Refunds With AR

Refunds With AR

When a customer purchases an item via a marketplace website, the marketplace charges the customer's credit card and passes on payment, less a commission, to you, the seller. In any case where a refund is necessary, such as when you are out of stock and cannot ship, or when the customer returns an item, it is your responsibility to request that refund. You may issue full or partial refunds for an order. As of this writing (July 1, 2009), Amazon refunds may be completed on the Monsoon website. All other refunds will be done on the individual marketplace websites. Documentation for processing refunds on websites may be found in the Monsoon documentation.

Steps for refunds
1. Refund in Monsoon
2. Refund on Marketplace website (excluding Amazon)
3. Refund in MO

There are three possible scenarios that you will be dealing with in PrismCore Mail Order

• You have given the customer a complete refund.
• You have given the customer a refund for the book, but not the shipping.
• You have given the customer a partial refund such as a percentage off book or just shipping cost.

The procedure you will follow in PrismCore Mail Order varies depending on the situation. Follow the step-by-step instructions below for the appropriate situation.

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