Create Rental Records - Partnership 2
Rental records for NBC Partnership 2 titles are created in Order Decision Maintenance. They are created when you run a process which matches titles you’re using against the NBC Partnership list for the period. You will review the titles matched, select the titles you want to rent as Partnership, and adopt them into your rental program. The NBC Partnership list for the period must be available prior to checking for rental availability.
When you check for available rentals, PrismCore will check all titles on a course request in PrismCore for the chosen term(s) against the list of NBC Rental Titles. Titles not on a course request will not be displayed.
The NBC Partnership rental adoption process does not look at the title’s Order Decision status. All titles on a course request for a term will be compared, regardless of whether or not they have been worked.
Check for available rentals
There are two options to check the NBC Partnership list for titles that you are currently using. Both are located under the hammer in Order Decisions <Ctrl+J 114>.
- “Check Titles for NBC Textbook Rental Partnership” runs a match on all titles used in the term(s) associated with the rental period.
- “Check Single Title for NBC Textbook Rental Partnership” looks for a match on only one title.
Note A title must be displayed on the Order Decision screen to activate the options. With the “Check Single Title” option, the title displayed should be the one you want to check. The options are not active if no title is displayed on the screen.
You will not be able to create an NBC partnership rental record for a title if a Store Managed rental record for the title has already been created for the same rental period. However, you can create an NBC rental record if a Store Managed rental record existed for it in previous rental periods.
Check Titles for NBC Textbook Rental Partnership
‘Check Titles for NBC Textbook Rental Partnership,’ compares all titles in your term(s) attached to a rental period to the NBC Partnership list. Any titles that you want to rent as NBC Partnership 2 rentals can be ‘adopted’ into the rental period.
When you select ‘Check Titles for NBC Rental Partnership’, you will be prompted to select the rental period. When you click ‘OK’ to continue, a Web service connects to the NBC mainframe and compares titles in the appropriate academic term(s) to the current NBC Partnership list of titles. This process runs in the background and, depending on the number of adopted titles and the speed of your Internet connection, may take some time.
When matches are found, the Rental Adoption dialog displays. It is at this Rental Adoption dialog that you make the decisions on titles to rent as NBC Partnership 2. If the status of the process shows as Ready and a title is not shown, it is not on the NBC list for the period.
You can run check more than once for the same rental period to check for any late adoptions.
Rental Adoption Dialog
While most of the columns and fields on the Rental Adoption dialog are self-explanatory (ISBN, Author, Title, New Price, Used Price, QTP, New SOH, etc.), some require a bit more explanation.
Column/Field | Information |
Period | The rental period (upper left corner) selected for the process |
Status | Status of the process of checking titles. Will show as ‘Ready’ when you can begin the processing of selecting titles. |
Required Materials | Any materials that accompany the textbook (such as CD, formula chart, etc.) that are required if the book is shipped to NBC at the end of the rental period. This information comes from the NBC Buyer’s Guide |
New Rental | Suggested rental price for new copies of title based the NBC pricing parameters entered in Rental Configuration |
Used Rental | Suggested rental price for used copies of title based the NBC pricing parameters entered in Rental Configuration |
New Cost | Cost of new at Item/Inventory Maintenance |
Used Cost | Cost of used at Item/Inventory Maintenance |
Rebate | Rebate to be paid by NBC to bookstore for each copy rented |
Check/Uncheck All | Used to check or uncheck all titles on the list en masse |
Agreement | The agreement (lower left corner) that will be linked to the rental records created when ‘Adopt’ is clicked. |
Adopt | Creates NBC Partnership 2 rental records for the titles that are checked in the first column |
Close | Closes and exits the dialog without creating rental records. You will be prompted if you want to clear the list. |
Important: When you click the ‘Adopt’ button in the lower right corner, NBC Partnership 2 rental records are created for all titles that are checked in the far left column of the Rental Adoption dialog. Before clicking the ‘Adopt’ button, make sure only books you want to rent as NBC Partnership 2 rentals are checked.
Create NBC Partnership 2 Rental Records for Multiple Titles
Step-by-step instructions to check titles and adopt them in the NBC Rental Partnership
- Access Order Decision Maintenance (Ctrl-J 114).
- Display any title on the screen. The option to check titles is not active unless a title is displayed.
- Click the hammer.
- Select ‘Check Titles for NBC Textbook Rental Partnership.’
- Click the ellipsis to select the rental period for one location.
- The academic term(s) associated with the rental period will display.
- Click OK.
- The Rental Adoption dialog appears with a status of ‘Processing’.
- If the process finds matches for any of your adopted textbooks they are listed in the Rental Adoption dialog, as discussed below. The status will be ‘Ready’.
- Review the list and check/uncheck titles as desired.
- Select the appropriate rental agreement.
- Click ‘Adopt.’
- Click OK when the message appears that the rental records have been created.
- The rental records can now be viewed and maintained in Rental Number Maintenance.
Stopping the Process
If at any time you need to stop the comparison while the status is ‘Processing,’ press <Esc>. The list of titles found so far will appear along with the Clear list prompt.
No Titles Found
If no titles are found when checking the NBC list, the status bar in the Rental Adoption dialog will display ‘Ready’ but no titles will appear in the list. This means that no matches were found on the NBC Partnership list for the titles in the term(s) attached to the selected rental period. To exit, click ‘Close’ and clear the list if prompted.
Error Messages
If the process is unable to run, the Rental Period or the Web Service is set up incorrectly, or the process doesn’t recognize your user ID or password, the Status bar will display an error message, similar to ‘Error – Unable to Find Valid Partnership Period’ or ‘Error – Get Period (Check Username/Password)’ will appear. Call PrismCore ICS for assistance.
Request Can Not Be Completed. Another Request Has Already Been Made
If you’ve already checked titles for the rental period (whether it be for multiple titles or an individual title), you see the message ‘Request Can Not Be Completed. Another Request Has Already Been Made. Would You Like To See This Request Now?’
If you respond ‘Yes’:
- The list will appear as you left it the last time you checked titles with the following:
- Titles that already have partnership rental records created for the period will not show
- Titles that haven’t yet had partnership rental records but match the NBC list will show
- Titles added on late requisitions that have matches on the NBC list will not show
- Pricing and rebates will be the same as it was when the list was previously checked.
- Rental records already created will be unaffected.
You can check any titles that you want to add to your rental partnership and then click ‘Adopt’ to create NBC Partnership 2 rental records.
If you respond ‘No’:
- The dialog will close and you will be returned to the Order Decision screen.
Checking NBC List for Titles on Late Requisitions
If you have already checked titles, then enter late requisitions and want to check titles on those requisitions, use the same option, ‘Check Titles for NBC Textbook Rental Partnership.’ You will see the message ‘Request Can Not Be Completed. Another Request Has Already Been Made. Would You Like To See This Request Now?‘ This is normal. Respond ‘Yes’ to see your previous list.
To then clear the list so that you can include additional titles, click ‘Close’ in the lower right corner. Do not click ‘Adopt.’ You will be prompted ‘Would you like to Clear this list of possible rental items?’ Click ‘Yes’ to clear the list. Then, under the hammer, select the option to ‘Check Titles for NBC Textbook Rental Partnership’ and repeat the steps to check all titles. Titles on late requisitions will now be included.
Would you like to Clear this list of possible rental items?
If, at the Rental Adoption Dialog, you click ‘Close’ instead of ‘Adopt’, you’ll be asked if you want to clear the list.
If you respond ‘Yes’:
- The list of matching titles will be cleared.
- Rental records will not be created.
- Rental records already created will not be affected.
- The dialog will close and you will be returned to the Order Decision screen.
If you respond No:
- The list will remain as it is and it will not be cleared.
If you view the list again, you will see the pricing and rebates (from the previous time you checked the list) for any titles that do not yet have NBC rental records created.
Compare Prices with Different Rental Configuration Settings
If you wish, you can set pricing parameters and check the list, then close the dialog without creating rental records, change pricing parameters and check the list again.
- In Rental Number Maintenance, set the parameters for Rental Configuration. (Even if you are simply checking prices, it’s a good idea to set all parameters in the event that you decide to create NBC rental records.)
- In the Order Decision Module, display any title.
- Click the hammer and select ‘Check Titles for NBC Textbook Rental Partnership.’
- When the list is displayed, make note of the suggested rental prices. Write them down or do a screen print, for example. There is no option to print the comparison list.
- If you do not want to create any NBC rental records, click ‘Close.”
- Respond ‘Yes’ to the ‘Clear List’ prompt.
- Return to Rental Configuration in Rental Number Maintenance.
- Change the NBC Partnership pricing parameters as desired.
- Return to Order Decision Module
- Display any title.
- Click the hammer and select ‘Check Titles for NBC Textbook Rental Partnership.’
- When the list is displayed, compare the prices now displayed to the ones seen earlier.
If you click ‘Adopt’ while comparing records, any titles that are checked will have rental records created and will not be displayed in the Rental Adoption dialog when checking for titles again in the same rental period. Pricing information on rental records already created are not affected when the NBC Partnership Pricing parameters are changed. If changes are made to Rental Configuration, the changes apply only to comparisons of titles that haven’t yet had NBC rental records created.
Check Single Title for NBC Textbook Rental Partnership
If you would like to check if an individual title is on the NBC list, use the option ‘Check Single Title for NBC Textbook Rental Partnership.’ This process initiates the same Web service that is used when you select ‘Check Titles for NBC Textbook Rental Partnership,’ however, it looks for a match for only one title.
When checking the NBC list for a single title, you must first search for and display the title on the Order Decision screen.
If you haven’t previously compared titles for the rental period, you will be prompted for the rental period and the Rental Adoption dialog will display after the comparison process is complete. If the title is on the NBC list, you can create a rental record for it by checking it in the first column, selecting the rental agreement in the lower left corner, and clicking ‘Adopt.’
If you’ve already checked titles for the rental period (whether it be for multiple titles or an individual title), you see the message ‘Request Can Not Be Completed. Another Request Has Already Been Made. Would You Like To See This Request Now?‘
If you answer ‘Yes’ to this message, you will see the list exactly where you left it the last time you checked titles. If the individual title you are looking for is on the list, you can check it (and uncheck all others) and then click ‘Adopt’ to create the rental record.
If the individual title is not on the list, you will need to clear the list before checking for the single title. To clear the list, respond ‘Yes’ to the prompt to view the list, then click ‘Close’ in the lower right corner. Do not click ‘Adopt.’ You will be prompted ‘Would you like to Clear this list of possible rental items?’ Click ‘Yes.’ Then, under the Hammer, select the option to ‘Check Single Title for NBC Textbook Rental Partnership.’ You will be prompted to select the rental period. If the title is on the list, it will be displayed in the Rental Adoption dialog. If the status of the process shows as Ready and the title doesn’t appear, it is not on the list.
If you answer ‘No’ to the prompt to see the request now, you will be returned to the Order Decision screen.
Step-by-step instructions to check a single title
- Access Order Decision Maintenance (Ctrl-J 114).
- Search for and display on the screen the title you want to check.
- Click the Hammer.
- Select ‘Check Single Title for NBC Textbook Rental Partnership.’*
- Click the ellipsis to select the rental period for one location.
- The academic term(s) associated with the rental period will display.
- Click OK.
- The Rental Adoption dialog appears with a status of Processing.
- If the process finds a match for the title, it will be listed in the Rental Adoption dialog. The status will be Ready.
- Review the information.
- If you want to adopt the title into your rental program, make sure it is checked.**
- Select the appropriate rental agreement.
- Click ‘Adopt.’
- Click OK when the message appears that the rental record has been created.
- The rental record can now be viewed and maintained in Rental Number Maintenance.
*If the list has already been checked, answer ‘Yes’ to the prompt to see the list, then click ‘Close’ in the lower right corner and follow step to clear the list. Then start again at Step 3.
**If you don’t want to create a rental record for the title, click ‘Close’ and then determine if whether or not you want to clear the list.