About Easylink Services

About Easylink Services

Easylink is an EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) service that allows stores to send electronic messages to vendors. While it can be used for sending purchase orders, the most common use is to send want lists to used book wholesalers. In turn, wholesalers can send back quotes on the quantities available, and confirmation of how many they will be sending. Bookstore personnel are then able to import Easylink messages directly to a purchase order for the quantities being shipped.

When sending want lists via Easylink, you have the option to have the system automatically create and/or update Purchase Orders based on the responses you receive.

The first step to ordering through Easylink is establishing an account with Easylink. If you already have an account with Easylink, you need to make sure it is compatible with PrismCore. The account should be an Easylink application GMS EDI Service. When
you set up this account, you should get a USER NAME, USER ID, EASYLINK NUMBER and USER PASSWORD. This information will be used when we set up Easylink in PrismCore. It can take 2-3 weeks to get this account set up with Easylink, so please be sure to budget your set up time accordingly.

Once you have set up an Easylink account, contact PrismCore Support to configure WPConsole.