Catalog and Product Images Introduction

Catalog and Product Images Introduction


There are three basic types of images you will work with in PrismWeb: non-product images, product images, and catalog images.

  • Non-product images are the images on your site that are not used to display your merchandise and/or tradebooks.  These images may include your header/logo, images of your campus or store, icons, or any clip art or other graphics that are included on your web pages.  Non-product images reside in the Images folder in the root folder of your website.  There are no specific naming conventions or size requirements for non-product images.  For more information about working with non-product images, please refer the PrismWeb Design session.

  • Catalog images are used to display an image representing a catalog on your website.  These are shown in the Shop area of the site.  You only need to create one catalog image for each catalog on your website. 

  • Product images are the images you use to display your merchandise and/or tradebooks. 

How Catalog Images Display on PrismWeb

Catalog images display on shop pages to show an overview of the catalogs, or popular catalogs within a catalog group.  There is only one size of image for catalog images.

How Product Images Display on PrismWeb

Every product family on your website should have at least one photo assigned to it as the default image for that product family.  The default product image has two image sizes: thumbnail and large.

Thumbnail images display within catalogs.

The large image is used twice for a product family.  It is used to display the product on the product detail page and to display the expanded product image on that page.

You may also add as many additional images to a product family as you wish.  For example, you may want to have additional images of a product if it comes in multiple colors.  You could also show the back side of a shirt or a zoomed in photo to show detail.  Any additional product images you add will appear as small thumbnails on the product detail page.  The additional thumbnails can be clicked to show an expanded view of the image. 



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