WPConsole Configuration - Easylink

WPConsole Configuration - Easylink

WPConsole services can be configured by right clicking on the highlighted service and selecting "Properties" from the menu. The menu also allows you to start or stop a service, and to view the transaction history of the service.
Services that are not activated are displayed with a red X. Services that are running are displayed with a green light, and services that are stopped are displayed with a red light.

To Configure Easylink:

  1. To configure a service, select the service by clicking on it. Once the service is highlighted, right-click on the highlighted line and bring up the menu.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. The Easylink configuration dialog will open.
  4. Edit the following fields, as needed:
    1. EasyLink – Log Level: There are four options available. Unless PrismCore Support tells you otherwise, this setting should be set to "General Information".
    2. EasyLink – User ID: The Easylink User ID as assigned by Easylink.
    3. EasyLink – User Name: The Easylink user name as assigned by Easylink.
    4. EasyLink – Password: The Easylink password as assigned by Easylink.
    5. EasyLink – Address Number: The Easylink address number as assigned by Easylink.
    6. EasyLink – FTP mailbox: The FTP mailbox assigned by Easylink.
    7. EasyLink – TRX Directory: The directory on the host machine within which files are to be stored (Both incoming and outgoing). This should be set to C:\comm\easylink.
  5. At the top of the dialog box, click the tab marked "Execute Time". The following dialog will display:
    1. Occurs: This setting indicates how often you want to run the service: daily, weekly, or monthly. This should be set to monthly.
    2. Daily Frequency: When you are ready to begin using the Easylink service, you must set these parameters to indicate how often you wish the service to run. PrismCore Support recommends choosing "Occurs Every", and choosing "20 minutes".
  6. When finished, click OK.

Stopping or Starting the Easylink Service:

Before you can use the Easylink service, the service must be started. To start the Easylink service:

  1. Right click the Easylink line in the WPConsole box.
  2. Choose 'All Tasks' from the options menu.
  3. Choose 'Start Service' from the menu.
  4. A green light should now appear next to the Easylink service line in WPConsole.

On occasion, you may need to stop the Easylink services. To stop the Easylink service:

  1. Right click the Easylink line in the WPConsole box.
  2. Choose 'All Tasks' from the options menu.
  3. Choose 'Stop Service' from the options menu.
  4. A red light should now appear next to the Easylink service line in WPConsole.

Easylink History

 WPConsole also has the capability to store recently sent message data. This gives you the ability to view the history of Easylink transactions. To view Easylink history:

  1. Left click the Easylink line in the WPConsole box.
  2. To the left, the detail line item entry dialog should show each communication attempt with Easylink. Each line will show the status of the communication attempt, such as 'Completed' or 'Error'.

Each line in the Transfer History dialog represents a single transfer session. Some transfer sessions will not have any information, since nothing was actually sent or received during the transfer attempt.

Each line shows the following information: 

  • ID: This is the ID WPConsole has assigned this session
  • Status: This is the status of the transmission. There are three possible statuses:
    • Pending: This status indicates the transmission is still in progress.
    • Completed: This status indicates the transmission completed without error.
    • Error: This status indicates something has gone wrong with the transmission. You will need to contact PrismCore Support. 
  • Create Date: This field shows the date and time the message was created by WPConsole. 
  • Transfer Date: This field shows the date and time the message was transmitted, whether to PrismCore or to Easylink, by WPConsole. 

To access specific information about the transfer session:

  1. Right click the detail line you wish to access.
  2. Choose 'Properties' from the options menu.
  3. A system log properties dialog will display.
  4. Each line shows the following information:
    Entry Type: This information shows which type of entry is being displayed.
    Entry Text: This information gives specific details as to that particular step in the communication process.
  5. To refresh the transfer list, right click the Easylink line in the WPConsole box, and choose 'Refresh History'.
  6. To clear all history, right click the Easylink line in the WPConsole box, and choose 'Clear All'.
    WARNING: Clearing your transfer history should ONLY be done when you are sure that all responses have been received for all outstanding orders.

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