Web Sales and Tax by State

Web Sales and Tax by State

This report is designed to track and analyze web sales across different states. The report aids stores in ensuring compliance with sales tax nexus laws by providing a breakdown of web sales and taxes collected per state.

The Date Range drop down menu has eight options. The Start Date and End Date fields become active if “Custom” is selected as the Date Range.

Export options are HTML and CSV. Note: HTML output opens a new browser tab to show the report contents. This tab may require that you enable pop ups for Mosaic on your browser.


Screenshot 2024-05-29 165714-20240529-215719.png







The state abbreviation where the orders were shipped.


For future use.

Transaction Count

The quantity of web transactions.

Transaction Amount

The subtotal of the transactions for that state.

Collected Tax

The amount of sales tax collected on shipments to that state.