Rentals Returned - NMRP
This report is designed to assist multi-location installations with tracking which rental items are rented at one location and refunded/returned at another, however, single-location installations may find it useful as well. All rentals, refunds and returns are listed.
The report parameters include Rental Period, Rented Location, Returned Location, Group By, Return Date From, Return Date To, Use Date Ranger, Sort Order, Adopted Status.
Included in the report details are SKU, Description, ISBN, Rented Location, Returned Location, Period, Rental XREF, Rented Quantity, NBC Rental (Y/N), and Return Via., Adopted and OTB. Returns processed via Mail Order are included in POS returns.
The dates used for this report are the date the rentals are returned, not the rental dates.
NMRP Rentals
For NMRP titles, this report can be helpful in tracking which books need to be taken to the proper location for the NBC shipment. For example, if the books were rented at the main store but returned to the second store by the student, this report can show you which books needs to be taken to the main store for the NBC shipment. This is especially important if you have rental accounts for more than one location.