Monthly Rebate Checks Partnership 1

Monthly Rebate Checks Partnership 1

As you rent books, rental sales data is collected by both your PrismCore system and the NBC mainframe.  Sales batches are created on the NBC mainframe and are used to track the NBC Rental Partnership titles rented for the month.  At the end of each month, the sales batch is totaled.  A rebate check for the half the monthly rebate is then sent to your store if there were any NBC Partnership 1 rentals done in that month.  At the end of the rental period, the remaining halves of the rebates are totaled and sent as a final rebate check.

When a monthly rebate check arrives, print the NBC Partnership Rebate report for the corresponding monthly sales batch.  The rebate check should equal half the rebate for the monthly sales batch.

Each monthly rebate check will be resolved as an NCDTR.  NCDTR means “No Credit Due to Resolve.”  NCDTRs are used when credit is received but there is no request in the PrismCore for the credit. PrismCore automatically creates the necessary credit memos (NCDTRs) for the monthly checks.

In addition to resolving monthly rebate checks, you’ll also resolve the final rebate check.  At the end of the rental period, the final rebate check is resolved against a rental credit request.  The rental credit request is used to track rental titles shipped to NBC as part of the Partnership.

It’s important to distinguish between the monthly rebate checks and the final rebate check.  To help keep the process separate and accurate, remember the following:

  • Monthly rebate checks are resolved against automatically created NCDTR’s.
  • Monthly rebate checks are not resolved against the rental credit request.
  • The automatically created NCDTRs are found in Resolve Credit Requests <Ctrl+J 324>.
  • Do not delete the NCDTR credit requests. They are required by PrismCore to track the monthly rebate checks.

As for the rental credit request, it can be ignored until near the end of the rental period.  However, if you happen to look at it during the course of rentals, remember the following:

  • The automatically created rental credit request used for the NBC rental shipment and resolving of the final rebate check is found in Proposed Return Entry <Ctrl+J 321>.
  • Only the header is created when the first NBC Rental Partnership title is rented. It will not show individual titles until titles are checked in at the end of the rental period.
  • Do not delete the automatically created rental credit request. If it’s deleted, it can’t be re-created without assistance from Support.
  • Do not edit the rental credit request until you know exactly what is being shipped.
  • Do not post the NBC rental credit request early. Do not post it until you’ve edited it and know exactly what you’re shipping to NBC.  It can be posted only once.  Only one NBC rental credit request is created per rental period.
  • Do not resolve monthly rebate checks against it. Once it’s posted, the rental credit request is used to resolve the final rebate check, not a monthly rebate check.

The NBC rental credit request and the processes related to it are discussed in detail in the appropriate section.

NCDTRs for Monthly Rebate Checks

When you rent the first NBC Partnership textbook in a month, a sales batch is started.  Each night, NBC Rental Partnership sales data is sent to NBC and added to the sales batch.  The batch continues to accumulate data until the end of the month when it is closed automatically.

When a sales batch is closed, PrismCore automatically creates a NCDTR credit memo in the Resolve Credit Requests <Ctrl-J 324> module for half of total rental rebate for books rented that month. 

A NBC Rental Partnership NCDTR will have a memo number with this pattern:  NBCRR-account number-session number-batch number

Account Number      This is the store’s account number as set up in Rental Number Maintenance>Hammer>Rental Configuration>Rental Account Assignment.

Session Number      The current NBC Rental Partnership period. It remains the same through a rental period and is not related to the number of monthly rebate checks issued to a store.

Batch Number          The batch number assigned to the sales batch for which the rebate NCDTR is created.

Resolving a Monthly Rebate Check

When you receive a monthly rebate check from NBC, compare it to two things:

  • Print the NBC Partnership Rebate in Rental Number Maintenance for the corresponding monthly sales batch. The amount of the check should equal half of the monthly rebate.
  • Search for the corresponding NCDTR credit memo in Resolve Credit Requests <Ctrl-J 324> module. The amount of the check should match the amount on the NCDTR credit memo.

If the amounts match, proceed with resolving and posting the NCDTR credit memo.


If the amounts do not match, stop.  Do not resolve the NCDTR credit memo.  Contact PrismCore ICS Support.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Access Resolve Credit Requests <Ctrl+J 324>.
  2. Search for and display the pending NCDTR credit memo for the monthly rebate check.  The number will be in the format NBCRR-Account Number-Session Number-Batch Number.  When first accessed, the memo will be on the SKU all tab and there will be no info in the detail.

  3. Compare the amount of the rebate check to the Credit Total in the header.  They should match.  If they do not, stop.  Call PrismCore ICS Support.

  4. Select the DCC to apply the rebate to.
  5. Type the check number in the Check Number field.
  6. Click the Penalty/Postage tab.

  7. Review the amounts in the Credit Resolved column.  It should match the rebate check.  If it doesn’t, stop.  Call PrismCore ICS Support.
  8. Change the status from Unresolved to Resolved.  The status in the header of the credit memo will change to Hold.

  9. Click the hammer
  10. Select the option to post the credit memo.  When posted, the status be Closed.

When the monthly rebate NCDTR is closed, the system will automatically apply it to the NBC rental credit request that will be resolved when the final rebate check is received.  No entry is written to stock ledger when the NCDTR is closed because inventory has not been affected.