Net vs. List Pricing

Net vs. List Pricing

Books can be invoiced at either a net price (i.e., billed at cost) or a list price (i.e., billed at a suggested list price, minus a discount).  What you enter in the Book Discount field in the “Create New Invoice” dialog determines whether the items on the invoice are being billed at a net or a list price. 

  • If you leave the book discount at the default of 0%, PrismCore assumes all the books are being billed at a net price, so they will be added to the invoice with their PO cost displaying as the invoice price, and a 0% discount.

  • If you enter a discount > 0%, PrismCore assumes all the books are being billed at a list price, so books will be added to the invoice with their PO retail displaying as the invoice price, and the discount you entered as the discount %. (For the exception to this, see below).

When there are a variety of discounts on an invoice, enter the discount that appears most often (either 0% if most are net, or a discount > 0% if most are list).  This becomes the default discount for the invoice.  You can then change any discounts that do not match the default.

Books in PrismCore have a pricing flag that shows whether they are flagged as list (L) or net (N).  The flag on titles adopted from the Buyer’s Guide is automatically set to match the flag in the Buyer’s Guide.  Books added manually always show as list priced.  This flag may change on a book, depending on how you handle the pricing on invoices.

When you add a book to an invoice, its pricing flag shows in the farthest right column.  If a book is flagged as list (L) and you enter the invoice information for that book as net (i.e., with 0% discount), the book’s flag will change to net (N) when you post the invoice. Conversely, if the book’s flag is net (N) and you enter an invoice discount > 0%, the flag will change to list (L) when you post the invoice.

If you create an invoice as list style (e.g., with book discount = 25%), books flagged as L are added to the invoice in list style (with the PO retail as the invoice price and the discount = 25%), but books flagged as N are added in net style (with the PO cost as the invoice price and a discount of 0%).  If the flag on the book is incorrect, entering the invoice information accurately as list or net will correct the book’s flag when posting the invoice.

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