an individual’s account with the content provider. Digital content may only be redeemed once.

What does the redemption page look like?

The page will differ based on the digital content provider. Here is an example of the CEI redemption page. Shoppers will see similar, vendor-specific instructions for VitalSource or RedShelf.

Where will emails come from?

Emails are linked to the bookstore’s name and bookstore email information from PrismWeb Manager.

The from email address and name will match those that are used for order confirmation emails. The from email address will be notification@mail.prismrbs.io and the name is site name as configured in PrismWeb Manager. You may find the site name setting in PrismWeb Manager > SETUP > SITE OPTIONS > SYSTEM SETUP.

What if a shopper replies to the email?

If a shopper replies to the confirmation email, they are replying to the email address is set as the contact email on the digital content setup page in Manager. If there is nothing set on the digital content setup page, the reply will go to the store’s contact email address in the PrismWeb Email page in Manager (SETUP > SITE OPTIONS > SYSTEM SETUP > PrismWEB Email).

How do I resend a redemption email?

If the email fails to send, there are a number of methods to help the student retrieve the redemption URL.

  • Using the Basket Details in PrismWeb manager, you are able to see the redemption URL and the Access Code.
    This can then be passed along to the student.

  • The student will receive an email with the redemption URL, and the URL is presented on their receipt page when they place their order.

  • The student can also check their order history to access the redemption URL as well.



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