Assigning and Managing Product Images

Product images are images that represent any given product whether it be GM, Textbook, Digital Book, or a Tradebook. These images will display anywhere on your website where the shopper encounters the product.

Product images consist of 3 image types: the default image, secondary image, and preview image. This section will describe each image type and how to assign them to your product.

Note:  The Choose Image functionality in PrismWeb Manager is not available for lower versions of Internet Explorer. 

Product Image Best Practices

  • Make sure your original image is at least 800px in width. When uploading, two images will be created from your original image (thumbnail and large image). These images will be down-sized to their respective sizes (thumbnail = 200px wide, large = 800px wide) when you upload them. If the original image is too small, the image may appear blurry on your website.

  • Keep your original images consistent in proportions. This will provide a clean consistent look in relation to the other product images.

First Published 06/23/2020

Edited 06/23/2020

© 2020 Nebraska Book Company, Inc.  All rights reserved.