Catalog Images

Catalog Images

Catalog images display on shop pages to show an overview of the catalogs in a catalog group, or popular catalogs within a catalog group.

Catalog Image Best Practices

  • Make sure your original image is at least 125px in width. If the original image is too small, the image may appear blurry on your website. When uploading, every image will be down-sized to 125px, so do not be concerned if the image is larger than 125px.

  • Try to keep the dimensions of the image "square-like". This will help maintain consistency.

  • Keep your original images consistent in proportions. This will provide a clean consistent look in relation to the other catalog images.

Assigning Catalog Images

  1. Log in to your PrismWeb Manager at https://manager.prismservices.net/.

  2. Under the Products tab in the menu, select Catalogs.

  3. From the list of catalogs, click the Edit link for the catalog you wish to assign an image to. Feel free to use the search bar to narrow down your list of options.

  4. You should now be on the catalog details page for your desired catalog. Scroll down until you see the Catalog Image section.

  5. You may now perform one of the following actions:

    1. Assign an image - Click the Choose Image link. A window will pop-up to allow you to find an image on your computer to assign to this catalog. Once you find the image, double click on it to select it, or click on the image to highlight it and then click the Open button to select the image. The image should now be assigned to your catalog.

    2. Delete an existing image - Click the delete icon (red circle with a minus sign) to delete an existing image assigned to that catalog. You will be prompted asking if you are sure you would like to delete this image.

    3. Replace an existing image - Click the Choose Image link to find a new image on your computer to replace the existing image. You will be prompted that an image already exists for this catalog and if you would like to replace it.

  6. Once an image is assigned or removed, you may review the change on your staging site to make sure everything looks ok. You will then need to deploy the change from the Content Deployer in your PrismWeb Manager to make the changes live.

First Published 06/23/2020

Edited 06/23/2020

© 2019 Nebraska Book Company, Inc.  All rights reserved.

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