2024 PrismWeb Template
New Look and Feel
The completely refactored 2024 template features a new look and feel that brings it up to date with modern ecommerce best-practices.
Mobile First Design
All content is designed to look great on mobile, and fits on all screen sizes from small cell phones to large displays
Mega-Menu Navigation
PrismWEB’s main navigation menu has been changed to a “mega menu” style, utilizing the entire screen, allowing for easier viewing and organization.
Works great on mobile as well
Improved Typographical Styling
Adjustments to characters-per-row site-wide for improved readability.
Store Hours - Shows the day’s or week’s store hours w/ visual indicator if open/closed
Store can choose to show all store hours in footer if needed, but will only show today by default
Automatically pulls in contact information from PrismWEB Manager
Specific Page Updates
Homepage Updates
Hero image
Hero banner can be in slideshow format
Friendly for mobile users
Announcements block:
Allows for more dynamic content
No Scrolling - For longer announcements exceeding a specific character count, scroll bars have been replaced with a "Read More.." link which takes shoppers to a dedicated page
Quick links on the announcements pages (if multiple) to get you to other announcements
Can create, update, delete, and reorder announcements in web manager
Featured Items and Best Sellers have a new look to them, with new titles
New navigation blocks that are backed with images that can be modified as navigation changes are made
Department Pages
Department pages can now include images
Naming convention is how you add the image today
Naming convention is cg- followed by the catalog group id (ex. cg-5).
Easiest way to find the catalog group id is to navigate to the catalog group in Manager and view the id number in the url (ex. Sign In 5 )
In the case of no image, colors can be assigned via styling
Catalog / Department Pages
Can now apply images to catalog groups and departments
Previously, If "Show all" catalogs is off, page will show Popular Men's Categories and Items. You now have full control over everything that shows on the Categories pages
All sub-catalogs
Popular sub-catalogs
Popular products under the catalog
Sort options on pages have been improved for accessibility
Product Details Pages
Images are housed in a carousel that allows shoppers to also see secondary images
When viewing larger images, shoppers can now cycle through images in large format
A SKU has been included on product pages so shoppers can more easily communicate the exact item they are viewing
Profile Page
Same options, different look and feel
Change email, change preferences have accessibility standards built in, are made to look uniform
Order history now shows last 6 months by default
Order details now have “View Original Order” option collapsed by default, only shows order as fulfilled
Membership subpage has been made accessible, made to look uniform
Checkout process can be done in steps, and is easy to use and understand all steps required for completion.
A consistent summary of “Your Order” is shown with each step
If any additional fields are required during checkout, they are presented with an obvious outline in real-time, making the required information for checkout very clear to the shopper
Seeing the missing information does not require a shopper to attempt to Continue Checkout to understand the message, though that validation is still in place
Simplified checkout process for textbooks, including more intuitive controls for substitutions.
Receipt Page / Order Confirmation Page
Rentals contain new messaging on Course Materials pages letting shoppers know that some items can only be rented in-store
Support Contact Form
Updated to be accessibility compliant
Updated to use Google’s Recaptcha 3
Search Results
Now have ability to show badges with filtering present, that can be closed.
Book Details Pages
Now show courses using the book in a handy dropdown page element
Tradebook Detail Page
Tradebook pages have been made to look like standard GM
No longer uses layout for course materials book pages
“Customers who bought this item also bought” items are included
Buyback Page
Items are stacked to the right as they are added for buyback.
ISBN search options float down the page with you, making for easier entry and use
Customers able to print an estimate, that includes an itemized list of buyback items.
Completing buyback brings users to an estimate page, telling users where to send books
Messaging that prices will only be honored until a given date are included
Shop Package Page
Ability to select from multiple options by scrolling the right side of the page to build a “package”
Floating image throughout the page stays front and center
Reset selections will clear selections and take you to top of page
New Functionality
Easier Common Content Editing
Alerts -
Store Hours
About Us - The about us page allows for custom content, and automatically pulls in hours and contact information.
Contact Info - Admins can create contact information for every location, which is then automatically included on footers. This section also now supports displaying multiple locations.
SensePass Contactless Digital Payment Processor
Paypal, Venmo, Apply Pay, Google Pay, AliPay
International payments
Forward Payment
Checkout page shows description of payment used
PrismWEB is certified to use SensePass
Full payment method list: https://docs.sensepass.com/sensepay/transaction-api/payment-methods
WEBP Image Support
Now supported!
Great for page speeds and loading
Preferred extension for web images due to superior compression and lossless quality
Login page
Ability to see/hide password
Kits / Packages
PrismWEB now has the ability to display “packages” for products with multiple options and add-ons
“Is Package?” checkbox can be found in manager
Google Recaptcha 3
Manager settings have been updated to support Google Recaptcha 3
Support contact form updated to use Recaptcha 3
Newsletter signup form updated to use Recaptcha 3
PrismWEB Manager Updates
SensePass Configuration
PrismWEB manager now supports SensePass configuration steps. All required fields are now available under payment configuration.
Add Images to Catalogs
Store admins can now add images to store catalog groups and see them on the website.
Manager shows all web safe formats
Has validation to prevent unsafe formats, with helpful reasons if fail
Image width is limited to 400px
Image filesize limited to 8MB
PrismWeb Template View Demo
Please contact your sales representative for additional information and pricing. info@prismrbs.com
First Published 07/15/2020
Edited 07/15/2020
© 2024 PrismRBS - All rights reserved.