Setup for Digital Content Updater Service

Setup for Digital Content Updater Service

There is some initial setup required for the Digital Content Updater service.
1.   The existing user name, password and site ID for Digital Book communication requires entry in WPConsole > Digital Content Updater > Properties. The execute time and email alerts tabs can also be populated.
2.   A default DCC must be set for the auto-created digital item records. A 'Digital Content Mass Adopt Default' checkbox is included at Department/Class/Category in PrismCore Admin.

  1. Only one DCC at a time can be checked for 'Digital Content Mass Adopt Default'.
  2. If more than one DCC is checked for 'Digital Content Mass Adopt Default', the user will receive a warning dialog: DCC:'######' is the current Digital Content Mass Adoption default DCC. Are you sure you want to set '######' to default? If the user left-clicks < Yes>, the default DCC will change to the current record. If the user left-clicks <No>, the prior DCC will be retained as the default DCC.

3.   A default digital content instruction must be set for the auto-created digital header records. A 'Digital Adoption' checkbox is included in the 'Digital Content Instructions' module.

  1. Only one instruction record at a time can be checked for 'Digital Adoption'.
  2. If more than one instruction record is checked for 'Digital Adoption', the user will receive a warning dialog: Digital Instruction: <Name> is the current Digital Instruction default. Are you sure you want to set <Name> to default?  If the user left-clicks <Yes>, the default instruction will change to the current record. If the user left-clicks< No>, the prior instruction will be retained as the default.

4.   A default vendor must be set for the auto-created digital item records. A 'Digital Content Mass Adopt Default' checkbox is included at Vendor Maintenance > Parameters tab.

  1. Only one vendor record at a time can be checked for 'Digital Content Mass Adopt Default'.
  2. If more than one vendor record is checked for 'Digital Content Mass Adopt Default', the user will receive a warning dialog:  Vendor: <Name> <Code> is the current Digital Content Mass Adoption default Vendor. Are you sure you want to set <Name> <Code> to default?  If the user left-clicks< Yes>, the default vendor will change to the current record. If the user left-clicks <No>, the prior vendor will be retained as the default.

  1. Instructors can opt out of the process for auto-adding digital text records. An 'Allow Digital Content' checkbox is included in the 'Instructors' module.
  2. When an instructor record is added either manually or by an import service, the default setting for the 'Allow Digital Content' box is checked.
  3. If the 'Allow Digital Content' box is checked for the instructor, the 'Digital Content Updater' service will auto-add eligible digital books to the detail of course requests for which the instructor is set in the header at Course Requests.
  4. If the 'Allow Digital Content' box is unchecked for the instructor, the 'Digital Content Updater' service will not add eligible digital books to the detail of course requests for which the instructor is set in the header at Course Requests.