Rental Profitability - NMRP

Rental Profitability - NMRP

The Rental Profitability report is designed to compare the revenue generated by a rental to the revenue that would have been generated by selling the same book.

‘Rental Type’ in the Report Parameters allow you to choose whether to print the report for NMRP titles, Store Managed titles or both.  If you select both, the information on the report will be divided into the two rental types.

Columns on the report are:  SKU, ISBN, Description, System (NTX or UTX), Qty Rented, Rental Price, Extended Rental Price, Rebate Amount, Extended Rebate Amount, Total Rental, Cost, Extended Cost, Accounting Cost, Extended Accounting Cost, Retail, Extended Retail, Difference (between Total Rental and Extended Retail).

Refunds show as negative values, either with the minus sign for a quantity or parentheses for a dollar amount.  If a date range is specified, the refund date is used for refunds, not the rental date.

If a book was rented new, the rental revenue will be included in the new section.  If the book was rented used, the revenues will be included in the used section.

Rental Profitability Report NMRP Titles

  Rental Profitability Report Store Managed Titles