Appendix Monsoon

Appendix Monsoon

Negative Payments

When the total receipts for any period net to a negative number, the marketplace vendor will take money out of the store’s bank account instead of making a deposit. To record the deduction, a pay out will be done at the cash register.


  1. Press the Pay In Pay Out Key

  2. Select Pay Out

  3. Select the ROA Refund from the list

  4. Enter the amount that amazon.com has taken out of your bank account, for example 2295

  5. Enter AMAZON.COM as the customer from whom you received negative notification.

  6. Select the customer’s account, e.g., AMAZON.COM, from the list (It will be the same as the customer’s name.)

  7. Enter the date from the email, if you wish, in the Req. Number field

  8. Click OK

  9. Select your automatic deposit tender (This tender is reserved for all direct deposits.)

  10. Enter the amount from Step d. in the Enter Tender Amount field

  11. Press Enter

Confirm your marketplace account balance, auto apply the credit, and make any necessary adjustments.

Don’t Want Payments to go through POS? Enter Payments in AR

If you do not enter payments for the money transfers at the cash register, you will enter payments in Accounts Receivable. AR payments are entered in Payment Entry at Jump 4122 (Receivables > Adjustments > Payments). You will enter information about the automatic deposit or the check in the header and attach the payment to the amazon.com customer and account in the detail.

 To enter a Payment:

  1. Access Payments, Jump 4122 (PrismCore > Accounting > Receivables > Adjustments > Payments)

  2. Click the Insert Record button

  3. The ‘Add New Payment’ dialog opens


  4.  Click OK to create the payment


To add detail lines to the payment:

  1. Right-click on the first line in the detail section and select Add Detail


  2. The ‘Payment Detail’ dialog opens.


  3. Enter information into the following fields:


  4. Select Post Payment option from the Option hammer

  5. Click Yes to the question, Are you sure?

  6. Click No to the question, Was this payment already entered in POS?


  7. Select No to create a journal entry for this payment or select Yes to prevent creation of a journal entry for this payment

 Confirm your marketplace account balance, apply the payment and make any necessary adjustments.

Reconciling Marketplace Payments

If there is a difference between the amounts shown as owed to the bookstore by the marketplace vendors and the bookstore, you will need to determine why.

Compare the payment amount to the Marketplace reconciliation report (sales and refunds) generated from PrismCore Ship Mail Order for the payment period. Compare all this to the Accounts Receivable aging report for that specific marketplace vendor for the same payment period. Verify that all reconcile to each other.

Run a detail payment report from the marketplace sites to help reconcile to Mail Order and AR. What can cause you to be out of balance?


  1. Did you account for the monthly fees charged by the marketplace vendor for selling items on their website?
    Some of the marketplace vendors deduct these fees from the money transfers.  The email notification from Amazon indicated that a seller fee of 39.99 was subtracted from the payment. If you have not recorded the fee, the amount that you show as owed to the bookstore from Amazon will be overstated. Add the fee amount to the closing balance listed on the transfer and enter this as the automatic deposit amount at the register; (which is the gross amount of the payment received). Then enter the fee amount as a pay-out. The pay-in minus the pay-out should equal the actual amount of the transfer.

    Some of the marketplace vendors charge the fees to your store’s credit card and send a check for the sales. Therefore, the payment amount does not need to be adjusted.

    If the marketplace vendor deducts the fee from the amount of your check, you will need to do an adjustment in Accounts Receivable for the fee amount.

  2. Have you recorded all of your refunds? Did you process a refund as a sale in Mail Order?
    To determine if you have recorded your refunds in PrismCore Mail Order, print the Marketplace Reconciliation report from Ship Mail Orders for amazon.com for the date range needed. Select refunds for the type. Compare this report to your amazon.com refunds on your Monsoon account. Are all refunds accounted for in PrismCore Mail Order? See the Monsoon documentation for listing refunds on Monsoon. Refunds for alibris.com, abebooks.com and half.com are processed on their respective websites, not on Monsoon. From their websites, compare processed refunds with refunds entered in PrismCore Mail Order.

  3. Have all of your marketplace sales been recorded in PrismCore?

    Generate the Marketplace Reconciliation report from Ship Mail Orders for the date range needed. Select sales for the type. Are all sales accounted for in PrismCore? Compare this report to your Monsoon listing of sales on Monsoon.



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