NMRP Reports

NMRP Reports

NMRP Revenue

This report is used to track the revenue from NMRP Rentals either for a rental period or for a specified date range.

NRMP Check

This report is used to track the monthly rebates for NMRP rentals.  It doesn’t include Store Managed rentals.

When printed for a single month, the amount of the rebates received for that month will show on the report. 

When you receive a monthly rebate check, check it against this report for the matching month to verify that the amount of the check is correct.  If the amount of the check is correct, do a pay-in for the rebate check for the AR tender that was used for the rental sales.  If the amounts do not match, call PrismCore ICS Support.

NMRP Rental Reconciliation

The NMRP Rental Reconciliation report provides information on the current NMRP rentals.  You will see the quantity rented, quantity outstanding, the returned quantity, billed quantity and closed quantity.  The report will also show the quantity you chose to ship and how many will be on the NBC Rental Purchase Order automatically created when the NMRP period has been closed.

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