Rental Items Available - NMRP

Rental Items Available - NMRP

This report lists rentals available for one rental period or for all rental periods.  It can be printed for one location or all locations.  The NBC Rental field and NMRP Only check box allow you to choose the type of rentals to include.  When using a date range, only items that are in rental period(s) that have start and end dates within the specified date range will show.

When the Separate New and Used parameter is checked, the results are separated into New and Used sections.

Sort options include Description, SKU, ISBN, NBC (NBC Partnership or store managed), and Difference.  When the Sort Order is ‘Difference,’ the Difference column will sort in ascending sequence.  If Separate New and Used is also checked, the items will be sort by Difference within NTX/UTX.

Information on the report includes:




The description of the rental record, usually Author and Title

Start Date

The start date of the rental period as set in Rental Configuration

Due Date

The date books are due back in the store from students

Store Retail

Current retail selling price

Target Retail

Retail at the time the rental record was created, i.e., the retail NBC used to calculate the suggested rental price


Replacement charge for the book as calculated by parameters in Rental Configuration

Rental Price

The price the student pays to rent the book

Rebate Amount

The amount of the rebate paid by NBC for each copy (new and used) rented. 


NBC = NBC Partnership rental; NMRP = NMRP rental


SKU of item




Item comment from Item Maintenance


System type; NTX = New, UTX = Used


Agreement that was attached to the rental record when rented

NMRP Retail

Used with NMRP


Current cost of item


The fee that will be charged, in addition to the replacement charge, for rentals not returned.

Total Rental

Current Rental Price plus Rebate Amount


Total Rental minus Store Retail.

A negative difference (in parentheses) indicates that the Total Rental amount is less the current retail, i.e., you will bring in less revenue renting the book that selling it.  This can be the result of an increase in the retail selling price without a corresponding increase in the rental price.  (see Bevington/Necessary Shakespeare in the example)

A positive difference indicates that the Total Rental (i.e, the revenue you will receive with the current rental price and the rebate) is more than the current retail selling price. This can be the result of a decrease in the retail selling price without a corresponding decrease in the rental price.  (see Appelrouth/Classical & Contemporary Sociology in the example)

A small difference of a few cents can be the result of textbook price rounding options on the store’s retail selling prices. (see Blei/Organic & Biochemistry in the example)

Rental Max

Maximum rental quantity set for the record in Rental Number Maintenance

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