Preparing to Send via Easylink – System Parameters

Preparing to Send via Easylink – System Parameters

Before creating a want list or purchase order to send to a vendor via Easylink, decisions should be made for System Parameters relating to Easylink.

To Access and Select the Parameter Settings:

  1. In PrismCore Admin, access the Parameters folder.
  2. Access the System Parameters module.
  3. Use the filter at the top to select Purchasing.

Easylink Parameters

Easylink – Allow use of Vendor Preferences - If you check this box, a checkbox called "Use Vendor Preference Settings" is available in Want Lists and Outgoing Message Maintenance.  That checkbox allows you to use Easylink preferences you set for the vendor. When the parameter box is not checked, the checkbox does not appear in these modules.

Easylink – Cascading: Do not recalculate order quantities -A checkbox called "Do Not recalcute using Order Decisions" displays when you schedule a want list via Easylink.  If you do not check the box in the scheduling wizard when sending a want list to multiple vendors, cascaded want lists will request the current OTB from the Order Decisions records (which will have been adjusted by the response on the original want list.)   If you check the box in the wizard, cascaded want lists will instead request the quantity from the original want list.  If you check this system parameter, the box in the scheduling wizard is checked by default.  If you do not check the parameter, the box in the wizard is unchecked by default.

Easylink – Use Same Mailbox for All Locations - Check this box if you want Easylink to use the same mailbox number for all locations.  This allows you to have one Easylink service line in WPConsole that sends messages for all locations.

Easylink – Cascading: Discard Cascaded Wantlists - A checkbox called "Discard Cascaded Wantlists (But Keep the Original)" displays when you schedule a want list to multiple vendors, cascaded wants lists created from the original want list will be deleted so they no longer appear in the Quick Search Results in the Want Lists module.  If you check this system parameter, the box in the scheduling wizard is checked by default. If you do not check the parameter, the box in the wizard is unchecked by default.

Easylink: Send Course/Section to NBC - Check this box if you want to include course and section numbers on want lists sent to NBC via Easylink. Sending this information enables NBC to print the department code and course number on price tags. For titles used in more than one course/section in a term, the most recently added course/section is sent. If the box is nto checked, the Item Comment is sent in the EasyLink message.