In order to use EasyLink, you must have established an account with EasyLink Services. When you set up this account you should get a USER NAME, USER ID, EASYLINK NUMBER and USER PASSWORD. This information will be used when EasyLink is set up in PrismCore.It can take 2-3 weeks to get thisaccount set up with EasyLink, pleasebe sure to budget your set up timeaccordingly.
The EasyLink Mailbox number needs to be entered in the address tabs of the Vendors you will be sending want lists to through EasyLink. If the EasyLink mailbox number is NOT set up in Vendor Maintenance then EasyLink will not work.
Use the 'Assign Wholesaler to PrismCore Vendors...' option from the hammer in Outgoing Messages Maintenance to assign PrismCore vendors to the Easylink Vendors.
There is some setup on your SQL Server, in the WPConsole application needs to be done. When you get to this point please contact PrismCore Support for assistance.