Pubnet Set Up Check List

Pubnet Set Up Check List

  1. In order to use Pubnet you must have a Pubnet FTP account established with Pubnet. When you set up this account you should get a PROXY USERNAME, PROXY PASSWORD, PUBNET USERNAME AND PUBNET PASSWORD.
    This information will be used when we set up Pubnet in PrismCore. It can take 2-3 weeks to get this account set up with Pubnet, please be sure to budget your set up time accordingly.
  2. The Pubnet parameters need to be entered in the parameters tabs of the Vendors you will be sending purchase orders to through Pubnet. If the Pubnet parameters are NOT set up in Vendor Maintenance then Pubnet will not work.
  3. The SAN for each store location must be entered in the mailing and shipping address tabs in the Store Information module in PrismCore Admin. If the SAN is not put in the address tabs, Pubnet will not work.
  4. There is some setup in WPConsole we need to do. When you get to this point please contact PrismCore Support for assistance.